Agenda item

Area Management Review

To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods outlining changes to Area Committee responsibilities and working arrangements previously agreed at the Council’s Executive Board on 14th November 2007.


Referring to Minute 64 of the meeting held on 13th December 2007, the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report outlining the changes to Area Committee responsibilities and working arrangements previously agreed at the Council’s Executive Board on 14th November 2007.


Martyn Stenton, Partnerships Manager, Environment and Neighbourhoods Department and Jason Singh, North West Area Management presented the report and responded to Members’ queries and comments.


Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report and appendices.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


·  clarification as to whether other Area Committees would adopt different criteria under the new arrangements in relation to well-being applications and community centre lettings

(The Partnerships Manager responded and informed the meeting that if other Area Committees agreed to the ‘free’ usage of some community centres within their particular area, this would clearly have an impact on their resources)

·  concerns expressed over the huge agenda facing Area Committees in relation to the Children and Young People ‘theme’

(The Partnerships Manager responded and informed the meeting that Children’s Plans were currently being drafted for Members’ consideration)

·  the need for assurances to be given by officers that matters would be dealt with quickly with the right level of support from service departments

·  the need for all Area Committees to adopt a professional and consistent approach, on a city-wide basis, which would also provide new learning opportunities for Elected Members

·  clarification of how street cleansing would work under the new proposals,

given competing area priorities, with the need for more regular and up to date information in this area

(The Partnerships Manager responded and informed the meeting that under the new arrangements, there would be an obligation on services to work more directly with the Area Committee when addressing priorities and for them to be more accountable)

·  the need for Area Committees to focus on regeneration and development and for Elected Members to be provided with the necessary support in relation to Local Design Reviews

·  reference to the Adult Social Care and Healthier Communities ‘theme’, with clarification sought as to whether Area Committees would be directly

responsible for legal issues in view of the proposed new delegated function

(The Partnerships Manager responded and informed the meeting that under the new arrangements this would be a ‘key’ area for Member involvement, but obviously legal issues and statutory duties needed to be dealt with in a proper and consistent way on a city-wide basis)

·  the need for Area Committees to deliver services locally within the locality of the Area Committee

·  the need for the Area Management Review to focus on those areas that were working well, with power and responsibility to go hand in hand

·  the need for North West (Inner) Area Committee to meet at least ten times a year in view of the increased responsibilities and proposed new themes and to publicise venues well in advance

·  the need for the review to address the role/membership of the Area Committee’s sub groups and to address whether a more ‘scrutiny role’ should be undertaken at Area Committee meetings

·  the need for Area Committees to experiment in new areas of accountability and to give more notice when convening meetings of sub groups

·  the need for public engagement to continue at North West (Inner) Area Committee meetings and for meetings to be structured to allow public debate on important local issues

·  the need for the Area Committee to receive better information from service departments, with more up to date statistics to be provided, to ensure that Elected Members made the right decisions based on the evidence available at that particular time



(a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

(b)  That Members comments on the issues covered in the Executive Board report and on the proposed changes be fed into the ongoing consultation process for the Area Management Review by North West Area Management.

(c)  That this Committee seeks further reports at their next and subsequent cycle of meetings on Area Delivery Plan preparations, Local Children and Young People Plans, composition of Sub Groups and local partnership working arrangements.


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