Decision details

Wrap Up Leeds Final Report

Reference: D40620

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To receive and approve a statistical and qualitative report assessing the effects of Wrap Up Leeds and comment on lessons learnt for a future Green Deal programme.


Further to Minute No. 101 (12th October 2011), the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report providing a summary of the key achievements and lessons learnt from the ‘Wrap Up Leeds’ initiative which was launched in January 2012 and which had secured over £3,300,000 worth of private sector investment and had reduced heating costs by almost £1,400,000 per annum.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, officers provided the reasons as to why the ratio between the number of customers contacted and the number of measures installed ranged significantly on a Ward by Ward basis. In conclusion, it was emphasised that future initiatives, such as the ‘Green Deal Demonstrator’ would build upon the positive work already undertaken and would continue to target those residing in deprived areas of the city.


RESOLVED - That the contents of the submitted report and the success of the ‘Wrap Up Leeds’ project be noted.


Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Portfolio Holder: Portfolio: The Environment

Other reasons / organisations consulted

The final report will be based on information provided by Yorkshire Energy Services (the managing agent).

Contact: George Munson, Energy and Climate Change Manager Email: Email:

Report author: George Munson

Publication date: 18/11/2013

Date of decision: 24/04/2013

Decided at meeting: 24/04/2013 - Executive Board

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