Issue details

Investing in area-based energy efficiency improvements to back-to-back homes in Armley and Holbeck (phase 3 group repair).

This decision encompasses significant energy efficiency improvements to back-to-back homes in two deprived areas of Holbeck and Armley.

The specific decisions are:

To accept £1.785M of Better Homes Hub funding from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and £4.5m from the Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing (DLUCH) via the Levelling Up Fund.

To inject £4.422M for Armley and £8.52M for Holbeck into the capital programme and provide authority to spend on both.

To give authority to directly procure and award to a contractor to deliver Holbeck via an approved framework.

To give authority to procure using the WYCA Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction Framework for Armley, utilising a two-stage process to undertake the following:

·  Fabric energy efficiency works to 100 back-to-back homes in Armley including external wall insulation, attic room insulation and where necessary the installation of new energy efficient doors and windows.

·  A feasibility study into the installation of ground source heat pump technology using a shared loop.


Decision type: Key Decision

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Armley; Beeston and Holbeck;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/03/2024

Decision due: 17 Apr 2024 by Executive Board

Lead director: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Department: Communities, Housing and Environment

Contact: George Munson, Energy and Climate Change Manager Email:

Consultation process

A briefing will be provided to local ward members. Local residents will be contacted by letter and information events will take place in the locality.


Local ward members, local residents.


Portfolio Holder: The Executive member for (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces


Agenda items


  • A report will be made available with the agenda for this meeting