Agenda item

Matters Arising from the Minutes


(a)  Key Messages from Ward Forums and Area Committee Sub Groups (Minute 26 refers)

  Councillor B Atha referred to the above issue and wished to place on record his serious concerns that the Chair acted outside his capacity with regards to his involvement in the key messages arising from the Hyde Park and Woodhouse Forum meeting held on 25th July 2007, and that these concerns were not recorded in the minutes of the previous meeting held on 13th September 2007.


  The Chair responded and made reference to the fact that arising from detailed discussions of this issue at the previous meeting, copies of all Ward Forums and Area Committee Sub Groups minutes would be submitted to Area Committee meetings in order to avoid any mis-interpretation of the key messages coming out of Forum/Sub Group meetings.


(b)  St Ann’s Mills/A65 Quality Bus Initiative (Minute 23 refers)

  The Chair referred to the A65 Quality Bus Initiative and it was noted that at the Scrutiny Board (City Development) meeting held on 16th October 2007, Board Members had agreed to undertake a full inquiry into this issue.


  Councillor J Illingworth updated the meeting on the latest developments in relation to St Ann’s Mills and circulated a copy of a letter sent to the Chief Asset Management Officer dated 18th October 2007 for the information of the meeting.


  He again stressed the importance of having a proper consultation mechanism in place.


Councillor E Minkin also referred to current exhibitions being run by Highways officers on the A65 scheme. In particular that notification had not been sufficient to allow residents an opportunity to attend these events.


(c)  A65 Corridor (Minute 23 refers)

  Councillor B Jennings referred to the A65 corridor and informed the meeting that unfortunately arrangements to hold a joint Planning Group and Transport Sub Group with relevant Highways officers had been delayed.  The Committee noted that this meeting would be now held within the first two weeks of November.


(d)  Leeds Girls’ High School (Minute 25(a) refers)

  Councillor D Morton referred to the above issue and enquired on the latest position.


  At the request of the Chair, Pam Bone, Leeds Girls’ High Action Group Chair updated the meeting on the latest developments.


  Arising from detailed discussions the Area Committee resolved the following:-

·  to deplore the fact that the current Deputy Leader of the Council had cancelled a meeting at short notice

·  to re-establish the meeting with a clear understanding of who should be in attendance and a list of agenda items to be discussed

·  to ensure that all four Members of the Leeds Girls’ High School Working Group be also invited to this meeting

·  to request the Chair of the Area Committee to speak to the Leader of the Council with a view to conveying the above resolutions


(e)  The University of Leeds Inner North West Community Strategy 2007-2023 (Minute 25(e) refers)

  Councillor E Minkin referred to the above issue and enquired if a response had been received from Leeds Metropolitan University regarding any plans they had for producing a similar strategy.


Dayle Lynch, North West Area Management responded and informed the meeting that a response had still not been received from Leeds Metropolitan University.


(f)  Community Centres Lettings, Policy Review (Minute 25(f) refers)

  Councillor E Minkin referred to the above issue and enquired on the latest developments.


  Dayle Lynch, North West Area Management responded and confirmed that a revised review proposal would be presented to the next Area Committee meeting in December.


(g)  Key Messages from Ward Forums and Area Committee Sub Groups (Minute 26 refers)

  Councillor E Minkin and Councillor B Jennings referred to the above issue and re-iterated the need for weekly rather than monthly CAST/ Environmental Pride team reports.


  Following discussions, North West Area Management agreed to investigate this issue further and to invite officers from Streeetscene to a future Area Committee meeting.


(h)  Quarter One Well-being Monitoring Report (Minute 27 refers)

  Councillor E Minkin referred to the above issue and enquired on the availability of detailed information on the number of groups who received support through the funding officer project in Headingley and Kirkstall wards.


  Dayle Lynch, North West Area Management responded and informed the meeting that this information was still pending.  The Committee noted that it would be circulated to members as soon as it became available.


(i)  Quarter One Well-being Monitoring Report (Minute 27 refers)

  Councillor E Minkin referred to the above issue and enquired if a letter had been sent out by the Chair to Metro, on behalf of the Committee, seeking funding to replace in respect of litter bins being removed from bus stops.


  Dayle Lynch, North West Area Management responded and confirmed that a letter had been sent to the Chair of Metro.


  (Councillor K Hussain joined the meeting at 7.35 pm during discussions of the St Ann’s Mills/A65 Quality Bus Initiative item).