Forthcoming Key Decisions

This page lists the key decisions due to be taken within Leeds City Council over the next few months. Details of each key decision will be published below at least 28 clear days before the decision is due to be taken

What is a 'Key Decision'?

A key decision is an executive decision which is likely to:

  • result in the Authority incurring expenditure or making savings over £500,000, or
  • have a significant effect on communites living or working in an area comprising one or more wards.
  • Article 13 of the Council's Constitution provides more details about which decisions will be treated as key decisions.

    How to get more information about a particular key decision

    The agenda papers for Executive Board meetings, and the documents being considered by officers taking key decisions, are available five working days before the decision will be made through the Council's website.

    The contact details of a lead officer are provided for each key decision listed below. Please contact the lead officer directly if you wish to obtain copies or extracts of any other listed documents, or if you wish to receive details of further documents as they become available. Sometimes the papers you request may contain exempt of confidential information. If this is the case, the lead officer will explain why it will not be possible to make copies available.

    Forthcoming Key Decisions

    27/06/2024 - Using the Provider Selection Regime (PSR) make a direct award to Touchstone to deliver Live Well Leeds, a community based mental health service for a 5 year contract with the option to extend for up to a further 3 years

    Brief Description

    The Live Well Leeds community based mental health contract is due to expire on 31/3/25 following a 5 year contract and an additional 1 year contract variation. The service has an annual value in 2024/25 of £1,026,000.


    Use of the Provider Selection Regime is being requested to make a direct award to Touchstone to deliver Live Well Leeds, a community based mental health service for a 5 year contract with the option to extend for up to a further 3 years.


    The budget for 2025/26 will incorporate a further 5% reduction in line with savings being sought by the Authority making the annual contract value £974,700.

    Impact On Wards

    The service will continue to be delivered across the whole of the City.

    Financial and procurement implications

    In line with the wider financial savings being sought by the Authority there will be a reduction in contract value of 5% for the recommissioning of this service making the annual value £974,700. The maximum cost for the 5 year contract period 1st April 2025 – 31st March 2030 is £4,873,500.

    Partnership working

    From year 1 of the contract there has been annual funding injections from Children’s Services for Live Well Leeds to deliver mental health support in the 3 Early Help Hubs. For 2024/25 this is a total of £138,896. It is envisaged that this funding will continue but it is not yet known at what level as it is funded from central government grants.


    For the first 5 years of the contract (2019 – 2024) the ICB contributed an annual amount of £109,645 to deliver a befriending service. This funding ceased in March 2024 as part of wider ICB financial savings. The service adjusted their service offer for 2024/25 to take account of this.


    Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health

    Decision due date: 07/2024

    Wards affected: (All Wards);

    Lead officer: Aidan Smith

    Notice of decision: 27/06/2024

    25/06/2024 - Heart of Holbeck: Levelling Up Round 3 Funding

    To endorse scope and delivery principles for the Heart of Holbeck Levelling Up Fund programme and to approve delegations for finalisation of design details and legal agreements with Delivery Partners to enable its implementation.

    Decision Maker: Executive Board

    Decision due date: 24/07/2024

    Wards affected: Beeston and Holbeck;

    Lead officer: Lee Arnell

    Notice of decision: 25/06/2024

    25/06/2024 - Community Asset Transfer Policy 2024

    The decision is to introduce a new policy framework for Community Asset Transfers (CATs). The policy contains the criteria for when a CAT will be considered and the process that will be followed when assets are put forward for CAT. The policy is a revision to a previous policy approved in 2012.

    Decision Maker: Executive Board

    Decision due date: 24/07/2024

    Lead officer: Neil Young

    Notice of decision: 25/06/2024

    19/06/2024 - Commercial Boiler and Heating Components

    Seeking approval to procure merchants to supply Leeds Building Services with Commercial Boiler and Heating Components. The contract will be for a duration of 3 years + 2 with an anticipated value of £1,000,000 (including extensions).

    Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources

    Decision due date: Not before 18/07/2024

    Wards affected: (All Wards);

    Lead officer: Craig Simpson

    Notice of decision: 19/06/2024

    19/06/2024 - Authority to procure and award a contract for the Virtual School Personalised One to One Tuition for Children Looked After and Children with Complex Needs (SEND) - Further competition Contract Ref: 88041

    Authority to procure and award a contract for the Virtual School Personalised One to One Tuition for Children Looked After and Children with Complex Needs (SEND).

    Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

    Decision due date: Not before 18/07/2024

    Wards affected: (All Wards);

    Lead officer: Howard Smith

    Notice of decision: 19/06/2024

    18/06/2024 - Changes to Payroll dates

    To move all payroll dates from on or around the 16th of the month to on or around the 26th of the month, including that of employee salaries, members allowances and external commercial payroll customers.

    There will be no change to the pay period and therefore no change to the amount paid on these dates.

    Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources

    Decision due date: Not before 17/07/2024

    Wards affected: (All Wards);

    Lead officer: Andy Dodman

    Notice of decision: 18/06/2024

    17/06/2024 - Year 2 of the Government International Recruitment Fund for Adult Social Care

    Brief Description

    Leeds City Council to hold £1.505M on behalf of local authorities across the Yorkshire and Humber region in 2024/5, and make dispersal payments in line with the conditions of the agreed terms of the Government’s International Recruitment Fund for the Adult Social Care Sector before 31 March 2025.


    Impact On Wards

    City Wide and across the Yorkshire and Humber region

    Support for international recruits where their employer’s sponsorship licence is revoked leaving them without employment

    Financial and procurement implications

    As described above

    Partnership working

    Yorkshire and Humber ADASS Branch is supportive, and a regional Steering Group is in place. Leeds will act as the host/lead authority.


    Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health

    Decision due date: 07/2024

    Wards affected: (All Wards);

    Lead officer: Graham Sephton

    Notice of decision: 17/06/2024