Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 11th November, 2020 1.00 pm

Venue: Remote

Contact: Kevin Tomkinson, Governance & Scrutiny Support Unit 

Link: Link to View Meeting Recording

No. Item




(a)  The Lord Mayor welcome members to this remote meeting of Full Council and also any members of the public who were joining the meeting.


(b)  The Lord Mayor informed Members that she had agreed to the inclusion of a late item of business, a report Updating Members on the current position regarding the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.


(c)  The Lord Mayor reminded those present that the meeting was to be streamed live.


(d)  The Lord Mayor congratulated the following who were honoured in the Queen’s New Year Honours List:-


·  Mrs Linda Pollard – Dame Commander of the British Empire

·  Richard David Flint CBE

·  Robert Semple CBE

·  Robert Webster CBE

·  Jonathan Bates OBE

·  Alison Jane Pittard OBE

·  Professor Sheena Radford OBE

·  Farrah Khan MBE

·  Keith Daniel BEM

·  Joanne Swaine BEM

·  Faisal Tuddy BEM

·  Lilian Black OBE*



*The Lord Mayor informed Council that as it was Armistice Day and that Lilian Black had recently passed away she was inviting all of those joining the meeting to stand in silent tribute.


Council stood in silent tribute.














Minutes of the last Meeting pdf icon PDF 446 KB

To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 16th September 2020.


It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Cohen and


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 16th September 2020 be approved.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members



Councillor Peter Gruen informed the meeting that he had an interest in the White Paper Motion on the Managed Approach as he was the Chair of the GORSE Acadamies Trust and he would take no part in the discussion or vote on this item (minute 46 refers).




To receive such communications as the Lord Mayor, the Leader,  Members of the Executive Board or the Chief Executive consider appropriate.


There were no communications.


Children's Mayor Winning Manifesto


The Lord Mayor welcomed Samuel Hill from Carr Manor Community School, Samuel had been chosen to be the Leeds Children’s Mayor and he presented to Council his winning manifesto ‘“Be yourself, Love yourself, Respect all others”.


On behalf of all Members the Lord Mayor thanked Samuel for his attendance at todays meeting.



Procedural Motions


It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Cohen and


RESOLVED – That Council Procedure Rules 2.2 (e ),(g), 3.3, 3.4, 11.1 (c ), 12.2 and 14.1 (b), (c) & (d) be suspended and agree that;


·  all business other than White Papers be concluded by 4.15pm at which point there will be a scheduled break followed by White Papers.


·  White Papers – for a maximum of 30 minutes per White Paper - speakers to have up to 3 minutes with each group having the opportunity to speak if required.


·  White Papers - to allow the introduction of an additional ‘not for debate’ White Paper on Leeds Rhinos.



Recommendations of the General Purposes Committee - Amendments to the Constitution pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To consider the report of the City Solicitor setting out recommendations of the General Purposes Committee in relation to amendments to the Constitution.


Additional documents:


The report of the City Solicitor setting out recommendations from the General Purposes Committee that met on 19th October 2020, in relation to proposed amendments to the Constitution was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Scopes and

RESOLVED – Toapprove the amendments to the constitution as detailed in the report, and set out in the appendices attached, with immediate effect in particular to:

·  Article 6 (Appendix A)

·  Article 12 (Appendix B)

·  Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rules (Appendix C)





Report on Appointments pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To consider the report of the City Solicitor on appointments.


It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Scopes and


RESOLVED - That the report of the City Solicitor on appointments namely that Councillor Forsaith replace Councillor D Blackburn on the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee, Councillor Harrington replace Councillor G Latty on the Health & Wellbeing Board and that Councillor Mulherin replace Councillor Pryor on the West Yorkshire and York Investment Committee (a West Yorkshire Combined Authority Committee).





Report - Update on Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic pdf icon PDF 199 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Executive providing Members with an update on the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.



(Report to follow)

Additional documents:


A report of the Chief Executive in respect of the Covid-19 pandemic was moved by Councillor Blake, seconded by Councillor Charlwood asking Council 


a)  To note the regular reports to Executive Board, which will continue.

b)  To note the national changes effective from 5 November 2020 when the country enters a second lockdown, and the anticipated impacts.

c)  To note the work being undertaken to support vulnerable people and businesses.

d)  To note the continued financial pressure in responding to the pandemic and the loss of income faced due to the closure of facilities.

e)  To thank the people of Leeds, council staff and all partners for their considerable efforts to try to control the virus in the city.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor Dobson, 


Insert new Recommendations f and g as follows:


f) To note that Council is concerned that the current Covid Outbreak Board, whilst useful as a briefing forum, is not fit for purpose as it lacks democratic accountability and treats elected members of all political parties as an afterthought.  At this time of genuine crisis, all parties, representing all parts of the city, should be working together in the best interests of all the people they are elected to serve.  


g) Council therefore asks the Chief Executive to immediately ensure that the all-party Covid Response Board leads and shapes the City’s response going forward.


