Agenda item


To consider the report of the Head of Locality Partnerships which provides an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy budget for 2024/25.


The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund (YAF), Capital Budget as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2024/25.


The Localities Officer presented the report, outlining the following information:

  • The remaining Wellbeing balance available to the Committee was £106,439.71, with the Ward breakdown as, Beeston and Holbeck £30,733.14, Hunslet and Riverside £29,720.06 and Middleton Park £45,986.51.
  • The funding applications approved by delegated decision since the last Committee meeting were detailed on page 52 of the report, with three delivered and one declined.
  • Monitoring information was available on page 53 of the report with an update provided for a previously approved funding application project, Beeston Community Youth Theatre.
  • The remaining YAF balance available to the Committee was £28,139.94, with the Ward breakdown as Beeston and Holbeck £4,509.48, Hunslet and Riverside £9,900.78 and Middleton Park £13,729.68.
  • Tables 3, 4 and 5 detailed the Small Grants, Community Skips and Capital budget position.
  • The remaining CIL balance available to the Committee was £313,621.41 with the Ward breakdown as Beeston and Holbeck £50,293.47, Hunslet and Riverside £186,735.76 and Middleton Park £76,592.18.
  • Injections had been received to the CIL balance which were noted as Beeston and Holbeck £1270.27, Hunslet and Riverside £154,910.75 and Middleton Park £75,690.92.


During consideration of the Finance Report, the following was discussed:

  • The funding for the Monday Club application was agreed for Hunslet and Riverside’s contribution (£2,241) only. Middleton Park Elected Members requested information relating to access and provision take up before making a contribution.
  • Members discussed the plans and operations for the South Leeds FC funding application with the applicant, which outlined that the previously applied for funding had been used to set up a women’s and girls’ team and associated pitch provision costs, sponsorship’s had been secured which assisted with some operation costs, Community Committee funding was to be used for venue access, many local clubs had merged into South Leeds FC, with Members raising some concerns regarding negative impacts on future grassroots and academy teams, although the applicant noted there was significant local support and the club was to feed into Leeds United’s scouting programme.
  • Community focused events held by South Leeds FC were confirmed to be open to the public and worked with local schools and youth clubs with education events aiming to increase opportunities for young people and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
  • Future sustainability plans for South Leeds FC were discussed with the Committee outlining that there was no guarantee for future funding through the Committee.
  • Following discussions the whole Committee voted on the matter, which resulted in a majority approval to provide the entirety of funding for the South Leeds FC application.
  • Support for the Refurbishment of the Golden Lion – Nawroz School funding application was outlined, with the building being repurposed by a Kurdish community group.
  • Some concern regarding the cost and operation for the Mini Bus Replacement Project funding application for the Hamara Centre, given the Council’s financial constraints and the need to scrutinise applications thoroughly, were raised. It was confirmed that, due to insurance reasons, the mini bus was not able to be hired out to other community groups with some further concerns for exclusivity noted.
  • The Hamara centre had previously received significant funding from the Committee so, in light of this, it was queried whether additional funding streams had been sought for the mini bus, prior to the submission of this application, and also how thorough had the application been scrutinised versus other funding bids that were brought before the Committee.
  • Discussions with the Hamara centre had been held to agree a process for the mini bus to be available for wider community use which were ongoing.
  • An update on previously approved funding applications for the safer streets programme and Kidz Club noted positive delivery and results for the local community with a recent event well attended and reviewed.



a. That the details regarding the administration of small grants (paragraph 18), be noted.

b. That the details of the Wellbeing Budget position (Table 1), be noted.

c.  That the Wellbeing/CIL ringfence proposals for consideration and approval (paragraph 22), be noted.

d. That the Wellbeing/YAF/CIL proposals for consideration and approval (paragraph 23), be noted.

e. That the details of the projects approved via Delegated Decision (paragraph 31), be noted.

f. That the monitoring information of its funded projects (paragraph 33), be noted.

g. That the details of the Youth Activities Fund position (Table 2), be noted.

h. That the details of the Small Grants Budget (Table 3), be noted.

i. That the details of the Community Skips Budget (Table 4), be noted.

j. That the details of the Capital Budget (Table 5), be noted.

k. That the details of the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget (Table 6), be noted.

l. That funding proposals as detailed in the report for consideration, be determined as follows:


The following ringfences were agreed:


£10,000 (CIL/Wellbeing) for Beeston & Holbeck’s festive lights.


£9,000 (CIL) for the Hunslet Improvements CIL ring-fence budget towards the costs of additional play equipment on Hunslet Moor (Hunslet & Riverside)


£12,000 (CIL) towards the cost of fitness equipment in Cross Flatts Park (Hunslet & Riverside)



Project Title





Monday Club



Hunslet & Riverside and Middleton Park




(Hunslet & Riverside: £2,241 and Middleton Park: £459)



Agreed for Hunslet and Riverside only



Rowland Road Play Patch



Beeston & Holbeck and Hunslet & Riverside




(Beeston & Holbeck: £669.93 and Hunslet & Riverside: £1,400.07)







Winter Training



Beeston & Holbeck, Hunslet & Riverside and Middleton Park




(Beeston & Holbeck: £327.76, Hunslet & Riverside: £592.48 and Middleton Park: £11,685.76)






South Leeds FC


Beeston & Holbeck, Hunslet & Riverside and Middleton Park









Refurbishment of the Golden Lion Beeston - Nawroz School



Hunslet & Riverside



(Beeston & Holbeck: £2,000 and Hunslet & Riverside £5,000)






Minibus Replacement Project



Hunslet & Riverside







Hunslet Tara Festive Lights



Hunslet & Riverside






Belle Isle Circus – Replacement lighting column



Middleton Park







Pride Place Equipment



Hunslet & Riverside






Supporting documents: