Agenda item

Leeds Streets for All

The report of the Chief Officer, Highways and Transportation is to brief ward members on the Leeds Streets for All consultation findings.


The report of the Chief Officer, Highways and Transportation was to brief ward members on the Leeds Streets for All consultation findings.


Officers presenting the report provided the following information:

·  The consultation had last six weeks and had asked what the community in Inner West wanted to see. The Data had been input to the system and the report issued for the Community Committee’s feedback.

·  Feedback on the approach, the process, and the details in the report provided by Inner West Community Committee was important if this structure was to be rolled out across all ten Community Committees.

·  Traditionally it had been larger schemes which had been consulted on, however, it was noted that smaller local schemes were just as important if not more so to communities.

·  It is proposed that the Leeds Streets for All will evolve over the years, and it was important for communities to become involved to ensure that the right investment in the community was ready to go, for when funding becomes available.


Discussions included:

·  The proposed changes to Armley Town Street. The impact on the businesses, the consultation process for this scheme, and the impact on the surrounding area. The Localities Team were requested to check for updates and next stages of the changes for Armley Town Street and feedback. It was noted that an Armley Town Street Partnership has been set up. Ward Members requested an invite to future meetings.

·  It was noted that the Chair of Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment and Inclusive Growth) is looking at the consultation process as it is not effective enough on demographics. And understanding the impact these have on conclusions drawn from the results.

·  It was noted that during the consultation period the website had not been working properly and this could be an issue and may put people off providing their views.

·  The Street Charter Meetings which include the involvement of disabled groups should be updated with information, as this could assist with the process.

·  Members raised concerns in relation to the issues of parking especially in relation to untaxed vehicles and the delay in getting information from DVLA. It was noted that local authorities have powers to remove illegally parked vehicles. However, there was a need to have a reactive service to tackle the issue of illegally parked cars. It was suggested that the Locality Officer email the Principal Scrutiny Adviser for Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment and Inclusive Growth) to look at this for a potential item on the Boards work programme. Also checks to made to see if the CCTV van is back in service.

·  Lighting on access routes to Kirkstall Forge Station are not good for those travelling on foot from the Bramley area. Members were advised that this issue was being looked at. It was recognised that work had been done in the city centre to address lighting and make the city centre safe. However, there is a need for discussions to take place with the Executive Member for Communities, Customer Service and Community Safety to address the outer ring of the city centre to ensure there is adequate lighting and that routes are safe for pedestrians.

·  The Committee acknowledged that the cycle routes for the Leeds Bradford Road Connectivity Plans had been drawn up and were working except for Bramley and Stanningley. However, the design is there but requires funding. The Chair suggested that she would email the Cllr Pryor, Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Sustainability on behalf of the Community Committee to try and forward on the scheme.

·  Ward Members requested regular updates on work being undertaken and proposals for schemes, so they could update their communities.

·  The Committee recognised that the cycle routes had made it easy for cyclists and address some of the safety issues. However, it was the view that there were still improvements that were required, especially at junctions.

·  It was noted that currently there was an issue with vandalism to the Beryl Bikes across the city and a communication in relation to the scheme was to be sent out by the Council.

·  It was suggested by the Committee that the use of heat maps would be more useful to Councillors on the list of schemes where there are multiple locations.


The Chair thanked the officers for attending saying that this was a good piece of work for future planning and bids for funding. A request was made for Councillors to have sight of priorities for their wards and the criteria for funding bids.


RESOLVED – To note the content of the report.

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