Agenda item

20/08547/FU - Change of use of land for the siting of 8No. glamping units for holiday use, storage building and ancillary works including a new access road at land off Hall Park Road, Walton, Wetherby, LS22.

The report of the Chief Planning Officer requests Members consideration on an application for change of use of land for the siting of 8No. glamping units for holiday use, storage building and ancillary works including a new access road at land off Hall Park Road, Walton, Wetherby, LS22.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer requested consideration of an application for the change of use of land for the siting of 8 glamping units for holiday use, storage building and ancillary works including a new access road at land off Hall Park Road, Walton, Wetherby, LS22.


Slides and photographs were shown throughout the presentation.


The presenting officer provided the following information:

·  The application had originally been presented to Panel at its meeting on 1st June 2023, where Members had deferred the application for further information in relation to:

o  Highways

o  Footpaths

o  Drainage

o  Disabled access

o  Consultation with the community

·  Since the meeting in June additional representations had been received from the Local Ward Members, Walton Parish Council and local residents. These were set out in the submitted report at Paragraphs 5 to 7.

·  The applicant had provided additional information as requested by the Panel and this information was set out in the report at Paragraphs 10 to 15.

·  The proposed site is off Hall Park Road which is a country lane close to village of Walton.

·  At the June meeting it had been noted that the Neighbourhood Plan said that key views should not be obstructed, it was the view that this had been taken into consideration by the applicant with no views obstructed. The site would be screened behind trees and hedges. 

·  It was noted that there had been a change in circumstances in that a gate had been installed on Blind Lane, which may impede walkers heading towards Walton. It was not known who had installed the gate, but the applicant does have access to bypass the gate.

·  Members were advised that there may be no lighting on Blind Lane, however, the very nature of camping is to be set in rural locations which have little or no lighting.

·  The applicant has made a disabled access point to the site and one of the pods would be DDN compliant for disabled users.

·  In relation to impact on the area it was thought not to be overly conspicuous, set away from residential properties, limited vehicle movements and would support the local economy.

·  A biodiversity plan had been set out.

·  In relation to drainage and sewage, specialist advice had been sought from Yorkshire Water and the Council’s appropriate department. It was noted that the drainage should be able to connect to the main foul sewage drains and this right is supported in law. It was noted that a feasibility study was required but Yorkshire Water would not commit to undertake one until panning is approved. If a drainage solution cannot be found, then the application would not be able to continue as this requirement would be the subject of a pre-commencement condition.

·  It was noted that no further public consultation had taken place.


Responding to questions from Members the officers provided the following information:

·  No further mitigation was required on Hall Park Road as speed had not noticeably increased and it was the view there would be limited vehicle movement associated with the development.

·  Public transport was limited in this area, which was expected in a semi-rural location.

·  In planning terms, the development is compliant with policy.

·  Yorkshire Water are aware of the current drainage and sewage issues in this location, so should be already looking at solutions to mitigate against the issues faced by residents. It would not be a requirement for this proposed development to alleviate existing drainage and sewage issues in this location.

·  The applicant has undertaken what is statutorily required in terms of consultation.

·  Drainage and ecology had been signed off by the relevant Service’s officers to ensure they are compliant.

·  There is no requirement for planning to measure the carbon footprint.

·  Definitive plans in relation to the footpaths had been submitted.

·  A separate plan had also been submitted in relation to bridleways for local horse riders.

·  It was noted that the applicant was unwilling to do any further work (investigatory or otherwise) in relation to drainage due to the significant costs involved until they have planning permission.


Members comments and response from officers:

·  Members were of the view that conditions should be tight, especially in relation to drainage and sewage. A request was made for details of conditions to be brought back to the Panel. Officers advised the Panel that drainage was a technical matter and in discharging the conditions would be reliant on the advice of Yorkshire Water, and it was unusual to bring such applications to Panel. However, if Members felt strongly about this a detailed report on any discharge of condition application on drainage details could be reported to Panel for Members consideration. It was noted that there needed to be an awareness that there were timescales for such applications to be dealt with.

·  There were still some concerns in relation to highway safety.

·  The Supreme Court judgement was clear that a developer had an absolute right to connect to a public sewer and that the burden of dealing with any additional discharge falls upon the statutory undertaker. In such circumstances it is appropriate for a local planning authority to impose a Grampian style planning condition requiring the necessary drainage works to facilitate the development to be undertaken and implemented prior to the commencement and first occupation of the new development.

·  Due weight needed to be given to the Neighbourhood Plan.


RESOLVED – To grant permission subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report with an additional condition relating to details of a wildlife and ecological management scheme to be submitted for approval. That any application made to discharge the planning condition relating to details of the scheme for drainage provision discharged conditions to Yorkshire Water be brought back to the Panel for consideration.

Supporting documents: