Register of interests

Councillor Kevin Ritchie

In accordance with Chapter 7 of Part 1 of the Localism Act 2011, I, Councillor Kevin Ritchie, give notice that I have the following disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests:

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Details of interests
Member of Leeds City Council
Senior Operations Manager - Barclays
2. Sponsorship
Details of interests
3. Contracts
Details of interests
4. Land
Details of interests
Interest withheld under Section 32 of the Localism Act
5. Licences
Details of interests
6. Corporate tenancies
Details of interests
7. Securities
Details of interests
8. Any other interests
Details of interests
Appointed Director of Kirkstall Valley Park - accepted on 15/12/2014
Member of Unite Trade Union
School Governor at Whitecote Primary
Director of Bramley Community Arts CIC
Bramley Poors Allotment Trust
Local Care Partnership - Bramley, Wortley & Middleton
Local Care Partnership - West Leeds
LEEP 1(People First)
William Merritt Disabled Living Centre and Mobility Service
Leeds Learning Disabilities Partnership board
Patron of PHAB Leeds
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