Agenda and minutes

Executive Board - Wednesday, 15th December, 2021 1.00 pm

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds

Contact: Governance Services 

Link: to View Meeting Recording

No. Item


Substitute Member


Under the provisions of Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 3.2.6, Councillors A Lamb was invited to attend the meeting on behalf of Councillor A Carter, who had submitted his apologies for absence from the meeting.


Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

1  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information within the meaning of Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3  If the recommendation is accepted, to formally pass the following resolution:-


RESOLVED –  That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of the agenda designated as exempt  on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information.





RESOLVED – That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as exempt from publication on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information so designated as follows:-


(A)That appendix B to the report entitled, ‘Wetherby High School Rebuild Proposals and Business Case’, referred to in Minute No. 99 be designated as being exempt from publication in accordance with paragraph 10.4(3) of Schedule 12A(3) of the Local Government Act 1972 and considered in private on the grounds that the information contained within that appendix contains information relating to the financial and business affairs of the Council and other parties. It is considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing this information at this point in time;


(B)That the designation of the appendix to the report entitled, ‘West Yorkshire Devolution: Consent to Non-Transport Borrowing Powers’ as being confidential under the provisions of Rule 9 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules, be noted; and as such, agreement be given that the appendix be exempt from publication and considered in private on the basis of confidentiality and will be circulated during the private part of the meeting, with it also being noted that the confidential designation is due to the fact that it contains detail of the wording in the draft order, which has not yet been published by Government, that publication of the draft order has been vetoed at this stage and that the information has been given to the Council by a Government department on terms which forbid its public disclosure in accordance with Access to Information Procedure Rule 9.2 (a). (Minute No. 96 refers)


Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)


Late Item of Business – ‘Update on Leeds Vaccination Programme’

With the agreement of the Chair, a late item of business was admitted to the agenda entitled, ‘Update on Leeds Vaccination Programme’.


Given the scale and significance of this issue, it was deemed appropriate that an update report be submitted to this meeting of the Board. However, due to the fast paced nature of developments on this issue, and in order to ensure that Board Members received the most up to date information as possible, the report was not included within the agenda as originally published on the 7th December 2021. (Minute No. 95 refers).


Late Item of Business – ‘West Yorkshire Devolution: Consent to Non-Transport Borrowing Powers’

With the agreement of the Chair, a late item of business was admitted to the agenda entitled, ‘West Yorkshire Devolution: Consent to Non-Transport Borrowing Powers’.


Unanimous approval of all five West Yorkshire Councils was required for this matter to proceed, and Government had indicated its intention to lay a draft Order in parliament in January 2022. Therefore, this report could not be deferred to the next scheduled Executive Board meeting, and any delay would risk prejudice to the Council’s interests (and those of the combined authority and other constituent Councils). Also, it was not possible for the report to be submitted to an earlier meeting or included in the original agenda, as notice of the Government’s intention to lay the draft Order in January 2022 was received after the agenda for this meeting had already been published. (Minute No. 96 refers).


Supplementary Information - Update on Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic – Response and Recovery Plan

With the agreement of the Chair, supplementary and updated information was circulated to Board Members ahead of the meeting in relation to agenda item 10, ‘Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic – Response and Recovery Plan’. (Minute No. 94 refers)



Declaration of Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’.


There were no interests declared at the meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 242 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 17th November, 2021.



RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 17th November 2021 be approved as a correct record.



Financial Health Monitoring 2021/22 - October (Month 7) pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Financial Services, which provides an update on the financial health of the Authority in respect of both the General Fund revenue budget and the Housing Revenue Account as at month 7 of the 2021/22 financial year.



The Chief Officer, Financial Services submitted a report which presented an update on the financial health of the Authority in respect of both the General Fund revenue budget and the Housing Revenue Account as at month 7 of the 2021/22 financial year.


By way of introduction to the report, the Executive Member for Resources provided an overview of the key points included within it.