The amendment in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter was declared carried and upon being put to the vote it was




a)  To note the regular reports to Executive Board, which will continue.

b)  To note the national changes effective from 5 November 2020 when the country enters a second lockdown, and the anticipated impacts.

c)  To note the work being undertaken to support vulnerable people and businesses.

d)  To note the continued financial pressure in responding to the pandemic and the loss of income faced due to the closure of facilities.

e)  To thank the people of Leeds, council staff and all partners for their considerable efforts to try to control the virus in the city.



Report on Corporate Governance and Audit Committee Annual Report pdf icon PDF 129 KB

To consider the report of the City Solicitor presenting the attached annual public report to demonstrate how the committee has discharged its responsibilities.  This is now reported to full Council in accordance with best practice published by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.

Additional documents:


It was moved by Councillor Scopes, seconded by Councillor Dowson and


RESOLVED - That the report of the City Solicitor be received and the matters set out in the annual report reflecting the work of the Committee be noted.



Executive Questions pdf icon PDF 397 KB

To deal with executive questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.


Q1  Councillor Buckley to the Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development):-


Could the Executive Member for Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development comment on whether she thinks schemes commissioned by the Council under the Emergency Active Travel fund and other cycling and walking programmes are providing value for money and not creating more problems than they solve?


The Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development) replied.


Q2  Councillor Golton to the Executive Member (Children and Families):-


Can the Executive Member for Children’s Services tell us if she is satisfied that the Healthy Holidays scheme commissioned by the Council allows equitable access for children in need across the city?


The Executive Member (Children and Families) replied.


Q3  Councillor Lennox to the Executive Member (Learning, Skills and Employment):-


Can the Executive Member comment on the most recent unemployment figures for Leeds?


The Executive Member (Learning, Skills and Employment) replied.


Q4  Councillor Field to the Executive Member (Health, Wellbeing and Adults):-


Can the Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adults ensure that, going forward, where there is a significant COVID-19 outbreak, elected members and the public can expect a higher degree of transparency from Leeds City Council?


The Executive Member (Health, Wellbeing and Adults) replied.


Q5  Councillor Arif to the Executive Member (Children and Families):-


What work is being done in Leeds to support children with additional needs and their families?


The Executive Member (Children and Families) replied.


At the conclusion of question time, the following questions remained unanswered and it was noted that, under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 11.6, written answers would be sent to each Member of Council:-





Q6  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Resources):-


Q7  Councillor Bentley to the Executive Member (Communities):-


Q8  Councillor Cunningham to the Executive Member (Health, Wellbeing and Adults):-


Q9  Councillor Field to the Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development):-


Q10  Councillor Marshall-Katung to the Executive Member (Communities):-


Q11  Councillor Robinson to the Executive Member (Communities).


Q12  Councillor Garthwaite to the Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport & Sustainable Development).


Q13  Councillor Field to the Executive Member (Learning, Skills and Employment)


Q14  Councillor Ragan to the Executive Member (Environment and Active Lifestyles).


Q15  Councillor Wadsworth to the Executive Member (Environment and Active Lifestyles).


Q16  Councillor Field to the Executive Member (Communities).


Q17  Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport & Sustainable Development).


Q18  Councillor Field to the Leader of Council.


Q19  Councillor J Taylor to the Executive Member (Communities).


Q20  Councillor Field to the Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport & Sustainable Development).


Q21  Councillor Stephenson to the Executive Member (Learning, Skills and Employment)


Q22  Councillor Field to the Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport & Sustainable Development).


Q23  Councillor Buckley to the Executive Member (Resources).


Q24  Councillor Field to the Leader of Council.


Q25  Councillor Robinson to the Executive Member (Communities).


Q26  Councillor  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44.


Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Executive Board pdf icon PDF 352 KB

To receive the minutes in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).

Additional documents:


It was moved by Councillor Blake, seconded by Councillor Dowson that the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).



RESOLVED – That the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).



Council Procedure Rule 4, providing for the winding up of business, was applied prior to all notified comments on the minutes having been debated.



At the conclusion of this item Council adjourned from 16.15 to 16.30.


White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Amanda Carter) - Managed Approach pdf icon PDF 182 KB

This Council notes that the Managed Approach in Holbeck continues to be deeply controversial with local communities and businesses, with a number of protest groups having voiced their concerns.


Whilst the Independent Review into its future concluded that the Approach should continue with changes, Council is concerned that only a small fraction of the residents and businesses in the area had their views recorded in the survey, and Council notes that the Review itself conceded that the findings could not be taken as representative of the people of Holbeck. Crucially, Council remains concerned that no action appears to have been taken to address child safeguarding concerns raised by schools in the area.


Given the significant and demonstrable deficit in local engagement, Council is not satisfied that the recommendation to continue with the Managed Approach is based on a sound understanding of the impact on the local community and their concerns. Council calls on the administration to bring forward detailed plans for how it can listen and engage with local communities about the future of the Managed Approach.


In order to be in a position to respond to concerns about the Managed Approach, Council requests that a regular report is brought to Executive Board which should include updates on: the support available for the women; community feedback; Police input; and options for both reducing the size of the area and considering an “exit strategy” from the Managed Approach policy entirely.


Additional documents:


It was moved by Councillor Amanda Carter, seconded by Councillor Robinson  that  this Council notes that the Managed Approach in Holbeck continues to be deeply controversial with local communities and businesses, with a number of protest groups having voiced their concerns.


Whilst the Independent Review into its future concluded that the Approach should continue with changes, Council is concerned that only a small fraction of the residents and businesses in the area had their views recorded in the survey, and Council notes that the Review itself conceded that the findings could not be taken as representative of the people of Holbeck. Crucially, Council remains concerned that no action appears to have been taken to address child safeguarding concerns raised by schools in the area.


Given the significant and demonstrable deficit in local engagement, Council is not satisfied that the recommendation to continue with the Managed Approach is based on a sound understanding of the impact on the local community and their concerns. Council calls on the administration to bring forward detailed plans for how it can listen and engage with local communities about the future of the Managed Approach.


In order to be in a position to respond to concerns about the Managed Approach, Council requests that a regular report is brought to Executive Board which should include updates on: the support available for the women; community feedback; Police input; and options for both reducing the size of the area and considering an “exit strategy” from the Managed Approach policy entirely.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Coupar, seconded by Councillor Scopes


Delete all and replace with:


“Council welcomes the independent report in to the Managed approach and notes the finding that the Managed Approach was viewed as an essential factor in better engaging with street sex workers to improve their safety and health. 


Council further notes the Managed Approach is not a permanent solution to on street sex work and continues to evolve to ensure any impact on local residents is reduced and sex workers are kept as safe as possible.  


Council also welcomes the improved Communication and co-operation between Holbeck residents and those governing the management of the Managed approach. However council notes there is more work to do and remains committed to carrying out further work to improve communication and co-operation in line with approved recommendations in the independent report. In addition the Council has committed to considering the findings of the ‘Listening Well’ report when it is finalised.


Council acknowledges there are varied and wide ranging views regarding on street sex working and Council remains committed to building on the positive work highlighted in the independent review and continuing to listen, learn and engage with all stakeholders and the wider community of Holbeck.”


The amendment in the name of Councillor Coupar was declared carried and upon being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED – That Council welcomes the independent report in to the Managed approach and notes the finding that the Managed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46.


White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Coupar) - Cladding on Buildings pdf icon PDF 87 KB

This Council believes it is a scandal that hundreds of private leaseholders in Leeds still live in high rise flats with dangerous cladding, despite it now being over 3 years since the tragic Grenfell Tower fire.  


Council believes it is unfair that many residents who bought their properties in good faith now face both the immediate cost of having to fund waking watches, as well as not knowing whether they will one day wake up to a financially crippling bill from their building owner for remedial works.  This is in addition to the increased impact on the mental wellbeing of individuals held to ransom in this way at a time of steadily rising unemployment.


Council believes it is time for firm action from the Government rather than continued broken promises, to avoid a repeat of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.  Council therefore expresses its support for the End Our Cladding Scandal campaign and calls on the Government to lead a national effort and provide the funding to remove all dangerous cladding from all buildings by June 2022 at the latest, with the prioritisation of those blocks most at risk.


Additional documents:


It was moved by Councillor Coupar, seconded by Councillor Wray that this Council believes it is a scandal that hundreds of private leaseholders in Leeds still live in high rise flats with dangerous cladding, despite it now being over 3 years since the tragic Grenfell Tower fire.  


Council believes it is unfair that many residents who bought their properties in good faith now face both the immediate cost of having to fund waking watches, as well as not knowing whether they will one day wake up to a financially crippling bill from their building owner for remedial works.  This is in addition to the increased impact on the mental wellbeing of individuals held to ransom in this way at a time of steadily rising unemployment.


Council believes it is time for firm action from the Government rather than continued broken promises, to avoid a repeat of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.  Council therefore expresses its support for the End Our Cladding Scandal campaign and calls on the Government to lead a national effort and provide the funding to remove all dangerous cladding from all buildings by June 2022 at the latest, with the prioritisation of those blocks most at risk.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Bentley, seconded by Councillor Campbell


In third paragraph remove all after “tragedy” and replace with:


“Council therefore supports the End Our Cladding Scandal campaign’s ten step plan to tackle this mounting crisis, particularly step 3 that proposes the Government should provide money up front and then seek to recover it from any responsible parties or via a temporary levy on development”


Revised motion will read:


This Council believes it is a scandal that hundreds of private leaseholders in Leeds still live in high rise flats with dangerous cladding, despite it now being over 3 years since the tragic Grenfell Tower fire.


Council believes it is unfair that many residents who bought their properties in good faith now face both the immediate cost of having to fund waking watches, as well as not knowing whether they will one day wake up to a financially crippling bill from their building owner for remedial works.  This is in addition to the increased impact on the mental wellbeing of individuals held to ransom in this way at a time of steadily rising unemployment.


Council believes it is time for firm action from the Government rather than continued broken promises, to avoid a repeat of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.Council therefore supports the End Our Cladding Scandal campaign’s ten step plan to tackle this mounting crisis, particularly step 3 that proposes the Government should provide money up front and then seek to recover it from any responsible parties or via a temporary levy on development.


A second amendment was moved by Councillor B Anderson, seconded by Councillor Harrand


Delete all after “This Council believes it is” and replace with the following:


“not acceptable that affected private leaseholders in Leeds are still living in high rise flats with dangerous cladding, despite  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47.


White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Chapman) - Free School Meals pdf icon PDF 86 KB

This Council implores the government to implement, as a matter of urgency, a free schools meal equivalent scheme for all eligible children during school holidays and lockdowns.


Additional documents:


It was moved by Councillor Chapman, seconded by Councillor Pryor that this Council implores the government to implement, as a matter of urgency, a free schools meal equivalent scheme for all eligible children during school holidays and lockdowns.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Stephenson, seconded by Councillor Richards


Delete all after “This Council” and replace with:


“welcomes the government’s decision to implement a free school meals equivalent scheme for all eligible children during school holidays and lockdowns.


“This Council notes: 


·  that schools and academies are now fully operational following the Covid-19 outbreak, and will continue to offer free school meals;

·  the substantial support provided by the Government to children is worth £550 million annually;

·  that this support has been bolstered by almost £53 billion worth of income protection schemes and £9.3 billion of additional welfare payments this year;

·  that eligible families have also been supported throughout lockdown through the receipt of meal vouchers worth £380 million while schools were partially closed;

·  that 22 per cent of those eligible for free school meals in Leeds don’t claim their entitlement;

·  that Leeds was a pilot city for the Government-funded Healthy Holidays programme and received £450,000 funding this year to continue that scheme; and

·  that Leeds City Council received £1,051,565.15 grant from Government for the Emergency Assistance Grant for Food and Essential Supplies.


“This Council welcomes the recent announcement by the Government of an extra £400m of support for children and families living in poverty and commits to sentiments expressed by Marcus Rashford MBE that now is the time for collaboration.


“This Council records its thanks to hardworking teachers and school staff who have kept schools open for pupils and joins Westminster’s cross-party rejection of the National Education Union’s demand to close schools. Instead, this Council supports the majority of teachers who want to carry on providing an education to the city’s children.”





The amendment in the name of Councillor Stephenson was declared lost and upon being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED – That this Council implores the government to implement, as a matter of urgency, a free schools meal equivalent scheme for all eligible children during school holidays and lockdowns.



White Paper Motion Not for Debate (in the name of Councillor Blake) - Leeds Rhinos


It was moved by Councillor Blake, seconded by Councillor Andrew Carter and supported by Councillor Howley, Councillor Finnigan, Councillor McCormack and Councillor D Blackburn and


RESOLVED – That this Council congratulates the Leeds Rhinos on their fantastic victory in the Challenge Cup Final.


Council commends all involved at the club for achieving this success through exceptional dedication and hard work.


Council welcomes the joy their victory brings to all in Leeds who, while unable to attend in person, continue to passionately support the Rhinos from home through these difficult times.