Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Board (Adults,Health & Active Lifestyles) - Tuesday, 18th June, 2024 1.30 pm

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR

Contact: Angela Brogden 0113 378 8661  Email:

Link: to View Meeting Recording

No. Item

Co-opted Members present – Jane Mischenko and Jonathan Phillips


Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents

To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 25* of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded).


(* In accordance with Procedure Rule 25, notice of an appeal must be received in writing by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting).


There were no appeals.



Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

1.  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2.  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3.  If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-


RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:


  No exempt items have been identified.


There were no exempt items.



Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration.


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes.)


There were no late items.



Declaration of Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’.


No declarations of interests were made at the meeting.



Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes

To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutes.


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor J Gibson and Councillor A Rontree, with Councillor H Bithell attending as a substitute for Councillor Rontree.



Minutes - 12th March 2024 pdf icon PDF 358 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 12th March 2024.


RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 12th March 2024, be approved as an accurate record.



Co-opted Members pdf icon PDF 333 KB

To receive a report from the Head of Democratic Services on the appointment of co-opted members to the Scrutiny Board (Adults, Health and Active Lifestyles).


The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report regarding the appointment of co-opted members to the Scrutiny Board (Adults, Health and Active Lifestyles) in line with the arrangements detailed in the Council’s Constitution.


Members of the Board were reminded of the longstanding positive working relationship with Healthwatch Leeds in terms of appointing a non-voting co-opted member onto the Scrutiny Board. The Chair then paid tribute to the valuable contribution made by Dr John Beal who had filled this position over the last 10 years as the former Chair of Healthwatch Leeds.  It was agreed that the Chair would also write to Dr Beal to relay the Board’s thanks and best wishes for the future.


The Chair explained that for the current municipal year, Healthwatch Leeds have requested that this position be shared by the two Co-Chairs of Healthwatch Leeds (Jane Mischenko and Jonathan Phillips) as this approach will help to secure representation at each Board meeting.  In welcoming the attendance of both Co-Chairs to the Board’s June meeting, the Chair invited them to formally introduce themselves to the Board.



(a) That the Chair writes to Dr John Beal to relay the Board’s thanks for his valuable contribution to the work of Scrutiny over the last 10 years as the Scrutiny Board’s Healthwatch Leeds representative.


(b) That the Healthwatch Leeds non-voting co-opted member position on the Adults, Health and Active Lifestyles Scrutiny Board be shared by the two Co-Chairs of Healthwatch Leeds (Jane Mischenko and Jonathan Phillips) for the 2024/25 municipal year.



Scrutiny Board Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 324 KB

To receive a report from the Head of Democratic Services presenting the Scrutiny Board’s terms of reference.

Additional documents:


The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report which presented the Scrutiny Board’s terms of reference for Members information.


Appendix 3 of the report particularly helped to give an overview of how each of the council’s five individual Scrutiny Boards for the year had been aligned to Officer Delegated Functions and Executive Portfolios.


RESOLVED – That the Scrutiny Board’s terms of reference, be noted.



Local Authority Health Scrutiny pdf icon PDF 368 KB

To receive a report from the Head of Democratic Services associated with the discharge of the Boards special responsibility to fulfil the council’s statutory health scrutiny function.

Additional documents:


The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report associated with the  discharge of the Boards special responsibility to fulfil the council’s statutory health scrutiny function and scrutinising any matter relating to the planning, provision, and operation of local health services.


The Scrutiny Board (Adults, Health and Active Lifestyles) had been assigned to fulfil the council’s statutory health scrutiny function and so the report presented further information and guidance to assist the Board in undertaking this specific role.  In particular, Members were signposted to the new guidance document: Local Authority Health Scrutiny: Guidance to support local authorities and their partners to deliver effective health scrutiny (DHSC, 2024), which was published on 9th January 2024 and replaces/supersedes guidance of the same name published in June 2014.


Members were also presented with draft Terms of Reference for the Health Service Developments Working Group, which aims to provide a forum for health partners to present proposed service changes or developments at an early stage to help determine the level of engagement and/or consultation with the Scrutiny Board.


The report also provided details of the West Yorkshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and sought the Board’s nomination for two members to serve as the Board’s representatives on the Joint Committee for 2024/25.



(a) That the content of this report be noted.

(b) That the re-establishment of the Health Service Developments Working Group, in line with the Terms of Reference as presented at Appendix 1, be agreed.

(c) That Councillor A Scopes (Chair of the Board) and Councillor C Anderson be appointed as the Board’s representatives to serve on the West Yorkshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JHOSC) for the municipal year, 2024/25.



Sources of work and draft work schedule for 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 367 KB

To receive a report from the Head of Democratic Services on potential sources of work for the Scrutiny Board and presenting an initial draft work schedule for 2024/25.

Additional documents:


The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report regarding the potential sources of work for the Scrutiny Board.  The following information was appended to the report for Members’ consideration:


Ø  Appendix 1: Best City Ambition (2024 update)

Ø  Appendix 2: Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2030

Ø  Appendix 3: Healthy Leeds Plan 2023 – 2028 (Summary Document)

Ø  Appendix 4: Draft AHAL Scrutiny Board Work Schedule for 2024/25


The following were in attendance:


  Councillor Fiona Venner, Executive Member for Equality, Health and Wellbeing

  Councillor Salma Arif, Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles and Culture

  Caroline Baria, Director of Adults and Health

  Victoria Eaton, Director of Public Health

  Tim Fielding, Deputy Director of Public Health

  Shona McFarlane, Deputy Director Social Work and Social Care Service

  Jane Walne, Chief Officer Operations and Active Leeds

  Steve Baker, Head of Active Leeds

  Tim Ryley, ICB Accountable Officer (Leeds Place)

  Sara Munro, Chief Executive, Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

  James Goodyear, Director of Strategy, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

  Selina Douglas, Chief Executive, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

  Sam Prince, Executive Director of Operations, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust


The Chair invited those present to introduce themselves and to outline key issues and potential areas of work for the Scrutiny Board to undertake during the current municipal year.


The Chair also invited Board Members to raise any questions and share their views on potential areas of work for the Scrutiny Board to undertake this year.


In summary, the following potential areas of work were raised:


Ø  Reviewing the local impact of future national health related policies post General Election, with regular briefings being facilitated by the ICB Accountable Officer (Leeds Place).

Ø  Exploring and addressing barriers to physical activity in the most deprived areas of the city, as well as for people with disabilities.

Ø  Receiving the latest Public Health Annual Report.

Ø  Maintaining an overview of progress in delivering the budgeted savings and efficiency/investment measures within the Adults and Health and Active Leeds service areas for 2024/25.

Ø  Tracking delivery of the Community Mental Health Transformation and Crisis Transformation Programmes.

Ø  Reviewing methods to help increase the take up of direct payments, to be considered within the broader context of the Council’s Personalisation Offer.

Ø  Following up on the Board’s earlier discussions in September 2023 in terms of reviewing access to General Practice.

Ø  Seeking assurances around the Leeds Health and Care System Resilience and Winter Planning.

Ø  Continuing to review workforce challenges impacting on health and care service delivery in Leeds.

Ø  Undertaking a whole systems review aimed at tackling neurodiversity assessment waiting lists for children and adults.

Ø  Seeking assurance surrounding the Council’s preparations linked to the new Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessment framework.

Ø  Reviewing how all partners are contributing towards tackling health inequalities, including progress in delivering the Marmot City programme and relevant workstreams within the Healthy Leeds Plan, as well as exploring  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Performance Update pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To receive a joint report from the Director of Adults and Health, the Director of Public Health and the Director of City Development that provides an overview of outcomes and service performance related to the Council and city priorities within the remit of the Adults, Health and Active Lifestyles Scrutiny Board.


The joint report submitted by the Director of Adults and Health, the Director of Public Health and the Director of City Development provided an overview of outcomes and service performance related to the Council and city priorities within the remit of the Adults Health and Active Lifestyles Scrutiny Board.


The following were in attendance:


  Councillor Fiona Venner, Executive Member for Equality, Health and Wellbeing

  Councillor Salma Arif, Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles and Culture

  Caroline Baria, Director of Adults and Health

  Victoria Eaton, Director of Public Health

  Tim Fielding, Deputy Director of Public Health

  Shona McFarlane, Deputy Director Social Work and Social Care Service

  Jane Walne, Chief Officer Operations and Active Leeds

  Steve Baker, Head of Active Leeds

  Rob Wood, Head of Intelligence and Performance, Adults and Health


In consideration of the report, the Board discussed a number of matters in more detail, across Adult Social Care, Public Health and Active Lifestyles, including the following:


Public Health

·  Infant mortality rates – Members were advised that the IM rate in Leeds, which is calculated by dividing the number of deaths in children under one per 1000 live births, is highest for both the most and least affluent deciles. With the risk of infant death typically increasing with greater levels of maternal deprivation, the Board discussed possible factors surrounding the higher rates found in the most affluent cohort. However, Members noted the difficulty in drawing definitive conclusions given that IM rates are generally very small but were assured that the Council is continuing to monitor the data closely.

·  Vaccine hesitancy – Members discussed the potential use of key performance data to help alleviate concerns and address vaccine hesitancy.

·  Childhood obesity – In recognition that children with obesity are very likely to be adults with obesity, importance was placed on continuing to reduce existing levels of childhood obesity.

·  NHS health checks – The Board welcomed the significant increase in the uptake of NHS health checks that are offered to people aged 40-74yrs and particularly for those prioritised to be most at risk.


Adult Social Care

·  Rate of care home admissions for people aged 18-64 – Members were advised that the increased admission rate for this cohort primarily relates to individuals with a learning disability being admitted to residential rather than nursing homes. The Board discussed contributing factors linked to the increased rate and were also assured of processes in place within the service to help identify appropriate supported living arrangements for these individuals.

·  The care and support market in Leeds – The Board was advised that while the role of the care and support market in Leeds remains a key factor, it does not feature as a reported performance measure.  However, Members were assured that it is considered and monitored by the Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board in accordance with its governance role.

·  Acknowledging the vital role of the Third Sector – Members were advised that while prevention and early intervention  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Date and Time of Next Meeting

Tuesday, 9 July 2024 at 1:30pm (pre-meeting for all Board Members at 1:00pm)


RESOLVED – To note the next meeting of the Adults, Health and Active Lifestyles Scrutiny Board is scheduled for Tuesday, 9th July 2024 at 1:30pm (pre-meeting for all Board Members at 1.00 pm)