The Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory
submitted a report for Members’ consideration on an
application for the grant of a premises licence, made by One Stop
Stores Limited, for One Stop 64-66 Cross Gates Road, Cross Gates,
Leeds, LS15 7NN
Attending the meeting were:
- Hardish Purewal,
Licensing Manager, Tesco Group
- Daniel Harris, Area
Manager, One Stop
- Angela Chapman, Store
Manager/Proposed DPS
- Mrs. Shires, Public
- Mrs. Brogden, Public
The Legal Officer explained the procedure for
the hearing.
The Licensing Officer presented the
application informing the Members of the following points:
- The application had
been made by One Stop Stores Ltd and was a new application for a
new premises.
- Responsible
authorities and Ward Members had been consulted on the
- Agreements with EPT
and WYP had been reached and proposed conditions from both
authorities had been attached to the operating schedule.
- In summary, the
application was for sale by retail of alcohol for consumption off
the premises every day from 6:00 to 23:00.
- A copy of the
application form was available at appendix A, a map of the locality
was available at appendix B, agreement with EPT at appendix C,
agreement with WYP at appendix D, public representations at
appendix E, and other local licensed premises at appendix F.
- There were 7
submitted objection comments which expressed concerns regarding
crime and disorder and nuisance, one objector held fear of
The applicant’s representative provided
the following information:
- The application had
been made in order to sell alcohol as part of the stock for a new
convenience store.
- The area manager had
been in post for 10 years and their jurisdiction covered 27 stores
across the district of Leeds.
- The store manager and
proposed DPS had worked for One Stop since 2005 and had 6 years of
store management experience. They would be the point of contact for
residents and lived nearby the premises.
- One Stop operated 700
stores nationally, had over 10,000 employees. 300 of the shops were
franchised but this store would not be.
- The model of shop was
convenience and to top up on supermarket shopping, alcohol was
proposed to be sold to supplement other products and each One Stop
was tailored to local needs. The shop was expected to open in
October 2023.
- Staff for the shop
had been recruited from the local area and were in the process of
being trained by the store manager, this included stocking,
security and sales and would be refreshed when necessary.
- The store would
operate a good neighbour policy and run initiatives such as raising
money for charity and running food bank donations. It was noted
that the store would be happy to join resident organisations and
work with the community.
- A good relationship
with WYP was outlined, with the licensing manager being in liaison
with local Officers and was a direct contact for them should any
issues arise.
- The licensing manager
was involved with a standards group for the industry and provided
guidance for small shops regarding responsible sales of
- To responsibly sell
alcohol, the One Stop organisation was involved with the Portman
Group and Drink Aware and operated high standards to ensure public
safety and no sales to people under the legal age, as well as
Challenge 25.
- Any new public health
or Home Office policy and guidance regarding alcohol sales were
privately audited by One Stop and training standards were noted to
always be followed.
- The concerns that
alcohol will be sold to drunk people expressed in objection
comments were addressed, noting staff will be trained on licensing
objectives, empowering staff to be able to make the right call. The
till will bring up a reminder of policy when alcohol is scanned,
and details of all checked ID’s will be recorded.
- Security measures
were outlined as, robust CCTV with screens displayed at the door
and checkout, spirits will be stored behind the counter and
security panic alarms and instant door locks were installed at all
One Stop locations.
- The prices for
alcohol were set nationally by the organisation.
- In reaching agreement
with EPT and WYP, the licensed hours had been adjusted and
appropriate conditions, such as litter picks were attached.
- Any issues local
residents may raise can be dealt via the chain of command through
the organisation, beginning with the store manager and then higher
depending on the severity of a potential incident or concern.
- There was no concern
for anti-social behaviour raised by WYP or EPT.
- The application
should be determined on its own merits and reference to other
businesses in objections were not relevant to this case.
Responding to questions from Members the
Sub-Committee were informed the following by the applicant
- It was confirmed that
the premises was not within a Cumulative Impact Area which had been
referenced in objection comment 7.
- The ‘mag
safe’ door locks were to be used if a potentially threatening
or dangerous person tries to enter the premisses with one button
automatically locking the doors. The staff safe lanyards can be
used to contact a remote security team should a staff member feel
- The proposed DPS had
been involved in provision for foodbanks and the Pudsey Community
Project as part of their role at a different One Stop store.
- All efforts to
mitigate anti-social behaviour will be implemented to limit
disturbance to residents and keep staff safe who may be leaving
work late at night.
- The hours starting
from 6:00 had been applied for as the world operates on a 24 hour
schedule and people coming off a night shift may want a drink after
their shift when they return home. Alcohol would not be sold to
drunk people in the morning.
- Most customers were
expected to travel to the shop on foot and the majority were
expected to be from the local area.
- The premises was
currently a vacant shop.
- It was outlined that
trading hours were discussed regularly with the regional manager
and if a store manager felt there were issues WYP or high
management will be contacted. Hours may also be varied if trade was
The objecting parties addressed the
Sub-Committee providing the Members with the following
- Concern regarding the
hours of sale were expressed with 6:00 being very early to begin
sales and 23:00 being late. Shops within the locality seemed to
close around 21:00 due to nuisance.
- The premises was
located on a dual carriageway with residential housing opposite
leading to the potential for unsafe and inconsiderate parking.
- The congregation of
groups of people late at night outside shops had led to feelings of
- A nearby house had
been burglarised recently and late night sale of alcohol may
attract undesirable people to the residential area.
- The area had
experienced disturbance late into the night with underage drinking
on the streets.
- The early hours for
sale may impact young people negatively and expose children to
irresponsible alcohol use.
- There had previously
been a wine shop on the street which had closed earlier that
licensed due to drunk people creating disturbance.
- People will only shop
for alcohol in the later hours which will contribute to street
Responding to questions from Members the
following information was provided by the objecting responsible
- Members noted local
stores were licensed until similar hours but in response it was
outlined these stores often close earlier due to nuisance
- The sale of alcohol
later in the evening was worse than morning sales from observation
of other local shops.
In summing up, the applicant’s
representative outlined the following:
- The local objection
allowed the applicant team to hold themselves to a higher standard
and would be happy to hold open conversations with residents.
- Policies and
practises were robust to ensure responsible sale of alcohol.
- There was no evidence
of bad practise or cause for major concern for the opening of this
store and responsible authorities had not objected.
- The Thwaites case was
referenced as the case should be judged on its own merit and not
against any comparable local business.
- The store wanted to
be a part of the community, serving local people convenience.
RESOLVED – To grant the license,
as applied for, including the conditions and operating schedule as
agreed with West Yorkshire Police and the Environmental Protection