report from the Head of Democratic Services presented an update on
the delivery of the Leeds Mental Health Strategy
following were in attendance:
- Councillor Salma Arif, Executive Member for Adults Social Care,
Public Health and Active
- Caroline Baria, Interim Director of Adults and
- Victoria Eaton, Director of Public Health
- Tony
Cooke, Chief Officer Health Partnerships
- Caron
Walker, Chief Officer Consultant Public Health
- Liz
Hindmarsh, Programme Manager Transforming Community Mental Health,
Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Alison
Kenyon, Deputy Director of Service Development, LYPFT
Executive Member for Adults Social Care, Public Health and Active
Lifestyles explained that while mental health strategies largely
fell into the remit of the Executive Member for
Children’s Social Care and Health Partnerships, she would
like to provide some introductory comments on her behalf. In doing
so, the following points were raised:
- The Leeds Mental Health Strategy 2020-
2025 contributes to the wider Health and Wellbeing Strategy, with a
vision for Leeds to be a mentally healthy city for
- The
Strategy has three targeted passions which are to reduce mental
health inequalities; improve children and young people’s
mental health; and improve flexibility, integration and compassionate response of
- The
Strategy also has eight key priorities, as detailed in appendix 1
of the agenda report.
- Data
had shown mental health to be worsening for the population in
recent years, particularly over the Covid-19 pandemic, with
services experiencing high demand and long waiting lists for
- Anxiety and depression in school age children and young adults
aged 18-25 had increased, which involved issues surrounding gender
identity, ADHD and autism.
- Progress was being made by relevant services to improve
provision and compassion however, challenges remained with long
waiting lists and inequality between demographics.
- The
Strategy has an important community grassroots focus and
Chief Officer Health Partnerships briefly introduced the report and
gave an overview of some of the key challenges that the Strategy
aims to address. Members were also reminded that the former
Scrutiny Board had held a working group meeting on 9th March 2023
to consider the Strategy and in doing so, had particularly
recognised the potential benefits linked to the Community Mental
Health Transformation Programme. More detailed information on this
programme had therefore been provided in the agenda report for
Members’ consideration.
Programme Manager Transforming Community Mental Health also
explained some of the key aspects of the Community Mental Health
Transformation Programme, which included the development of new
Integrated Community Mental Health Hubs. These are to be trialled
in autumn 2023 in three locations with the aim of scaling them up
across Leeds in 2024.
It was
highlighted that a large focus of the community mental health model
is around supporting people to recover and to continue to live a
fulfilling life in their own community. Investment had been made in
establishing the role of Community Wellbeing Connectors who will
work with people to help them access a range of different types of
support in communities. Investment had
also been expanded to community-based support through a grant
funding scheme being jointly delivered by Forum Central and Leeds
Community Foundation. This was aimed at
small to medium local organisations who offer support for people
with complex and ongoing mental health needs. Details of successful
grant bids had been provided in the agenda report.
Chief Officer Consultant Public Health referred to her role as
co-chair of the Mental Health Partnership Board and gave a brief
overview of the work being undertaken in relation Priority 1 and
Workstream 1 of the Strategy which focuses on targeting mental
health promotion and prevention within communities most at risk of
poor mental health, suicide prevention and
self-harm. As a response to the
Covid-19 pandemic, work around supporting community volunteers to
improve their resilience for themselves and to better support
others was noted.The Leeds Mindful Employers Network also assisted
developing a positive approach to mental health at
work. Reference was made to the
programme of work around reducing suicide and self-harm, along with
work to reduce stigma surrounding mental health, with a focus on
minority ethnic communities. It was
also highlighted that the ‘Being You Leeds’ mental wellbeing programme had
recently been launched, promoting group work, training and
challenging stigma involving many third sector organisations across
the city.
response to questions from Members and subsequent discussion, the
following was outlined:
- The
backlog for neurodiversity assessments for children was challenging
due to the increase in referrals, capacity being overwhelmed,
workforce recruitment and retention issues and insufficient funding
to meet demand.
- Pilot
programmes and initiatives were ongoing to address the
children’s neurodiversity assessment back log. This involved looking at where support could be
provided without the need for formal assessment and diagnosis.
However, Members queried whether this approach would restrict
access to specific support and funding streams that are linked to a
diagnosis. Given the Board’s specific interest in this area,
the Chair requested that a short briefing paper be provided to
Board Members setting out the current scale of the challenge and
the actions being taken to try and address this.
- In
terms of complex rehabilitation needs, it was highlighted that
multiple agencies are often utilised for rehabilitation needs and
so a new model of home first or community care was being developed
through the Leeds and York Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust with
the investment secured for mental illness and learning disabilities
for West Yorkshire.
- For
people living with learning disabilities and/or neurodiversity the
aim is to provide support in the least restrictive environment,
which was usually at home. For more extreme cases, Members were
assured that current data modelling showed sufficient capacity in
hospital beds and that improvements to community provisions would
help increase capacity levels even further.
- Complex rehabilitation services were partnered with the third
sector, providing complex care packages, including occupational
therapy, varied visiting times and assistance for normal life
activities as part of the offer. The Community Mental Health Team
would then assist once a patient was home.
- People
could be self-referred or referred by others to the Community
Mental Health Hubs, with response times aiming to be within 5
- Addressing mental health issues for university students was
largely done through the Leeds Student Medical Practice in
partnership with the Universities and the NHS to tailor care to
this specific demographic.
- It was
acknowledged that crisis service performance data was not meeting
expected or desired targets, which was largely due to workforce
recruitment and retention issues.
- A
90-day learning cycle through the Leeds and York Partnership
Foundation Trust had made up part of the transformation
consultation process. The results were noted to be mixed due the
short time scale and ambitious model; it had provided insight into
key worker roles, workforce principles and culture
changes. Development of the model also
included feedback gathered through Local Care
- The
Leeds Involving People organisation ran a working reference group
which encouraged lived experiences and was comprised of specialists
from across the services to address barriers to access for people
from different backgrounds.
- It was
noted that 80% to 90% of mental health issues were created within
communities and so health services alone cannot solve all mental
health problems.
- Inadequate housing and exposure to poor social conditions and
anti-social behaviour were noted to be common factors linked to
people’s mental health and wellbeing. Linked to Priority 1 of the Strategy, it was
acknowledged that early intervention and preventive measures linked
to these factors would have greater lasting impacts and therefore
requires investment in local authority core services
- Measures for diverting situational mental health issues, leading
people to use more adept services were outlined as social
prescribing, encouraging good workplace practises and support and reducing inequalities, with specific
links made to the Marmot City work.
- Staff
shortages were noted across all professional groups. However, there
was an aim to reduce spending on agency staff and increase the bank
of permanent staff within the system. In terms of funding staff pay
increases, it was noted that this would generally need to be found
within the service.
- The
workforce plans to address low recruitment and retention were
outlined, which included the ‘refer a friend’ scheme;
maximising the Apprenticeship Levy; and running recruitment
campaigns; all of which had amounted to some success and remain
ongoing. It was noted that international recruitment had not been
overly successful for mental health service providers.
- Importance was placed on GPs having up-to-date and accurate
information surrounding existing demand pressures and waiting
times. Work was therefore underway to
improve communications with GPs so that they are better informed
and can consider the range of options available when considering
- Members sought further information on the evaluation framework
linked to the grant allocations set out in appendix B of the
- Members outlined the need for expanded agency involvement within
mental health services to support people through accessing
Universal Credit and food banks.
- Areas
of deprivation had poorer mental health outcomes and the impact of
inadequate housing and exposure to alcohol and addiction therefore
need to be addressed. The approach of medicalising mental health
issues in most instances may not be effective if other protective
factors are not also implemented. Societal impacts can undermine
mental health services and open, lived experience conversations can
improve the wider response to the increasing poor mental health
problems in the population.
- As
Local Authority services are based on an individual’s address
and patient services are linked to their registered GP address,
Members highlighted that this can sometimes lead to difficulties
for those people who require cross boundary service provisions and
therefore emphasised the importance of collaborative working across
the region.
conclusion, the Chair provided a brief recap in terms of the
additional information requested by Members and thanked everyone
for their valuable contribution to the Board’s
RESOLVED – That the report,
along with Members comments and information requests, be