Agenda item

Pre-application 24/00010 - Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds, LS1 4PL

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a pre-application presentation for a purpose built student accommodation development including a mixed offer of cluster and studio units, totalling c.717 units and associated residential amenity spaces.




The report of the Chief Planning Officer informed Members of a pre-application presentation regarding proposals for a purpose built student accommodation development including a mixed offer of cluster and studio units totalling c717 units and associated amenity spaces at Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds.


Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the presentation.  Members had visited the site prior to the meeting.


The applicant’s representatives gave the Panel a presentation.  The following was highlighted:


·  The proposals were still at the early design stage.  The wider setting of the area had been taken into account with regards to listed buildings, conservation area and the local Neighbourhood Forum.

·  Proximity to the universities and safe walking routes.

·  There had been detailed dialogue with Planning Officers during the development of the proposals.

·  There would be amenity provision in excess of guidance at ground floor level.

·  The main entrance would be set back from the street and all access would be security controlled and have CCTV.

·  Details of the upper floor accommodation and examples of typical room layouts.

·  Rooms would have floor to ceiling windows to maximise daylight.

·  Analysis undertaken had shown that there would be no impact to key views from the site.

·  Design and materials – further design work had been undertaken and inspiration was taken from historic buildings and other developments in the area.

·  There would be green roofs and roof terraces.  The development would use air source heat pumps and have photovoltaic panels.

·  There would be an are of public realm on Marlborough Street which would provide opportunities for social interaction.  There would be softer landscaping on Duncombe Street with opportunities for a pocket park and formal play area.  There would also be soft and hard landscaping in an external courtyard to the building.

·  Views from the approaches to the site were displayed.

·  The proposals would provide a sustainable, high quality scheme with enhanced landscaping in a gateway position.


In response to questions and comments from the Panel, discussion included the following:


·  Concerns regarding the loss of existing trees.  It was confirmed that 15 of the 19 trees on the site would be removed.  There would be mitigation planting in the courtyard and an enhanced public realm.

·  The current building on site was not suitable for re-use.  The proposed footprint for the new building would enable the public realm improvements and there were other technical considerations including the positioning of sewerage pipes.

·  The proposed new building would be set back further from Duncombe Street and closer to the A58.  This would enable further space for public realm works.

·  The proposed building would improve surveillance in the area.

·  The proposals were at an early design stage and the relation of the development to nearby residential properties was explained with regards to levels and how the building would be stepped back.

·  The new public realm space would include areas to the Duncombe Street side.  This would be achieved by having the building closer to the A58.

·  The building would be exclusively for student use.

·  Concerns regarding another student accommodation development on the fringe of the city centre and what impacts this may have on other facilities due to students only being there for part of the year.

·  The scale of the proposals seemed appropriate but there was concern regarding the loss of trees.

·  In response to questions set out in the report, the following was discussed:

o  Subject to confirmation of detailed proposals, most Members supported the end use of the site for Purpose Built Student Accommodation.

o  With regard to the emerging appearance, scale and setting to the proposed building, there was some concern regarding the impact on Marlborough Grange and it was queried whether the proposals at that side could be scaled down as well as set back.  It was reported that proposals were still subject to wind testing before final details were confirmed.

o  Members supported the emerging relationship to the existing residential premises to the north.

o  Members had concern regarding the loss of trees to facilitate the proposed development.  While the loss of the U graded trees was felt acceptable it was felt that these should be replaced on site.


RESOLVED – That the report and presentation be noted.



Supporting documents: