Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Council.

Information about Council

Council meetings involve all ninety nine of the City’s elected members and are chaired by the Lord Mayor.


Somewhere in the region of six ordinary Council meetings are held each year, usually commencing at 1.00 p.m. on a Wednesday. Business conducted at an ordinary Council meeting includes:


  • The receipt of deputations*
  • Question time
  • The receipt of decisions and consideration of recommendations from the various Boards, Panels and Committees
  • Consideration of motions submitted by individual members
  • The approval of matters reserved to the Council in the Budget and Policy Framework including the budget and Council Plan


*It should be noted that anyone interested in bringing a deputation to a Council meeting should apply in writing with a copy of their proposed speech to at least 14 clear days prior to the meeting. 


Further details on deputations can be found here - 4a Council Procedure Rules.pdf


The Annual meeting of the Council, usually held on an afternoon/early mevening in late May, elects the Lord Mayor for the municipal year and determines all committee and decision making arrangements for the new municipal year. 


Occasionally the Council holds special meetings to appoint Honorary Aldermen and Alderwomen, or to bestow Freedom of the City upon an individual or military unit:


Honorary Alderwomen and Aldermen

The title of Honorary Alderman / Alderwoman is granted at a special Council meeting in recognition of a former Councillors’ exceptional contribution to the City and the Council. The title does not confer any special privileges or rights upon the appointee to speak or vote at Council meetings, beyond the rights and privileges already afforded to the public. The only rights that are conferred to an Honorary Alderman by virtue of their appointment is to be invited to Civic functions and events by invitation of Council.


Honorary Freewomen and Freemen

Freedom of the City is an honour given at a specially convened Council meeting, to either a person (civilian) or military unit, in recognition of their exceptional service to the City.


Please note that the Council will try all means possible to enable all interested parties to be present at Full Council, Executive Board and Committee meetings where decisions take place.  However due to the limited seating capacity within the Civic Hall meeting rooms, the Council regrets that access for all may not always be possible.



Links to webcasts of Full Council meetings can be found via the specific webpage for each meeting.


Security Notice


As the result of a security review due to increased disruption at Full Council meetings, there will be an increased security presence at Leeds Civic Hall.


As a condition of entry, bag searches and the use of metal detector wands will be taking place. Visitors to the meeting may also be asked to remove coats and jackets for searching.


Any banners and signs must to be left outside of the viewing gallery – there will be a designated place to store these by reception.


Thank you for your understanding.