Venue: Remote
Contact: Governance Services Copies of the full report with appendices are available on request from the clerk. For details of the new premises licence please contact Entertainment Licensing on 0113 378 5029 after the hearing.
Link: to View Meeting Recording
No. | Item |
Adjournment of formal meeting to consider the review of the premises licence for the New Middleton, 4 Thorpe Street, Middleton, Leeds, LS10 4HD Minutes: The Chair, Cllr Paul Wray who had been elected to the Chair prior to the meeting, informed the Licensing Sub Committee that he had been made aware of an application to adjourn the hearing.
The Legal Officer advised the Licensing Sub Committee that an application to adjourn the meeting had been received from the Licensing Authority.
The grounds for the application to adjourn the hearing were that although West Yorkshire Police had provided additional information in relation to the licenced premises which had been circulated to Members prior to the hearing, the Licensing Authority was unable to confirm whether this information should have also been provided to the premises licence holder. As such the Licensing Authority was of the view that Members should consider the application to adjourn the matter until clarification could be sought
West Yorkshire Police confirmed that they had been unable to clarify this matter with the case officer.
Therefore, the Legal Officer requested that Members consider an adjournment to a date in the future when clarification in relation to this matter could be confirmed.
The Chair, sought the views of the Licensing Sub Committee.
RESOLVED - To adjourn the review application of the premises licence until clarification had been sought in relation to the additional information.