Reference: D56926
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Following Executive Board delegation on 18th
October 2023 to the Director of City Development to approve all
project capital spend for the Morley Town Deal and to authorise
entering into appropriate contracts or grant agreements required
for delivery of the Heritage Investment Programme, and the
injection of £1,787,206 into the capital programme (capital
code 33393/MHI/000) for the Heritage Investment Fund project, the
Director of City Development:
1. Approved the launch of the Heritage Investment Fund subsidy
scheme and noted that details of the Subsidy Control assessment for
the scheme will be published on the BEIS subsidy database within
three months of the approval date.
2. Approved the initial phase of the Fund to focus on a specific
geographic area of Morley, outlined in the accompanying report to
this notice. Noted that a 12-month review takes place to assess the
take-up of the scheme and consider changes to scheme
3. Noted that future decisions on individual grants for shopfronts
are approved by the Chief Officer for Asset Management and
Regeneration, and are considered by the Heritage Grants Board,
chaired by the Chief Planning Officer, in line with similar
heritage grants schemes.
4. Noted future decisions on spend within the flexible fund of
£275,000 will be considered by Morley Programme Board and
approved by the Director of City Development.
Wards Affected: Morley North; Morley South;
Contact: Liam Riley, Council Housing Growth Officer 0113 378 4156 Email:
Publication date: 13/11/2023
Accompanying Documents: