Agenda item

Inner South Community Committee - Finance Report

To consider the report of the Head of Locality Partnerships which provides an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy budget for 2024/25.


The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund (YAF), Capital Budget as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2024/25.


The Localities Officer presented the report, outlining the following information:

  • The remaining wellbeing budget balance was detailed on page 30 of the report, with table 1 displaying the Ward breakdown as, Beeston & Holbeck £49,589.73, Hunslet & Riverside £46,671.98 and Middleton Park £52,549.10.
  • There had been three applications approved by delegated decision since the last Committee meeting which were for Hunslet Youth Group Rent Costs for £1,440 (wellbeing) from Hunslet & Riverside, Belle Isle Kicks for £3,056 (YAF) from Middleton Park and Sussex Green Vegetation Clearance for £1,170 (CIL) from Hunslet & Riverside.
  • The YAF position budget position was available in table 2 at page 41 of the report, with the Ward breakdown as Beeston & Holbeck £10,933.39, Hunslet & Riverside £14,848.20 and Middleton Park £20,075.66.
  • The Small Grants and Community Skips budget was available on page 42 of the report, contained within table 3 and 4.
  • The Capital budget was detailed at page 42 of the report, contained in table 5 with the Ward breakdown as Beeston & Holbeck £4,489.57, Hunslet & Riverside £8,316.05 and Middleton Park £3,475.86. a further injection of approximately £8,000 was anticipated.
  • The remaining CIL budget balance was available on page 43 of the report, and detailed at table 6, with the Ward breakdown as Beeston & Holbeck £50,582.71, Hunslet & Riverside £83,633.49 and Middleton Park £3,963.42. A further injection was expected, which the Localities Officer was to follow up and confirm the anticipated figure for Members.


During consideration of the Finance Report, the following was discussed:

  • The proposed ringfence for CCTV cameras was deferred in order to gather further information related to the camera resolution and WYP statistics to measure their effectiveness and scrutinise their worth. It was agreed by Members that if the CCTV cameras met their suitability specifications, they were content to approve by delegated decision.
  • The ringfence of £5,000 to the Beeston Hill Priority Neighbourhood was declined as Members requested more information regarding future project proposals.
  • With the recommendation to review and agree the Community Committee’s Minimum conditions, the following amendment was proposed and agreed. – That if Members are notified of an application and given a timescale to respond, if Members do not respond in this timescale to take their decision the application was declined. However, if a majority in the ward (2 Members) support the application then this will be approved as the majority supported the proposal.
  • Half of the requested £6,750 was agreed for the Hunslet Corinthians Juniors project. There was a request to review the organisation’s operations and their sustainability plans.
  • The funding for the Summer Activity Days application was amended as £1,500 and a breakdown of costs was requested.
  • The funding for the Summer Bands in Cross Flatts Park application was agreed, however, a sustainability plan was requested.
  • The requested funding for the three Out of Schools Programme applications (one for each Ward), increased from £3,195 to £3,465 and was agreed. To assess value for money and the number and diversity of the children the programme engaged with, a breakdown of cost and an engagement report was requested.
  • The funding for the Middleton Park Activity Days 2024 was agreed. A follow up regarding the dates of the events was requested to seek clarity as to whether the event will clash with the Breeze Festival.
  • The SID installation – Moor Road LS10 application was declined as Members noted that the average speed for this stretch of road was 28mph and alternative methods such as Police enforcement may be more effective. Repurposing SIDs from locations where issues were less frequent was also suggested.
  • The funding for the Involve Community Centre notice board was agreed. It was noted that the cost of these models of signage had increased but the quality of materials had improved. The procurement of the materials was queried, and it was suggested that Leeds Wood Recycling may be a good organisation to contact in the future.



a. That the Minimum Conditions be reviewed and agreed, subject to Member’s amendment (paragraph 15)

a) Consultation must be undertaken with all committee/relevant ward members prior to a delegated decision being taken, However should no response be received from the majority of Members contacted, then this matter will be deemed as non approved by delegated decision and referred to the next Committee meeting.

b) A delegated decision must have support from a majority of the community committee elected members represented on the committee (or in the case of funds delegated by a community committee to individual wards, a majority of the ward councillors). However, if a formal objection is received from a Member as part of the consultation process, then that application will be brought before the committee for determination; and

c) Details of any decisions taken under such delegated authority will be reported to the next available community committee meeting for members’ information.

b. That the details regarding the administration of small grants, be noted (paragraph 18)

c. That the details of the Wellbeing Budget position, be noted (Table 1)

d. That the Wellbeing/CIL ringfence proposals for consideration and approval, be noted (paragraph 20)

e. That funding proposals as detailed in the report for consideration, be determined as follows:


The following ringfences were agreed:


£900 to support Community Engagement Activities. Allocation by ward is proposed as follows: (Beeston & Holbeck: £300, Hunslet & Riverside: £300, Middleton Park: £300)



£10,000 (CIL) for Hunslet & Riverside Improvements



£3,000 (£1,000 per ward) for the Inner South Youth Summit


Project Title





Inner South Colostomy Shelves


Beeston & Holbeck, Hunslet & Riverside & Middleton Park


 £360 – Beeston & Holbeck: £90 (Capital), Hunslet & Riverside: £180 (CIL), Middleton Park £90 (Wellbeing)





Hunslet Carr Backstop Netting


Hunslet & Riverside






Friends of Middleton Park Summer programme



Middleton Park





Hunslet Corinthians Juniors



Middleton Park


£3,375 of requested 




Part Agreed


Litter Picking Kits Grants - The Big Clean Up Campaign



Hunslet & Riverside









Hunslet Square – Play Markings



Hunslet & Riverside






Kidz Klub Residentials and 3 day Play Out sessions


Beeston & Holbeck






Kidz Klub Residential and enriching trips out application



Hunslet & Riverside







Hunslet Club Eco Gym

Hunslet & Riverside






Summer Activity Days

Middleton Park

£1,500 of requested £1,935



Part agreed


Upgrading Clubhouse Facilities


Beeston & Holbeck, Hunslet & Riverside and Middleton Park







Summer Bands in Cross Flatts Park



Beeston & Holbeck and Hunslet & Riverside


£2,971 (£1,485.50 per ward)




Premier League KICKS



Beeston & Holbeck






Hunslet & Riverside Out of Schools programme




Hunslet & Riverside





Middleton Park Out of Schools programme



Middleton Park





Beeston & Holbeck Out of Schools programme



Beeston & Holbeck






Cardinal Square Playing Field Activity Day



Beeston & Holbeck





Hunslet Moor Activity Day 2024


Hunslet & Riverside






Hunslet Church Street playing fields

Hunslet & Riverside







Middleton Park Activity Days 2024


Middleton Park





SID installation – Moor Road LS10

Hunslet & Riverside





Community Well-being and Connecting communities Day Trip



Beeston & Holbeck and Hunslet & Riverside

£2,310 (Beeston & Holbeck: £693 and Hunslet & Riverside: £1,617)




Involve Community Centre notice board




Hunslet & Riverside







f. That the Wellbeing/YAF/CIL proposals for consideration and approval, be noted (paragraph 29)

g. That the details of the projects approved via Delegated Decision, be noted (paragraph 52)

h. That the monitoring information of its funded projects, be noted (paragraph 54)

i. That the details of the Youth Activities Fund position, be noted (Table 2)

j. That the details of the Small Grants Budget, be noted (Table 3)

k. That the details of the Community Skips Budget, be noted (Table 4)

l. That the details of the Capital Budget, be noted (Table 5)

m. That the details of the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget, be noted (Table 6)


Supporting documents: