Agenda and minutes

Special Meeting, Council - Tuesday, 1st September, 2020 10.30 am

Venue: Remote meeting

Contact: Kevin Tomkinson, Governance & Scrutiny Support Unit 

Link: Link to View Meeting Recording

No. Item




The Chief Executive provided Council with an update on the current position in the City with regard to Covid-19 and infection rates.


Devolution Deal for West Yorkshire - Consultation Outcomes pdf icon PDF 656 KB

To consider a report of the Chief Executive updating Members on the latest stage of the process to implement the West Yorkshire Devolution Deal, agreed between the region and Government in March 2020. It details the outcome of the public consultation held between June and July 2020, along with a range of additional engagement undertaken including with elected members, and sets out the next steps in the implementation process.




Additional documents:


A report of the Chief Executive in respect of devolution was moved by Councillor Blake, seconded by Councillor Lewis asking Council 


a)  To consider and comment on the content of the report, along with the Summary of Consultation Responses attached as Appendix 1.

b)  To consider the joint statement from Leeds scrutiny board chairs attached as Appendix 3, and the summary of Leeds-led engagement in 3.29 and 3.45.

c)  To consider, offer comment to Executive Board, and endorse the steps necessary to achieve an effective West Yorkshire Devolution Deal.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor Collins, 


Insert the following wording at the end of Item 1, Recommendation c):


“[…], but to also make additional representations on strategic planning powers to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and reach an agreement that provides  firmer guarantees that each of the constituent authorities would have a veto over being part of any Mayoral spatial strategy.”


The amendment in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter was declared carried and upon being put to the vote it was




a)  That the content of the submitted report, along with the Summary of Consultation Responses, as attached at Appendix 1, be noted;


b)  That the joint statement from Leeds Scrutiny Board Chairs, as detailed at Appendix 3 to the submitted report, together with the summary of Leeds-led engagement in sections 3.29 and 3.45 of the submitted report, be noted


c)  That the report be noted and Council recommended to the Executive Board that the steps necessary to achieve an effective West Yorkshire Devolution Deal be endorsed, but to also make additional representations on strategic planning powers to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and reach an agreement that provides firmer guarantees that each of the constituent authorities would have a veto over being part of any Mayoral spatial strategy.