No. | Item |
Chair's Opening Remarks To receive the Chair’s opening remarks. Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited those present to introduce themselves.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: There were no apologies reported.
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest. Minutes: Reverend Clive Sedgewick declared a personal interest having made a representation to the notice objecting to the proposal on behalf of the Diocesan Board of Education for the Diocese of the Church of England.
To receive and consider a report from the Legal Advisor to the School Organisation Advisory Board (SOAB) outlining the role of the Board in considering the objections to the statutory proposals and making recommendations to the Executive Board in relation to the proposals.
(Copy of representations to follow) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered a report by the Legal Adviser to the School Organisation Advisory Board explaining the role of the Board in considering the objections to the following proposals and to make recommendations to the Executive Board to assist the Executive Board in reaching a decision in relation to the following proposals:
Statutory proposals to change the age range of the school from 11-18 to 4-18, and expand the capacity from 1503 to 1923 to accommodate primary provision with an administration number of 60. Additional accommodation would be provided using land adjacent of Elmete Land and Wetherby Road.
It was reported that there had been thirty-eight responses to the statutory notice: nineteen in support and nineteen objections which opposed the change.
The Board considered the following background information:
In addition to the above, the Board received representations from the following representatives who were objecting to the proposals:
Board Members discussed the proposals, concentrating on the following specific issues:
Following a summing up process from the representatives in attendance, the Chair adjourned the meeting in order for the groups to discuss the proposals.
The groups entitled to vote, and in attendance i.e. Diocesan Board of Education for the Diocese of the Church of England; Further/Higher Education Group and the Schools Group voted as follows:
Future Business To identify future business for the SOAB. Minutes: The Legal Adviser agreed to advise the Board of any future business.
Date and Time of Next Meeting To be advised. Minutes: To be arranged as and when required.
(The meeting concluded at 4.10pm.)