Agenda and draft minutes

Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth) - Wednesday, 22nd January, 2025 10.15 am

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR. View directions

Contact: Becky Atherton (0113 37 88642)  Email:

Link: to View Meeting Recording

No. Item



To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 25 of the Access to Information Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded)


There were no appeals.


Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

1  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3  If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-


  RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-




There were no exempt items.


Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration.


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes.)


There were no late items.


Declarations of Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’.


There were no declarations of interests.


Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes

To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutes.



There were no apologies from members of the Scrutiny Board.


Apologies were received from Cllr D Coupar (Executive Member, Resources).


Minutes - 27 November 2024 pdf icon PDF 149 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2024.



The Scrutiny Board was advised that further to the reference in minute 51 a meeting has been arranged with Cllr Bithell, Tim Taylor (WYCA) and Iain Mitchell (Pocklington Trust) to discuss issues linked to accessibility of city centre bus networks for those with sight loss.


RESOLVED: The minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2025 were agreed as a correct record.



Work Schedule pdf icon PDF 332 KB

To consider the Scrutiny Board’s work schedule for the 2024/25 municipal year.


Additional documents:


The Principal Scrutiny Advisor asked members to note the following items that had been appended to the Work Programme:


-  Appendix 1: Draft work programme for 2024/25.

-  Appendix 2: Minutes of the Executive Board meeting on 20 November

-  Appendix 3: Minutes of the Executive Board meeting on 11 December.

-  Appendix 4: Draft 2025/26 meeting dates for the IIIG SB.


RESOLVED: Members considered the Scrutiny Board’s work schedule for the 2024/25 municipal year and requested that invitations for 2025/26 be circulated to current Scrutiny Board members and relevant officers.



The Proposed Budget 2025/26 and Provisional Budgets for 2026/27 and 2027/28 pdf icon PDF 640 KB

To consider the Council’s proposed budget for 2025/26 and provisional budgets for 2026/27 and 2027/28 so far as they relate to the remit of the Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth).


Members are asked to note that a joint summary of member comments from all five Scrutiny Boards will be provided to Executive Board at its meeting on 12 February 2025.


Additional documents:


Those in attendance for this item were:


  • Cllr J Lennox - Executive Member, Housing.
  • Cllr J Pryor - Executive Member, Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development
  • Angela Barnicle - Director, City Development
  • Michael Everitt - Head of Finance
  • Gary Bartlet – Chief Officer, Transportation and Highways
  • Jane Walne – Chief Officer, Operations and Active Leeds
  • Fiona Bolam – Chief Officer, Economy and Skills
  • David Feeney – Chief planning Officer
  • Mark Mills – Chief Officer, Asset Management and Regeneration


The Chair noted that this item was being received due to the Scrutiny Board’s responsibilities under the Budget and Policy Framework.


Reflecting on the process of Scrutiny engagement with the budget, the Chair confirmed that each of the five Scrutiny Boards had conducted a private working group in December 2024 to consider the proposed budget 2025/26 and provisional budgets for 2026/27 and 2027/28 so far as they relate to their respective remits.


The five scrutiny boards will submit a joint statement to the Executive Board in February 2025, setting out their collective response to the proposed budget. The Chair reminded colleagues that the statement includes a page dedicated to the feedback from each of the scrutiny boards. It also sets out joint conclusions and recommendations where concerns have been raised by more than one board.


Cllr Bithell confirmed that the five Scrutiny Board chairs met at the start of January 2025 to discuss common themes that emerged from the discussions at the December working groups.


The Chair provided a summary of the areas of common interest identified by Scrutiny Chairs. That summary included:


  • Deliverability of the budget: Assurance was sought about the deliverability of the budget savings given the scale of the challenge.


  • Levels of Reserves: Concern was raised about the financial sustainability of the Council’s reserves, which the budget report recognises as “lower than those of other comparable authorities of a similar size.”


  • Impact on groups with protected characteristics: It was recommended that the views of the Member Champion (Equality) Working Group should also be sought with regards to the overall impact of the budget proposals on groups with protected characteristics.


  • Third Sector Partnerships: Members reiterated the need to ensure the budget setting process recognises the ‘added value’ delivered by third sector partnerships and the consequential impact on services and citizens of diminishing grant funding. 


  • National Insurance Employer Contributions (NI ER): Clarity was sought regarding the anticipated impact of NI ER increases on the cost of services provided by suppliers and the potential impact therefore on the deliverability of directorate savings. This was noted as a particular concern for services including Adult Social Care. Assurances were further sought about the level of compensation anticipated to be provided by Government in response to increased NI ER costs for LCC.


  • Trade Union Engagement: Assurance was sought about Trade Union engagement in relation to the redesign of services and planned staff reductions, including via voluntary mechanisms.



Performance Report pdf icon PDF 336 KB

To consider a report from the Director of City Development, which presents a summary of performance data relating to Council and city priorities that fall within the remit of the Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth).


Additional documents:


Those in attendance for this item were:


  • Cllr J Lennox - Executive Member, Housing.
  • Angela Barnicle - Director, City Development
  • Gary Bartlet – Chief Officer, Transportation and Highways
  • Jane Walne – Chief Officer, Operations and Active Leeds
  • Fiona Bolam – Chief Officer, Economy and Skills
  • David Feeney – Chief planning Officer
  • Mark Mills – Chief Officer, Asset Management and Regeneration
  • Emma Kamillo-Price - Senior Intelligence and Policy officer


The Chair introduced this item, noting the performance report is received twice a year as part of the Scrutiny Board’s responsibilities under the Budget and Policy Framework. It sets out progress against a suite of city and Council priorities that sit within the remit of the Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment and Inclusive Growth).


Angela Barnicle highlighted achievements in housing delivery and economic development, reflected in the performance report. She also noted the ambition of the partnership approach to Vision Zero.


Emma informed the Scrutiny Board that a suite of metrics linked to indicators required by the Office for Local Government (OfLog) have been removed from the performance report. This follows the closure of the Office for Local Government in December 2024.


Members queried whether any lessons had been learnt about benchmarking following engagement with OfLog. Emma outlined some of the challenges regarding the approach by OfLog and some of the resulting difficulties with the data. She noted that benchmarking already take place in several areas of the Council.


Reflecting on unemployment figures, members requested that the Scrutiny Board considers data relating to those not in employment for reasons such as ill health at a later date.


Fiona Bolam confirmed that there has been an increase in the number of people not in work due to ill health. However, that data is not reflected in the unemployment figures. She noted that a number of new programmes should be in place by April 2025 and she would be happy to update scrutiny after that point.


Members sought more information about the challenges businesses have identified in relation to new start-ups, scale ups, and survival rates. In response Fiona Bolam reflected upon national trends and the availability of finance to support businesses in scaling up.


Members queried whether additional information could provide more nuance alongside the headline data associated with broad Shared Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes. Fiona noted that work was taking place at The Data City in Leeds to look at codes differently. However, Leeds City Council no longer subscribes to membership due to the budget challenge.


An update was provided on slippage in the delivery of housing growth and discussions with West Yorkshire Combined Authority following the end of the Brownfield Housing Fund. The significant success of officers in securing Brownfield Housing funds for projects in Leeds was acknowledged.


Concern was expressed about the availability of construction skills in Leeds to support ambitious housing delivery targets. It was noted that there is a national shortage of construction skills. However, members were updated on ongoing discussions with Leeds College of Building about the long-term  ...  view the full minutes text for item 61.


Leeds Affordable Housing Growth Partnership Action Plan pdf icon PDF 289 KB

To receive an update from the Chief Officer (Asset Management & Regeneration) about the progress delivered against the Leeds Affordable Housing Growth Partnership Action Plan 2022-25, planned activity for the coming year and proposals to update the LAHGPAP for the 2025 – 2028 period.


Additional documents:


Those in attendance for this item were:


  • Cllr J Lennox- Executive Member, Housing
  • Angela Barnicle - Director, City Development
  • Christa Jolley - Executive Manager (Regeneration)
  • Dave Feeney - Chief Planning Officer
  • Adam Brannen - Head of Regeneration
  • Mark Mills - Chief Officer Asset Management and Regeneration


The Chair welcomed this work and the progress that has been made in Leeds.


She thanked officers for the series of partnership working groups in the Autumn that provided the context for the report being considered by members. Cllr Bithell also highlighted the very positive feedback from partners involved in the sessions.


The Chair advised the Scrutiny Board that she and Cllr Lennox were invited to attend a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce’s Property and Economic Forum to discuss the challenges and opportunities within the sector. Cllr Bithell will be connecting the forum members to the Council’s play sufficiency officer.


Cllr Lennox also welcomed the positive engagement from city partners and elected members in relation to affordable housing delivery.


Members were reminded that the report provides an update on progress against the Leeds Affordable Housing Growth Partnership Action Plan (LAHGPAP) 2022-2025, alongside planned activity for the coming year and proposals to update the LAHGPAP for the 2025-2028 period.


The plan sets out the affordable housing ambition of all city partners, with combined action creating a projected pipeline of c750 new affordable homes per annum over the three years 2022-25. This is significantly higher than delivery over the previous 10 years, which averaged 484 per annum


Angela Barnicle noted that if projections for 2024/25 are accurate the average delivery of homes will be slightly below target at c651 homes per year across the three years of the plan. However, she reiterated that Leeds is delivering more affordable housing than any of the other Core Cities and has more social rented properties available than the national average. She noted that the plan has been welcomed by partners and suggests a positive trajectory for the city.


Members discussed the importance of building play opportunities into planned development from the earliest stages.


It was recommended that the Scrutiny Chair and the Executive Board member jointly write to the Minister for Housing and Planning to formally endorse Right to Buy (RtB) reform to support a fairer system given the impacts on stock retention and spending of RtB receipts under current arrangements.


Members explored housing need in the city, referencing the number of people of the council housing waiting list, and the difficulty many residents on lower incomes have in accessing the housing market even where options are ‘affordable.’


Christa Jolley highlighted a study commissioned by the council in 2020 in relation to Affordability of Market Housing to those in Housing Need, which considered the percentage of income different population groups would require to rent or mortgage a property.


Cllr Lennox advised the Scrutiny Board that the Council has submitted a response to the Government consultation on how the Right to Buy system should be reformed to deliver a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 62.


Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth) will take place at 10.15am on Wednesday 5 March 2025. A pre-meeting for all members of the Scrutiny Board will take place at 10.00am.  


The next meeting of the Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth) will take place at 10.15am on Wednesday 5 March 2025. A pre- meeting for all members of the Scrutiny Board will take place at 10.00am.