Issue - meetings

Mental Health Day Service Transformation

Meeting: 15/02/2013 - Executive Board (Item 168)

168 Transforming Day Provision for People with Mental Health Needs pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Adult Social Services which provides information on the outcome of the extensive consultation and detailed feedback from the various stakeholders:  those who use the services affected, carers, staff, Trade Unions and Elected Members, makes recommendations for both the proposed Mental Health Recovery Service for Leeds and proposals in relation to the asset bases, whilst also providing information on the future commissioning of the voluntary sector mental health services.

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 163, 11th February 2011, the Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report providing information on the outcome of the extensive consultation exercise undertaken in respect of the transformation programme which had been requested by the Board. In addition, the report made recommendations for the proposed Mental Health Recovery Service for Leeds and also in respect of proposals regarding the asset bases. Finally, the report provided information on the future commissioning of the voluntary sector mental health services.


The Executive Member for Adult Social Care thanked the Mental Health Advisory Board for the valuable work which it had undertaken on this issue, whilst Members welcomed the content of the report and the process by which the proposals within it had been drawn up.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report and the very extensive and wide ranging consultation undertaken, be noted.


(b)  That the implementation of the proposed Mental Health Recovery Service model, as described in the submitted report, be agreed.


(c)  That the proposals in respect of the asset bases be agreed as follows:

·  Lovell Park to become a mental health hub;

·  Stocks Hill co-locates with partner organisation/s;

·  The service currently delivered from The Vale moves to Tunstall Road and The Vale is declared surplus to requirements for ASC. Consideration of use of a proportion of the capital receipt to fund improvements to Stocks Hill should be given once the service configuration is defined.


(d)  That the implementation of the proposals be agreed, together with a move towards the new model from April 2013 through to December 2013.