To consider a report by the Director of Public Health, the Chief Officer Consultant in Public Health and the Head of Active Leeds, which seeks to provide an update on the progress made in relation to “Making Leeds a More Active City” including an update on the development of the Physical Activity Social Movement and Ambition for Leeds, an overview of “Get Set Leeds” and starting the city wide conversation.
(Report attached)
Prior to the start of the following item, the Chair apologised to officers for their delayed reporting, she thanked them for their patience explaining that the previous item had taking longer than anticipated.
The Chair introduced and welcomed Neil Jones, Active Leeds Partnership Manager and Martin Lee, Active Leeds Health Programme Manager, City Development who addressed the Committee on “Making Leeds a More Active City”.
In providing background information Members viewed a promotional video “Get Set Leeds”
The Active Leeds Partnership Manager explained that as part of the Best Council Plan, Health & Wellbeing Strategy and the Healthy Weight Declaration the City Council were committed to co-producing a physical activity ambition with the city.
Officers reported that the development of a new Physical Activity Ambition would set a long term agenda for change. It was founded on the basis that a more physically active city would help to deliver many of the city’s outcomes and priorities as well as reflecting both the NHS 10 Year Plan and Prevention Green paper.
Members were informed that physical activity was cross cutting given its contribution to so many outcomes across council priorities. In particular the new Ambition would support the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Leeds Health and Care Plan, Inclusive Growth, Climate Emergency outcomes and address findings of the Joint Strategic Assessment.
Officers said that increasing physical activity had the potential to improve the physical and mental health and wellbeing of individuals, families, communities and the city as a whole. As well as being physically active, it was important that all adults and children minimise the time spent being sedentary (sitting) for extended periods. It was the view of officers that there was strong evidence to suggest that an active lifestyle was essential for physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Commenting on the video, Members welcomed and were supportive of its contents, however, there was no association with Leeds included in the video and Members considered this to be an omission
In responding officers welcome the comments, suggesting more local people were likely to respond if they knew it was about Leeds.
Members noted that the rates of people recorded as having Diabetes was rising slowly across Leeds, however in the Outer North East the rates were lower than the Leeds average.
Members were informed that being active could reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 30-40%. People with diabetes could reduce their need for medication and the risk of complications by being more active.
Referring to the on-line survey Members suggested there was a higher rate of older people in the Outer North East Area, so could paper copies of the survey be provided.
Officers confirmed that some paper copies would be made available.
In offering ideas for engagement Members suggested: General Practitioners, Sport Clubs be approached and that the initiative should also be linked to the Climate Emergency Agenda.
In summing up the Chair said this was an key initiative, keeping active was very important and should be a city wide obsession.
(i) That the contents of the report be noted
(ii) To support the Get Set Leeds conversation and complete the online survey:
(iii) To engage with local networks and communities encouraging people to join the conversation
(iv) That social media posts, links to promotional video and online surveys be promoted throughout the Outer North East Area
Supporting documents: