Agenda and minutes

Annual Meeting, Council - Thursday, 20th May, 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: Leeds Town Hall, Leeds

Contact: Kevin Tomkinson, Governance & Scrutiny Support Unit 

Link: Link to View Meeting Recording

No. Item


Opening Remarks


The Lord Mayor reminded all those present that the Annual Meeting was to be streamed live and asked people to switch electronic devices to silent.



Issue of Papers for the Meeting


The Lord Mayor indicated that, following the dispatch of the Summons with accompanying reports on Wednesday 12th May 2021, further papers originally identified on the Summons as to follow were circulated to Members on 19th May 2021.



Election of Lord Mayor

That Councillor Asghar Khan be elected Lord Mayor of the City of Leeds to hold office until immediately after the election of the Lord Mayor at the Annual Council Meeting in 2022.  


It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Cohen, supported by Councillors Campbell, Finnigan, Dobson and D Blackburn and


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY - That Councillor Asghar Khan be elected Lord Mayor of the City of Leeds to hold office until the election of his successor.







Election of Vice Chair of Council

That Councillor Jane Dowson be elected as Vice Chair of Council to hold office until immediately after the election of the Lord Mayor at the Annual Meeting of Council 2022. 


It was moved by Councillor Lennox, seconded by Councillor Cohen, and


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY - That Councillor Jane Dowson be elected Vice Chair of Council to hold office until immediately after the election of the Lord Mayor in 2022.



Vote of thanks to the Retiring Lord Mayor

To pass a vote of thanks to the retiring Lord Mayor.


Councillor Pryor moved a vote of thanks to the retiring Lord Mayor, Councillor Eileen Taylor.  This was seconded by Councillor Cohen and supported by Councillors Golton, Hutchison, Dobson and A Blackburn and


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – That a vote of thanks be moved for the retiring Lord Mayor, Councillor Eileen Taylor.



Minutes of the last Meeting pdf icon PDF 440 KB

To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 24th March 2021.


It was moved by Councillor Lennox, seconded by Councillor Cohen and


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 24th March 2021 be approved.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members



There were no declarations of interests.




To receive any announcements from the Lord Mayor and/or the Chief Executive.


There were no announcements.


Election of Leader of Council pdf icon PDF 93 KB

That Councillor James Lewis be elected Leader of the Council.



It was moved by Councillor Lennox, seconded by Councillor Pryor and


RESOLVED – That Councillor James Lewis be elected Leader of the Council.


Procedural Motion


It was moved by Councillor Lennox, seconded by Councillor Cohen and


RESOLVED – That Community Committee Procedure Rule 2.4 (appointment of Chair) be suspended in order that Full Council can vote for all unopposed Community Committee Chair nominations.


Establishment of Committees and Appointments pdf icon PDF 176 KB

a)  That Committees having Terms of Reference as detailed in Schedule 8(a) be established (to follow).


b)  That appointments be made to the Committees as detailed in Schedules 8(b)(i), (ii), (iii) (to follow) and (iv) (attached).


c)  That Chairs be appointed as detailed in Schedule 8(c) (to follow).


d)  That Chairs be appointed in respect of Community Committees as detailed in Schedule 8(d) (to follow).


e)  That appointments be made to joint authorities and joint committees as detailed in Schedule 8(e) (to follow).


f)  That appointments and nominations be made to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority as detailed in Schedule 8(f) (to follow).


Additional documents:


It was moved by Councillor Lennox, seconded by Councillor Lewis and


RESOLVED –That Schedules 8(a) to (f) be approved.



Scheme of Delegation (Council Functions) pdf icon PDF 177 KB

That the Officer Delegation Scheme (Council (Non-Executive) Functions as detailed in Schedule 9 be approved (to follow).


Additional documents:


It was moved by Councillor Lennox seconded by Councillor Lewis and


RESOLVED – That the Officer Delegation Scheme (Council (Non-Executive) Functions) as detailed in Schedule 9 be approved.



Executive Arrangements pdf icon PDF 179 KB

That the arrangements for the discharge of executive functions, as set out by the Leader of the Council in Schedule 10, be received (to follow).


Additional documents:


It was moved by Councillor Lewis seconded by Councillor Lennox and


RESOLVED – That the list presented by the Leader setting out the arrangements for the discharge of Executive Functions, as detailed in Schedule 10, be noted.



Council Meeting Dates 2021/2022 pdf icon PDF 98 KB

That the dates of the meetings of the Council for the Municipal Year 2021/2022 as detailed in Schedule 11 be approved.



It was moved by Councillor Lennox seconded by Councillor Lewis and


RESOLVED – That the dates of the meetings of the Council for the Municipal Year 2021/22, as detailed in Schedule 11 be approved.