Agenda item

Outer North West Community Committee Finance Report

This report provides the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2024/25.


The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2024/25.


The Locality Officer presented the report and informed the Community Committee of the following:

·  Members were asked to review the minimum conditions for the Committee as set out at Paragraph 14 of the submitted report and either amend or agree them.

·  The Committee has a remaining Wellbeing balance of £78,943.09. A full breakdown of the projects was listed in Table 1 of the report.

·  Since the last meeting on March 11th, the Committee had made delegated decisions on two projects, no projects had been declined.

·  Monitoring information on all projects had been collected and was available on request.

·  The Committee had a balance of £36,484.54 in the Youth Activity Fund and Table 2 of the submitted report provided a breakdown of projects to date.

·  It was proposed that the Community Committee would have a Small Grants and Skips Budget of £6,500.00 and Table 3 in the report showed the projects allocated to date.

·  The Outer North West Community Committee has a remaining capital budget of £33,191.80 available to spend. Members were asked to note the capital allocation broken down by ward and summarised in Table 4.

·  The Committee was asked to note that there is a remaining balance of £346,769.09 in the CIL Budget. Table 5 summarised the allocation per ward. It was noted that the CIL budget for Horsforth goes to the Horsforth Town Council.

·  Members were asked to consider the projects listed at Paragraphs 30 to 43 of the submitted report.


Members discussions included:

·  It was noted that the YAF budget would be split four ways between the wards. However, if there was money left by December 2024, this amount would be put back into the fund, for projects to be considered by the Children and Families Sub-Group.

·  Members requested monitoring information from organisations applying for funding, as to where people were travelling from to attend the projects. Members suggested that the Locality Officer could advise future applicants that this information would be requested by the Members of the Committee before they considered funding projects. It was the view of the Councillors that this would assist them to evidence how the projects were benefitting residents and identify any gaps in wards. 

·  The Ward Members of Otley and Yeadon raised concerns in relation to the costs of CCTV in their ward, given the smaller budget that Community Committees are now receiving. They suggested they would meet with Leedswatch to discuss options.

·  In relation to the Rawdon Community Library Main Door and Frontage application, Cllr Edwards declared a non-pecuniary interest as he volunteers at the library. Members asked for clarification if Rawdon Parish Council were also providing funding for this project. It was noted that the Community Library had also been funding raising towards this project. The Committee were advised that the Community Library provide not only provide a library service but also provided a wide range of activities and hosted groups as well as being an open space for all and a warm space in winter.

·  It was clarified that the project suggested by Jungle Kids Ltd was open to all children.



a.  Review and note the minimum conditions for municipal year 2024/25 (paragraph 14)

b. Note details of the Wellbeing Budget position (Table 1)

c. Funding proposals for consideration and approval (paragraphs 30-43) Outcomes on decisions noted below:






Small Grants & Skips

LCC Communities Team

All Wards


(£1,500.00 per ward and £2,000 from Otley and Yeadon) Wellbeing


Community Engagement

LCC Communities Team

All Wards


(£125.00 per ward) Wellbeing


Horsforth CCTV Cameras 2024/25






Otley & Yeadon CCTV Cameras 2024/25


Otley & Yeadon



Deferred for further information

Rawdon Community Library Main Door and Frontage

Rawdon Community Library

Otley & Yeadon/ Guiseley & Rawdon/ Horsforth

£7,902.40 (£2,634.13 per ward) – CIL (Horsforth Wellbeing)

Deferred for further information

ONW Youth Summit 2024/25

LCC Communities Team

All Wards

£2,000.00 (£500 per ward) - YAF


Codswallop Creative Young People's Groups

Codswallop CIC

Guiseley & Rawdon

£7,970.00 YAF

Deferred for further information

Art Camp @ Westgate Primary school 2024/25

Art Camp UK

All Wards

£4,950.00 YAF

Deferred for further information

Horsforth Music Centre Summer School

Horsforth Music Centre

All Wards

£2,753.98 YAF

Deferred for further information

Summer Art Club

Horsforth Art Society


£1,700.00 YAF


Music Production Workshop



£5,050.00 YAF


Jungle Kids funding disadvantaged children

Jungle Kids Ltd

Adel & Wharfedale

£2950.00 YAF


ONW Holiday Projects 2024-25

Leeds Youth Service (WNW)

All Wards

£1,295.00 YAF




d. Note details of the projects approved via Delegated Decision (paragraph 20-21)

e. Note monitoring information of its funded projects (paragraph 22-23)

f. Note details of the Youth Activities Fund (YAF) position (Table 2)

g. Note details of the Small Grants and Skips Budget (Table 3)



Supporting documents: