Agenda item

Radon Testing

To receive an update from the Head of Property Management on the outcome of phase 1 testing to date to assess the risk of radon gas to residents in Leeds.


Adam Crampton was invited to update the Scrutiny Board on the outcome of the initial programme of physical testing, which is designed to provide assurance with regard to the level of risk from radon gas in Housing Leeds homes. 


Individuals in attendance for this item were:

-  Cllr J Lennox (Executive Member Housing)

-  Adam Crampton (Head of Property Management)

-  Dawn Bailey (Chief Officer Public Health)


Adam noted that data available from the UKHSA identified that several areas in Leeds were potentially at risk of exceeding the action level for radon. As such in October 2022 Housing Leeds commissioned UKHSA to undertake an Advanced Postcode List Radon Gas Risk Assessment of homes under its management.


In response to a subsequent request to Scrutiny from Cllr Wayne Dixon, officers presented at report to the Scrutiny Board (Environment, Housing & Communities) in July 2023 detailing the outcome of the Advanced Postcode List Radon Gas Risk Assessment and proposals for a programme of physical testing.


Members requested an update on the initial phase of testing at the start of the 2024/25 municipal year. Adam outlined the initial outcome of the testing programme and the steps taken to engage with residents.


The Scrutiny Board was informed that there has been a reluctance amongst tenants to take part in the testing programme despite extensive communication activities. 


335 homes have been contacted to seek participation in the testing programme. As at May 2024 109 homes have bene tested or are in the testing phase. No homes have returned levels above the action level. Two tests have been returned above the target level but below the action level – these have been submitted for retesting.


Leeds City Council is working with other local authorities in order to share best practice.

Members sought assurances about the geography and sample size for the testing programme. Adam confirmed that the geography was based on the risk assessment and the sample size is judge proportionate to the level of potential risk in Leeds. Should concerns be highlighted in the remaining testing programme the sample size would be increased accordingly.


Cllr Lennox recorded her thanks to Adam, Dawn and the team conducting the testing. She noted that the testing programme is providing reassurance, which is important given the public attention on the potential link between other building materials such as concrete and risks to health.


Given the level of take up, member queried whether there was consistency in the testing that has taken place across the different postcodes. Adam confirmed that take was broadly consistent across targeted areas.


Members sought further information about funding arrangements for the testing programme and were advised that funding is being provided via the HRA.


Members requested a further update in July 2025 following the completion of phase 1 testing. If testing highlights any matters that are statistically outstanding in comparison to the results to date members requested a further interim update.


RESOLVED: Members noted the outcome of the physical testing programme to date and requested that a further update is provided in July 2025 after the completion of phase one testing.

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