Issue - decisions

Leeds City Council's response to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority's Mass Rapid Transit's first informal public consultation

20/09/2024 - Leeds City Council's Response to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority's Mass Rapid Transit Public Consultation

The Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) proposals for West Yorkshire and which sought the Board’s endorsement of the Council’s proposed response to the consultation exercise being undertaken by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) on the proposed routes for phase one of the MRT scheme.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member highlighted the Council’s support for WYCA’s plans to bring mass transit to West Yorkshire and provided an overview of the proposals set out in the report together with details of the Council’s proposed response to the consultation. 


The significant importance of introducing mass transit to the city was emphasised, together with the with economic impact and associated opportunities in areas such as housing growth it would generate.


In supporting the development of an MRT network, a Member highlighted that whilst the lines initially established as part of this scheme would not run directly through all areas, there was a need to ensure that the wider benefits arising from the establishment of an MRT system were effectively communicated to all communities in Leeds and West Yorkshire. The Member then suggested that this aspect be included within any response provided to WYCA.


Responding to the comments made, Members discussed the approach being taken by WYCA on the current public consultation exercise. Further to this, the following was highlighted:-

-  that the proposals currently being consulted upon were seen as the beginning of an MRT network for West Yorkshire and not the end;

-  in respect of mass transit, it was acknowledged that West Yorkshire had a lot of progress to make when compared with other areas of the country;

-  that the establishment of an MRT network would be alongside other initiatives, such as the delivery of bus franchising in West Yorkshire;

-  in terms of public engagement, in addition to WYCA’s public consultation on MRT, the Board’s attention was drawn to the consultation exercise being undertaken on the Local Transport Plan which was wider in scope.


In response to a concern raised regarding the capacity of WYCA in delivering this initiative alongside other ongoing projects, it was highlighted that the Council, through the Highways and Transportation team was providing its full support to WYCA on this matter.


Responding to a Member’s specific enquiry, it was undertaken that the Member in question would receive further information outside of the meeting on the current position regarding the White Rose Railway Station, Leeds Bradford Airport Parkway and Thorpe Park Railway Station.


In conclusion, the Chair acknowledged the comments which had been made during the discussion.



(a)  That the Council’s overall support for the proposals as outlined within the submitted report, be noted, with it being recognised that this is early consultation. That the key points in the submitted report regarding areas where the Council will need greater clarity as the MRT scheme is developed, be noted;


(b)  That Leeds City Council’s preference of route option L1 via Calverley Street and Infirmary Street and L6 via Elland Road, Elland Road Stadium and Ring Road Beeston in the Leeds Line corridor, be endorsed;


(c)  That the Leeds City Council response that further discussions are required with WYCA in respect of the route options on the Bradford Line in order for Leeds City Council to state a preference, be endorsed;


(d)  That Leeds City Council’s broad support of the Sustainability and Placemaking strategies, be endorsed, whilst noting that further discussion is required with WYCA to develop the detail, and how it will be implemented through the design;


(e)  That the response to WYCA’s public consultation on the MRT scheme (being undertaken by WYCA in its role as sole promoter), which is presented at Appendix A to the submitted report, be endorsed.