Agenda item

The Annual Standards Report

To consider a report from the Director of Children and Families that presents Scrutiny with performance data for pupils in Leeds in 2023 that has been externally validated following the statutory assessments and examinations which took place in 2023.


The Board considered a report from the Director of Children and Families that presented Scrutiny with externally validated performance data for pupils in Leeds in 2023 following the statutory assessments and examinations which took place in 2023.


In attendance for this item were:


·  Councillor Helen Hayden, Executive Board Member for Children and Families

·  Dan Barton , Deputy Director – Learning

·  Becky Lawrence, 0-19 School Improvement Consultant



The Executive Board Member for Children and Families introduced the report setting out that this report is focussed on results from 2023, which have been validated and verified.


In addition, the Deputy Director – Learning highlighted secondary school outcomes and positive performance on Progress 8 which highlights progress on SATs to GCSE, in Leeds the progress 8 score is 0.12 which is a significant achievement but is not cause for complacency as it is an aggregate figure and does not mean that there aren’t pockets of concern around performance in some areas of the city. SEND performance was also highlighted as an area for further work and it was noted that the development of a learning partnership would be a positive initiative to deliver further improvement in performance city wide.


Responding to comments and question the following issues were raised:


·  Whilst welcoming the Progress 8 performance the Chair noted that primary performance is a contributor to this in that primary school performance is not as high and that progress is good at secondary but can often mean that academic progression is not always achieved due to starting from a relatively low base at SATs. It was acknowledged that attainment at all levels is also a priority, but that Attainment 8 is above national average and that in the majority of cases young people are accessing positive post 16 destinations at the end of their time in secondary schools.

·  The Executive Board Member for Children and Families noted the positive performance at secondary schools and the hard work done at primary stage. Post 16 provision was noted as an area for reform with a need to adjust some attitudes to attainment at age 16, learning being a process that goes on throughout life and value added progress should be acknowledged and destinations at post 16 supported and praised even if placements are not always at level 4.

·  The Board asked about performance amongst the cohort of children accessing free school meals. In response the Board heard that around a quarter to a third of pupils within most year groups in Leeds schools meet the Government’s “disadvantaged” criteria, that is they have had a period of free school meal eligibility during the last six years, or are looked after or adopted. The performance of this cohort in Leeds tends to be lower than for pupils nationally who share the same characteristic. Pupils in Leeds who are not disadvantaged typically have outcomes in line with non-disadvantaged pupils nationally. Where support has been provided to a school by the learning improvement service this tends to be impactful, but the capacity of the service means that there is a limit to the number of schools that can be supported.

·  The Board noted plans for a system led approach to early years provision and that it is an item already identified for the work programme later in the year. It was also noted that there is a focus on from conception support to tackle inequalities and have children school ready when entering nursery and reception.

·  The Board debated Early Years performance and the need to improve further despite some increases achieved in 2023. The Board acknowledged the impact of Covid on children but it was also accepted that the pandemic did impact the country as a whole so there is a need to work as a city towards achieving national standards at foundation level.





The Board unanimously agreed the following, to:


a)  Note the performance against headline measures for pupils in Leeds in 2023 in comparison to national data.

b)  Note the actions taken by local authority services to support maintained schools and academies in their work to improve outcomes in Leeds.


(Moved by Cllr Cohen and Seconded by Cllr Edwards)


Supporting documents: