10 Local Authority Health Scrutiny PDF 425 KB
To receive a report from the Head of Democratic Services associated with the discharge of the Boards special responsibility to fulfil the council’s statutory health scrutiny function.
Additional documents:
The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report that set out details associated with the discharge of the Board’s special responsibility to fulfil the Council’s statutory health scrutiny function and scrutinising any matter relating to the planning, provision and operation of local health services.
The report presented:
(1) The Department of Health guidance ‘Local Authority Health Scrutiny’ (2014) to support local authorities and partners deliver effective health scrutiny.
(2) Draft Terms of Reference for the Health Service Developments Working Group – to provide a forum for health partners to present proposed service changes or developments at an early stage to help determine the level of engagement and/or consultation with the Scrutiny Board.
(3) Details of the West Yorkshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and sought the Boards nomination for two members to serve as the Board’s representatives on the Joint Committee for 2022/23.
(a) That the content of this report, alongside the associated appendices, information and guidance presented, be noted.
(b) That the re-establishment of the Health Service Developments Working Group, in line with the Terms of Reference as presented at Appendix 2, be agreed.
(c) That Councillor Marshall-Katung and Councillor Harrington be appointed as the Board’s representatives to serve on the West Yorkshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JHOSC) for the municipal year, 2022/23.
(d) That the existing JHOSC arrangements as detailed in the report, and that may be subject to further review and amendments as a result of the local implementation of the Health and Care Act 2022, be noted.