(a)  That the projected financial position of the Authority, as detailed within the submitted report and as at the end of October 2021 (Month 7 of the financial year), be noted, together with the projected impact of COVID-19 on that position;


(b)  That it be noted that for 2021/22 the Authority is forecasting an overspend of £0.909m, as at the end of October 2021;


(c)  That it be noted that the position as reported does not reflect the potential effects of any further local or national lockdown arrangements on the financial projections.


Revenue Savings Proposals for 2022/23 to 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 941 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer (Financial Services) presenting a number of revenue savings proposals following the review exercises which have been undertaken. The proposals fall either within the ‘Business as Usual’ category which can be implemented within the Council’s delegated decision making framework, or ‘Service Reviews’ which may require meaningful consultation with relevant stakeholders prior to any decisions being taken, with those decisions being informed by the outcomes of such consultation.



The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report presenting several revenue savings proposals following ongoing review processes which continued to be undertaken across Council services. The proposals were designated as either ‘Business as Usual’, which could be implemented within the Council’s delegated decision making framework, or as ‘Service Reviews’ which may require meaningful consultation with relevant stakeholders prior to any decisions being taken, with those decisions being informed by the outcomes of such consultation.


Members discussed the approach being taken by the Council with regard to Minimum Revenue Provision and also Council borrowing.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board discussed the service reviews taking place, and the approach being taken across directorates in relation to such reviews and savings proposals. In conclusion, the Member in question was offered the opportunity of a briefing on such matters, if required. 



(a)  That the ‘Business as Usual’ savings, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted, with it also being noted that decisions to give effect to them shall be taken by the relevant Director or Chief Officer in accordance with the Officer Delegation Scheme (Executive functions);


(b)  That agreement be given for consultation to commence with regard to the two ‘Service Review’ proposals presented, with it being noted that decisions to give effect to them shall be taken by the relevant Director or Chief Officer, following any consultation period, in accordance with the Officer Delegation Scheme (Executive functions);


(c)  That with specific regard to the ‘Review of Adult Social Work Provision’ Service Review as detailed within the submitted report:-

(i)  Approval be given to the proposal to invest £660,253 to deliver a pilot that uses Occupational Therapy and additional Social Worker staff at “the front door” to maximise capacity to meet growing demand for information and advice and demand for a social care assessment of needs, embedding an “independence first” approach; with the Board noting that this investment could generate £1.552m cost avoidance savings during 2022-23;


(ii)  Approval be given to the proposal to invest £646,323 to deliver a pilot of a new Community Reviewing Team that includes Occupational Therapy and Social Work staff to enhance the capacity of the current Adult Reviewing Team, in order to deliver an increased reviewing schedule; with the Board noting that this investment is anticipated to deliver £3.3m from 2022–2025;


(iii)  That it be noted that when accounting for annual investment costs over the 3 years, total overall projected savings are £3.6m;


(iv)  That it be noted that the impacts of the above proposals will inform a longer-term model of area social work for the city;


(d)  That it be noted that the savings proposals for 2022/23, as presented within the submitted report, combined with the savings proposals brought to the Executive Board at its September 2021 meeting support a draft balanced budget for 2022/23 and the Council’s financial position for the following two years, as set out within the accompanying report submitted for consideration elsewhere on the agenda entitled, ‘Proposed Budget for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 91.



Proposed Budget for 2022/23 and Provisional Budgets for 2023/24 and 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer (Financial Services) presenting the proposed budget for 2022/23, which subject to Executive Board’s approval, will be submitted to the respective Scrutiny Boards for their consideration and review, with the outcome of their deliberations being reported to Executive Board in February 2022, with the proposals also being made available to other stakeholders as part of a wider and continuing process of engagement and consultation.




The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report presenting the proposed budget for 2022/23, which subject to Executive Board’s approval, was scheduled to be submitted to the respective Scrutiny Boards for their consideration and review, with the outcome of their deliberations being reported to Executive Board in February 2022, with the proposals also being made available to other stakeholders as part of a wider and continuing process of engagement and consultation. The report also invited the Board to note provisional budgets for 2023/24 and 2024/25.



(a)  That the proposed Budget for 2022/23, as presented within the submitted report, which is based on the approval and delivery of £17.7m of directorate savings for 2022/23, be noted, with it also being noted that these matters have been brought to this Board through the accompanying reports, ‘Revenue Savings Proposals for 2022/23 to 2024/25’ at its September meeting and elsewhere on this agenda;


(b)  That agreement be given to consultation being undertaken upon the proposed Budget for 2022/23, which includes the proposed increases in core Council Tax and the Adult Social Care precept. Further to this, agreement be given that these budget proposals are submitted to Scrutiny for consideration and made available for wider consultation with stakeholders;


(c)  That the provisional budget position for 2023/24 and 2024/25, as presented in the submitted report, be noted; and that it also be noted that further savings proposals to address the updated estimated budget gaps of £30.6m and £25.6m for 2023/24 and 2024/25 respectively will be reported to future meetings of this Board;


(d)  That should the application to form a 2022/23 Leeds City Region Business Rates Pool be successful, approval be given for Leeds City Council to become a member of the proposed Pool and to act as lead Authority for it; with it being noted that the establishment of this new Pool will be dependent upon none of the other proposed member Authorities choosing to withdraw within the statutory period after designation.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor S Golton required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute.


Also, it was noted that whilst Councillor A Lamb was attending the Board meeting in a non-voting capacity, were he able to, he would have abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)


(The resolutions referred to within Minute No. 92 (a), (b) and (c), given that these were decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules, were not eligible for Call In, as Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 5.1.2 states that the power to Call In decisions does not extend to those decisions made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules. However, the resolution referred to in Minute No. 92 (d) was eligible for Call In, given that this was a decision not being taken as part of the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules)


Best City Ambition – Initial Proposals pdf icon PDF 433 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Resources presenting the initial proposals for the Leeds Best City Ambition for the purposes of endorsement and approval that the proposals are released for public consultation and referred to Scrutiny, as required by the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules.



Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 68, 20 October 2021, the Director of Resources submitted a report presenting the initial proposals for the Leeds Best City Ambition for the purposes of endorsement and approval that the proposals were released for public consultation and referred to Scrutiny, as required by the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules.


Responding to Members’ comments regarding the identification of the Ambition’s priorities and the importance of ensuring that the outcomes from the consultation were taken into consideration, the Board received further information on how the outcomes from the proposed consultation exercise would play a key role in how the Ambition developed.



(a)  That the Best City Ambition initial proposals, as detailed within the submitted report be noted, and that the commencement of a public consultation process, be approved;


(b)  That the Best City Ambition initial proposals, as submitted, be referred to Scrutiny for consideration;


(c)  That it be noted that the Director of Resources will be responsible for the production of the final Best City Ambition proposals, which are scheduled to be received by the Board in February 2022.


(The resolutions referred to within this Minute, given that they were decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules, were not eligible for Call In, as Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 5.1.2 states that the power to Call In decisions does not extend to those decisions made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules)


Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic – Response and Recovery Plan pdf icon PDF 546 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Executive outlining the latest position and detailing ongoing activity across the multi-agency partnership, as we continue to respond to and recover from Covid-19, covering the period from the last report published in September 2021.


Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted a report outlining the latest position and detailing ongoing activity across the multi-agency partnership, as the Council together with its partners continued to respond to and recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. Specifically, the report covered the period from the last report considered by the Board in September 2021 to date.


Prior to the meeting Board Members were in receipt of supplementary information to the submitted report which provided an updated position for Members’ consideration as part of this item.


By way of introduction to the report, the Leader provided an update regarding the latest developments with regard to the national and local position, with an undertaking that the Council would continue to work with communities and partner organisations in response to the pandemic.


The Chief Executive provided an update on the Gold, Silver, Bronze ‘Team Leeds’ approach which continued within the Council and with partners in overseeing the actions being taken in relation to the pandemic. Also, updates were provided regarding the planning and dialogue taking place within the Council and with Government and relevant partners on:

·  the continued financial implications of the pandemic;

·  mitigating against the potential impact upon service provision and the workforce as a result of Covid-19; and

·  the dialogue with Government around providing greater flexibility in relation to the delivery of decision making meetings during the pandemic such as via remote means, with specific reference being made to the budget Council meeting in February 2022.



(a)  That the updates made to the Response & Recovery Plan, as detailed at Annex A to the submitted report, which details ongoing response, risks, and service pressures together with recovery efforts as the Council plans for 2022, be noted;


(b)  That the information presented in Annex B to the submitted report, be noted, which is the usual Covid-19 Dashboard detailing information across all seven themes;


(c)  That it be agreed that the next Covid-19 update report will be submitted to the Board in March 2022, dependent upon the local situation and the national context.


Update on Leeds Vaccination Programme pdf icon PDF 429 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Executive that provides an update on the Leeds Covid-19 Vaccination Programme and asks Executive Board to note the many initiatives that are part of the programme. It also asks Executive Board to endorse the approach taken by city partners under the leadership of the

NHS and includes a wide range of Council services, third sector and community partners.


The Chief Executive submitted a report providing an update on the Leeds Covid-19 Vaccination Programme and which invited the Board to note the range of initiatives that were being undertaken as part of that programme and to endorse the approach taken by city partners under the leadership of the NHS.


With the agreement of the Chair, the submitted report had been circulated to Board Members as a late item of business prior to the meeting for the reasons as detailed in Minute No. 87.


The Executive Member for Public Health and Active Lifestyles provided the Board with an update on latest position regarding the vaccination programme, with Members paying tribute to all of those who continued to be involved in its delivery.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further detail on the actions being taken to encourage greater take up of the vaccine in communities where this remained an issue. Also, the Board received an update regarding the progress which was being made in improving the accessibility of vaccine provision, with the latest position regarding the delivery of vaccines from GP practices and pharmacies being provided.


In response to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with information on delayed hospital discharges. 



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report, together with the current position, as detailed within it, be noted; and that the approach being taken by NHS vaccine programme leaders and partners in Leeds working together as ‘Team Leeds’, be endorsed;


(b)  That the Board’s continued support be provided to the balanced programme which scales up booster delivery whilst also working to reduce health inequalities and overcome the barriers including access and increasing confidence in the vaccination, in addition to promoting first and second doses and also working with people and communities through the ‘no-one left behind’ inequalities programme;


(c)  That the comments made during the discussion about how best to ensure continued support from Elected Members to act as the conduit of information to and from their communities, including helping to manage expectations and sign-posting people to online and community resources, be noted.


(NB. The published report was marked as being not eligible for Call In, however, in line with the relevant Procedure Rules, the resolutions arising from this report are eligible for Call In)


West Yorkshire Devolution: Consent to Non-Transport Borrowing Powers pdf icon PDF 419 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Executive that brings forward the next steps for the devolution of powers to West Yorkshire, seeking in-principle consent to an Order which would enable the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to borrow for non-transport related functions.

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted a report which brought forward the next steps for the devolution of powers to West Yorkshire, and which sought in-principle consent to an Order which would enable the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to borrow for non-transport related functions.


With the agreement of the Chair, the submitted report had been circulated to Board Members as a late item of business prior to the meeting with the confidential appendix being circulated at the conclusion of the public part of the meeting, for the reasons as set out in the submitted report, and as detailed in Minute No. 87.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, it was undertaken that arrangements would be made to provide Opposition Members with an opportunity to engage and receive briefings in relation to the matters being proposed.


Overall, Members welcomed the proposals and the further benefits that the devolved powers would bring.


In conclusion, the Leader highlighted that given the late submission of this report, as required by the Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rules, the Chair of the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board had been consulted and had provided his agreement in relation to the reasons for urgency which had been provided. 


