Agenda item

Update Report

To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Locality Partnerships regarding an update of the work which the Communities Team is engaged in, based on priorities identified by the Community Committee. It also provides opportunities for further questioning, or to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.


The report also provides regular updates on some of the key activities between Community Committee meetings and functions delegated to Community Committees, Community Champions roles, community engagement, partnership and locality working.



The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provided an update of the work which the Communities Team is engaged in, based on priorities identified by the Community Committee. It also provided an opportunity for further questioning, or to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.


The report also provided regular updates on some of the key activities between the Community Committee meetings and functions delegated to Community Committees, Community Champion roles, community engagement, partnership and locality working.


The report included an appendix detailing some of the Inner East Community Committee social media engagement and posts.


The following appointments were made to sub-groups:


Number of places


Community Committee Champion

Inner East Environment and Community Safety


A Khan

J Tudor

S Arif

A Khan

Inner East Children and Young People


N Manaka

K Dye

A Ali

N Manaka


The Leeds City Council’s Anti-social behaviour Team Supervisor and the East Leeds Inspector West Yorkshire Police attended the meeting. The police representative provided the Community Committee with an update on the serious and acquisitive crime demand data, including a breakdown for each ward in the Inner East Community Committee area. A breakdown of statistics is included in the submitted report. Members were also provided with an update on the following:


Burmantofts and Richmond Hill area

·  The SmartWater initiative which is currently being rolled out.

·  In general, there has been an increase in burglaries and robberies in the Burmantofts and Richmond Hill ward. Particularly in the Nowells area, garages and shared buildings are being targeted. A crime prevention officer will be undertaking work in the area.

·  The key times for robberies and thefts are 4-7pm and 11pm-3am. There have been no repeat demand occasions.

·  Key times for theft from motor vehicles is 2-5am and typically overnight offences. The police are encouraging residents to lock windows and vehicles, and not leave any personal belongings on show. It was noted that opportunist thieves look for easy targets.

·  There has been a general spike in the Saxtons area, and an officer is covering this area to look at on-going issues.

·  Operation Anthenmill targeting street gangs in Burmantofts has been successful and there has been a massive reduction in violence.


Gipton and Harehills

·  There has been a general reduction in robberies in the area, and there has been a huge police presence on the ground.

·  The key times for robberies are 4-7am.

·  There is a repeated trend with vehicle crime in the area, and key times are 10pm-3am.

·  The PSPO for the Harehills area has been renewed. It was also confirmed that a dispersal order has been put in place in the Harehills area due to increased reports of anti-social behaviour. The order provides the police with further powers regarding dispersal, and immediate action. At present, 32 people have been warned, and 6 people have been issued with tickets. 5 people have been arrested during the operation due to substantive drug supply and drink-driving. 1 person has been arrested for breaching the PSPO dispersal.

·  Anti-social behaviour key times are 6-10:30pm.

·  There is work on-going with the Clear, Hold, Build initiative within Harehills.


Killingbeck and Seacroft

·  There has been an overall reduction in crime.

·  There has been an increase in burglaries in the area. 5 extra compared to 2023. Key times for burglaries are 10pm-6am for residential, and 11pm – 2am for retail. 1 arrest has been made regarding ASDA.

·  Key times for insecure properties and forced entry are 4am-9pm.

·  Key times for anti-social behaviour are 4-8pm, with several repeat offences. Youth related anti-social behaviour is between 6-10pm with demand around retail premises.

·  A lot of work is on-going to tackle drug supply in the area.

·  There is a visible reduction of motorcycle offences in the area, and operation dieselcrest is on-going. 14 arrests have been made regarding motor vehicle offences.


Overall, it is reported that there has been a general increase in anti-social behaviour demand in Inner East Leeds, although it was noted that youth crime has reduced.


There is also work on-going with temporary CCTV cameras, mosques, and other faith venues.


Priorities for Inner East Leeds are tackling serious organised crime criminality and addressing urban street gangs / organised crime groups, including reports of drug supply. There have been several operations to tackle associated issues and support vulnerable residents to protect them against exploitation against organised crime criminality. PCSOs are also working closely with the community.


The Committee discussed the following:

·  Effectiveness of the PSPO and clarity on whether additional resources are being deployed. It was confirmed that 2 additional teams are being deployed to ensure that there is continued police presence to tackle street drinking and anti-social behaviour. It is hoped that the new dispersal order will help mitigate on-going street dealing issues.

·  Clarity on initiatives in place to reduce anti-social behaviour and crime.

·  To ensure signs are available in different languages.

·  Reported arrests relate to individual operations that have taken place. Officers focused on key offenders.


The Chair commented on the good work that is going on across all the Inner East Community Committee areas.


RESOLVED – To note the contents of the report and update provided during the meeting.


Supporting documents: