Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth) - Wednesday, 27th October, 2021 10.30 am

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR. View directions

Contact: Becky Atherton (0113 37 88642)  Email:

Link: to View Meeting Recording

No. Item



To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 25 of the Access to Information Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded)


There were no appeals.




Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

1  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3  If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-


  RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-




Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration.


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes.)


There were no late items.  Minutes of the meeting held on 16 September 2021 had been distributed prior to the meeting as supplementary information to the Agenda to be considered along with the minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2021.




Declarations of Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’.


There were no declarations.




Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes

To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutes.



Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors B Gettings and J Goddard.


Councillor E Taylor was in attendance as substitute.




Minutes - 29 September 2021 pdf icon PDF 229 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2021.  .



RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meetings held on 16 and 29 September 2021 be confirmed as correct records subject to the following addition to the minute.




Road Safety Inquiry: Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 317 KB

To note for information the Terms of Reference for the Scrutiny Board’s Road Safety Inquiry including the proposed structure of sessions one and two, as previously agreed by Board members.


A copy of the Terms of Reference for the Board’s Inquiry into Road Safety were attached to the Agenda.


RESOLVED – That the Terms of Reference for the Road Safety Inquiry be noted.




Road Safety Inquiry pdf icon PDF 437 KB

To receive the report in the name of the Director of City Development to inform the Board’s exploration of road safety concerns in Leeds.


Additional information for participants: The Board scheduled two meetings to examine this subject of which this is the second. These papers have been designed to inform the discussion at both of those meetings.


Additional documents:


The report of the Director of City Development highlighted the following:


·  An outline of the current approach to reduce the number of casualties on the public highway and thus to support the Best Council Plan.

·  The national and regional strategies to be considered and acknowledged in our road safety plans.

·  The new approach to road safety, Vision Zero and outline the timetable to produce and adopt the strategy and plan.


This was the Board’s second session of the Road Safety Inquiry and the main focus was to hear the views of local road safety campaigners.


The following were in attendance:


-  Gillian McLeod, Transport Development Service Manager

-  Lynsey McGarvey, Principal Transport Planner

-  Nick Hunt, Traffic Engineering Manager

-  Vicki Franks, Safe and Sustainable Travel Team Leader

-  Gary Bartlett, Chief Officer, Highways & Transportation

-  John Scruby, Support & Care After Road Death (SCARD)

-  David Smith, Victim & Witnesses Service Advisor (WYCA)

-  Ian Greenwood, Road Safety Campaigner

-  Paula Knights, Road Safety Campaigner

-  Jill Walshaw, Road Safety Campaigner

-  Superintendent Ed Chesters, West Yorkshire Police Lead on Road Safety

-  Inspector Nick Berry, West Yorkshire Police

-  Paul Jeffrey, Partnership & Innovation Mgr, Casualty Prevention Bureau


The Board was informed that the Transport Strategy had recently been approved by Executive Board.  The aim of Vision Zero was to work collaboratively and innovatively with the target that there would be nobody killed or seriously injured on the roads in Leeds by 2040.  It was a challenging ambition and a different approach would be taken to consider the whole system and process of road safety.  This would include vehicle manufacturers, housing design and people’s behaviour.  A shared approach and responsibility.


The Board heard from Ian Greenwood who explained why he had become involved in campaigning for road safety.  Mr Greenwood had tragically lost his daughter in a road traffic collision caused by reckless drivers who had been racing at speeds in excess of 80 miles per hour.  He spoke about the subsequent devastating consequences caused by road deaths and avoidable crashes.  He also informed the Board of the varying responses he had received from authorities and local leaders.


Mr Greenwood thanked the Board for the opportunity to speak and that he was pleased to see the targets set out in Vision Zero as there was a need to do better in West Yorkshire and Leeds


Further issues highlighted by Mr Greenwood included the following:


  • The Transport Plan was inspirational and it was pleasing to see the recognised need for change and to have a published timetable for action.
  • The need to keep the focus on why the work was important.
  • Most crashes were preventable.
  • Community engagement and people’s knowledge of local issues was crucial.
  • The importance of communication to local people of plans and actions.
  • The need for all agencies to work together in the same direction and the better use of data in improving road safety.
  • The need for leadership and commitment which has helped progression in other cities.
  • Road  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.


Work Schedule pdf icon PDF 410 KB

To consider the Scrutiny Board’s work schedule for the 2021/22 municipal year.


Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Democratic Services asked Members to consider the Board’s Work Schedule.


A copy of the schedule was appended to the report along with recent minutes of the Executive Board.


It was reported that Members would be consulted with regards to further discussion on the Road Safety Inquiry.




Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Board will take place on 24 November at 10.30am. There will be a pre-meet for members at 10.15am.