Following consideration of the appendix to the submitted report designated as being confidential and therefore exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 9.2(a), which was circulated at the conclusion of the public part of the meeting and considered in private at that point, it was



(a)  That the Board’s in principle consent to the regulations to provide the Combined Authority with the power to borrow for non-transport related functions, as set out in the ‘minded to’ Devolution Deal, be confirmed;


(b)  That the necessary authority be delegated to the Managing Director of the Combined Authority, in consultation with the Leader and Chief Executive of each constituent council and the Chair of the Combined Authority, to finalise and consent to the final draft of the regulations, further to any technical issues which may arise;


(c)  That approval be given for all of the decisions taken by Executive Board from the submitted report be exempt from Call In on the grounds of urgency and for the reasons as set out in paragraph 12 of the submitted report.


(The Council’s Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rules state that a decision may be declared as being exempt from the Call In process by the decision taker if it is considered that the matter is urgent and any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s, or the public’s interests. In line with this, the resolutions contained within this minute were exempted from the Call In process, as per resolution (c) above, and for the reasons as detailed within sections 12 of the submitted report)



Review of Charging for Non-Residential Adult Social Care Services pdf icon PDF 689 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Adults and Health on the outcomes from the consultation on the review of charging for non-residential Adult Social Care services. The report provides options and makes recommendations for changes to charging.


Additional documents:


The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report presenting the outcomes from the consultation undertaken regarding the review of charging for non-residential Adult Social Care services. Specifically, the report provided options and made recommendations for changes to charging.


In introducing the report, the Executive Member for Adult and Children’s Social Care and Health Partnerships provided a detailed overview of the changes to the Council’s current non-residential care charging policy which were being proposed and the reasons for such proposals. Information was also provided on the measures proposed to monitor and mitigate against the impact on those affected, as detailed within the submitted report.


Responding to Members’ enquiries, the Board received further detail on the financial basis for the proposal, the number of service users who would be affected, the phased approach being proposed, how the impact upon service users would be monitored and the affected individuals supported, with Members also receiving further detail regarding the level of response received in relation to the associated consultation exercise.


As part of the review process and in response to a Member’s specific request, it was undertaken that Executive Board Members would receive briefing papers at 6 and 12 months in order to monitor how the changes were progressing and the impact that they were having.



(a)  That changes to the current charging policy, as detailed within the submitted report, be approved, so that where more than one care worker is required to deliver home care services at the same time, the customer is required to contribute towards the costs of all workers present;


(b)  That approval be given to the removal of the Maximum Assessed Charge (MAC) cap of £482 a week;


(c)  That it be noted that the approach for the implementation of such matters will be a phased approach; with it being noted that the approach is recommended to be a staggered percentage increase, with charges increasing by 25% of the difference between the current charges and the new charges initially; by a further 25% after 3 months, a further 25% after 6 months: and with customers expected to pay the full amount of their new charges after 9 months;


(d)  That further to resolution (b) above, it be noted that the charging policy will be amended so that customers in Supported Living will be charged for this service at the cost of their individual Placement Agreement (subject to financial assistance);


(e)  That it be noted that the officer responsible for the implementation of the decision to amend the charging structure will be the Chief Officer of Resources & Strategy;


(f)  That it be noted that an update on the impact of this decision will be brought to Executive Board within six months of its implementation, with it also being noted (as detailed above), that Executive Board Members would receive briefing papers at 6 and 12 months in order to monitor how the changes were progressing and the impact that they were having.



Waste Management Service - Response to Covid-19 pdf icon PDF 208 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment which provides an update on the Waste Management Service operational response to the challenges being faced during the ongoing pandemic and which also presents the related financial implications.


The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report which provided an update on the Waste Management Service operational response to the challenges being faced during the ongoing pandemic and which also presented the related financial implications.


In introducing the key elements of the submitted report, the Executive Member for Environment and Housing provided an overview of the current performance statistics for the waste management service, the increased workload and challenges which continued to be faced throughout the pandemic and the budgetary implications arising from that. In conclusion, the Executive Member for Environment and Housing, echoed by other Board Members, paid tribute to the work of the refuse collection teams throughout the pandemic.


In response to concerns raised, the Board discussed, and received further information regarding:

·  The measurement of performance and success for the service;

·  The experience of service users;

·  How the service had performed in light of continued challenges being faced during the pandemic, including managing the levels of excess waste which were being generated, the management of workforce resource matters and budgetary pressures;

·  The progression of the refuse service and route review;

·  Comparisons with other Local Authorities.


As part of consideration of this matter, the Board received an update specifically in respect of performance in Wetherby Ward, with officers welcoming continued dialogue with Wetherby Ward Councillors to address any issues arising. In addition, the Executive Member undertook to visit Wetherby Ward to discuss service provision, in response to a request received.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That the following be noted, together with the comments of the Board during the consideration of such matters:

(i)  the performance of Waste Management Services in adapting to the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic, in particular the collection of additional waste produced by households as more people work and learn from home;


(ii)  the breakdown of the additional cost of managing the additional household waste produced during the pandemic, together with the extra resources to ensure Government requirements for isolation and safe working environments are being met; and


(iii)  the steps being taken to ensure that services are resilient to a sustained change in the amount of household waste being produced and other pressures such as the national LGV driver shortage, together with the conclusion of the refuse service/route review to address issues effecting the performance of the service pre-pandemic.



Wetherby High School Rebuild Proposals and Business Case pdf icon PDF 231 KB

To consider the joint report of the Director of Children and Families and the Director of City Development which sets out the current issues regarding the condition of Wetherby High School estate, and following a review undertaken, proposes the principle of a rebuild of the school.


(Please note that Appendix B to this report is designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3))


Additional documents:


The Director of Children and Families and the Director of City Development submitted a joint report which set out the current issues regarding the condition of Wetherby High School estate, and following a review undertaken, presented details of proposals regarding the principle of a rebuild of the school.


Members welcomed the proposals and extended their thanks to all of those who had been involved in progressing the proposals to the current position.


In considering this matter, a Member highlighted Royds School, and the investment which it needed. The school’s academy status was acknowledged, and with that in mind it was noted that the options available in respect of taking Royds School forward would be looked into. 


Following consideration of Appendix B to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the public part of the meeting, it was



(a)  That the principle of the rebuild of Wetherby High School and the ringfencing of capital receipts, CIL and S106, be approved in order to support its delivery, as set out in exempt appendix B (Business Case) to the submitted report;


(b)  That following resolution (a) (above), and subject to the successful outcome of the S77 notice and Sport England discussions regarding the release and development of land around Wetherby High School, approval be given to the submission of the planning applications for the school and housing development to support the delivery of a new secondary school at Wetherby for September 2024 at the earliest;


(c)  That the principles of the Business Case, set out in the submitted report and exempt appendix B, which has been developed to support the delivery of the proposed rebuild of Wetherby High School, be approved;


(d)  That approval be given for the submission of an Executive Board report at a future point in time once the Secretary of State approval to release the land is secured and the details of the Business Case required to deliver the project are known.




The Great Jobs Agenda and the Leeds Anchors Network pdf icon PDF 624 KB

To consider the joint report of the Director of City Development and the Director of Resources that explores the city’s approach towards promoting the Living Wage and Great Jobs Agenda across the whole of the Leeds district. The report also focuses upon the Leeds Anchors Network, including the recent successful bid for funding to the Health Foundation to expand the Anchors programme within local communities. Furthermore, the reports sets out the Council’s actions in the context of the West Yorkshire Mayor’s ambition to establish a Fair Work Charter.


Additional documents:


The Director of City Development and the Director of Resources submitted a joint report that explored the city’s approach towards promoting the Living Wage and Great Jobs Agenda across the whole of the Leeds district. The report also focussed upon the Leeds Anchors Network, including the recent successful bid for funding to the Health Foundation to expand the Anchors programme within local communities. Furthermore, the report set out the Council’s actions in the context of the West Yorkshire Mayor’s ambition to establish a Fair Work Charter.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further detail regarding the work being undertaken to progress the respective areas of ‘future talent’ and ‘green jobs’.



(a)  That the Board’s continued support towards the Council’s Employment Agenda, as set out in paragraphs 12 to 15 of the submitted report, be confirmed;


(b)  That an approach whereby the Council continues to pay Council staff the Living Wage Foundation Real Living Wage, be endorsed;


(c)  That it be noted that the officers responsible for the implementation of the matters detailed within the submitted report are the Chief Officer Human Resources and Chief Officer Culture and Economy, with it also being noted that all employment issues within the Council, including engagement with Trade Unions, is the responsibility of the Chief Officer Human Resources, with the Chief Officer Culture and Economy being responsible for supporting both the Leeds Anchors Network and wider employer engagement.


A Framework for Delivering Major Events in Leeds pdf icon PDF 230 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development that presents a renewed framework for attracting and delivering major events for Leeds following a review of the Council’s existing events programme. The report also seeks approval to host the World Triathlon Championship Series event in 2022 and 2024.

Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report presenting a renewed framework for attracting and delivering major events for Leeds following a review of the Council’s existing events programme. The report also sought approval to host the World Triathlon Championship Series event in 2022 and 2024.


Responding to a Member’s comments, the Board acknowledged the need to ensure that the correct balance was struck between delivering major events, whilst at the same time ensuring that quality of life for local residents in those host communities was preserved, and that local communities were included in, and benefitted from such events.


Also, assurance was provided that where new major commercial events were delivered in Roundhay Park or similar venues, the commercial provider would provide the levels of resource required, which meant that staffing from parks services would not be diverted as a result.



(a) That the adoption of the Events Framework as presented in the submitted report, be approved, incorporating:-

(i)  a mechanism for assessing and bidding for major events;

(ii)  a Framework for delivery of major events held within Leeds; and

(iii)  including an internal strategy for actively curating events within the City’s parks.


(b)  That approval be given to host the World Triathlon Championship Series event in 2022 and 2024;


(c)  That approval be given for the Head of Arts Events and Venues to be responsible for the implementation of Major Events Framework in Leeds.



Leeds Parks and Green Spaces Strategy pdf icon PDF 520 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment that presents the Leeds Parks and Green Spaces Strategy. The report sets out a vision for the Parks and Countryside Service, and the actions that will be undertaken by the service to deliver that vision over the next 10 years.


Additional documents:


The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report presenting the Leeds Parks and Green Spaces Strategy. The report set out a vision for the Parks and Countryside Service, and the actions that would be undertaken by the service to deliver that vision over the next 10 years.


Responding to a specific enquiry, the Board received an update regarding the approach being taken in respect of flower bed planting in parks and other areas.


In response to a Member’s comments, the importance of prioritising accessibility in the city’s parks was emphasised, which it was noted was reflected in the proposed strategy. With regard to the strategy’s priorities more generally, the Board received an update on the ways in which the service would look to deliver such priorities.  


A Member highlighted the benefits of the service working with local Ward Councillors as a means of engaging local communities. Also, responding to a specific enquiry, the Board noted the undertaking to prepare a plan on a page for each community park in the city.  


RESOLVED – That the new Parks and Green Spaces Strategy, as presented within the submitted report, and which is forimplementation by the Chief Officer, Parks and Countryside from January 2022, be approved.



Main Modifications to the Leeds Site Allocations Remitted Plan pdf icon PDF 204 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development that seeks approval to commence a six-week public consultation on Main Modifications (MMs) recommended by the Independent Planning Inspector appointed to examine the Remitted part of the Leeds Site Allocation Plan.


Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 148, 17 March 2021, and further to the matter being considered by Development Plan Panel on 14th December 2021, the Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval to commence a six-week public consultation on the Main Modifications (MM’s) recommended by the Independent Planning Inspector who had been appointed to examine the Remitted part of the Leeds Site Allocation Plan.


In introducing the report, the Executive Member for Infrastructure and Climate extended her thanks to the continued efforts of all of those who had progressed the Leeds Site Allocations Remitted Plan to this advanced stage, which was echoed by other Members.


In considering the proposals, support was given to the proposal to return the 36 housing sites back to the Green Belt, however one Member specifically emphasised their Group’s view that the Barrowby Lane site should also be returned to the Green Belt, at least until an employment review was undertaken.



(a)  That public consultation of the schedule of Inspector’s proposed Main Modifications (as detailed at Appendix 1 to the submitted report) and the supporting material (at Appendices 2 to 4 of the submitted report) for a period of 6 weeks from 17th December 2021 to 28th January 2022, be approved;


(b)  That the necessary authority be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer, in consultation with the Executive Member for Infrastructure and Climate, to enable the Chief Planning Officer to approve the detail of any updates or corrections to the consultation material and any technical documents and supporting evidence required.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor S Golton required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)


(The matters referred to within this minute, given that they were decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules, were not eligible for Call In, as Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 5.1.2 states that the power to Call In decisions does not extend to those decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules)


Integrated Rail Plan for the North and Midlands: Outcome and Implications for Leeds pdf icon PDF 377 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development setting out the key issues in the Integrated Rail Plan for the North and Midlands (IRP) and the specific implications this has for Leeds.  In February 2020, the Government published the outcome of the independent Oakervee report advising whether and how to progress HS2 and recommending the need for an IRP for the North and Midlands to be developed. The IRP has been developed by Department for Transport (DfT) and was published on 18th November 2021.


Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report setting out the key issues in the Integrated Rail Plan for the North and Midlands (IRP) and the specific implications for Leeds. In February 2020, the Government published the outcome of the independent Oakervee report advising whether and how to progress HS2 and recommending the need for an IRP for the North and Midlands to be developed. The IRP was developed by Department for Transport (DfT) and was published on 18th November 2021.


In considering the report, it was noted that this had been the first opportunity to submit a report on such matters to the Board since the publication of the IRP, and the purpose of it was to provide Members with the latest position and invite the Board’s support to seek clarification from Government in a number of areas.


The Board discussed a number of issues, including:

·  The key importance of addressing the capacity issues at Leeds station moving forward;

·  The need for clarity around alternative proposals for highspeed connectivity for Leeds, as an alternative to the HS2 eastern leg;

·  The key importance of effective East-West connectivity;

·  The disappointment of the current position, given the significant planning that had been made on the basis of the HS2 route into Leeds.


The Chief Executive highlighted that in moving forward, the aim was now to establish a partnership approach with Government and regional partners in order to deliver real transport improvements, given the integral role that transport connectivity played in the city’s development. Positives, such as the funding which had been allocated towards the development of a new West Yorkshire Mass Transit System were also highlighted. 


Finally, confirmation was provided that the DfT held the £100m which had been allocated in the IRP towards a review of how to bring high-speed trains to Leeds and to consider Leeds Station capacity issues, with it being noted that the Council was keen to progress such matters with partners as quickly as possible.



(a)  That the proposed approach to seeking the following from Government, as set out below, be endorsed:-


a)  To note the key issues in the Integrated Rail Plan for the North and Midlands including the emerging specific implications for Leeds;

b)  To support the request to DFT and Treasury for Leeds City Council to joint client all proposed further studies impacting Leeds Railway Station in defining the scope and remitting of the study into highspeed rail to Leeds, including the critical link between Leeds and Sheffield and Leeds Station capacity utilising the £100m made available through the IRP;

c)  For officers to liaise with WYCA and DfT to obtain clarity over the total development funding contribution to Mass Transit, understand how and when it will be paid and the specific scope of the funding contribution proposed;

d)  For officers to seek clarity from DFT over the implications of the TRU/NPR works to Leeds Station and to understand what land will be required to implement the Government’s proposals.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 104.