Agenda item

Scrutiny Inquiry - The Council's CO2 Emissions- Draft Report

To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report for Members’ consideration, attaching the draft final report of the Board’s inquiry into the Council’s CO² Emissions (Appendix 1 refers).


The Board was presented with a proposed redrafted section on ‘Fleet Management’ as follows:


Fleet Management


‘We note the work being undertaken by Fleet Services and Environment City to minimise the impacts of emissions from Council fleet activity and believe that emissions from the Council’s fleet should not be overlooked.


We were advised that Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel was introduced into the Council’s vehicle fleet in 1998 and that exhaust particulate traps have been fitted to all fleet vehicles (over 7.5 tonnes) to help improve the air quality in the Leeds area.


We were also advised that to further enhance the Council’s commitment to minimising the environmental impact of its vehicle fleet, where possible, all vehicles purchased meet the current noise and emissions standards.  In addition, future vehicle purchasing procedures will ensure that the engines of such vehicles meet the EURO 5 criteria, well in advance of any legislative requirements.


We also heard that an alternative fuelled vehicle seminar was held by the Council during 2007, with invitations being extended to both the public and private sectors form around the City.  The purpose of the event was to provide an opportunity for participants to attend and see / drive the vehicles first hand.


It is clear to us that new initiatives are constantly being developed and in conjunction with Cenex, a government led organisation, and the Energy Savings Trust, Fleet Services are investigating the possible use of alternative fuelled vehicles in the Council’s fleet of the future.  This work supports the review currently being undertaken to map the level of CO2 emissions from vehicle deployment and develop a targeted reduction’.


RESOLVED -  That, subject to the following amendments, the report be referred to the Director of City Development for consideration at the earliest opportunity: 


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·  Paragraph 3: Delete ‘…CO2 emissions for Leeds City Council…’ and insert ‘‘…CO2 emissions arising from the use of Leeds City Council   assets…


  Footnote to Paragraph 3:  Current work around (the national indicator) NI185 is producing some quite different figures for our baseline, partly   due to a new methodology and partly due to better data collection, so the table included is out of date.  As such, it should be noted that this is   indicative and a full baseline for 2008 in line with NI185 is current being   established.


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·  Recommendation 4: Delete ‘…the current usage patterns be reviewed…’   and insert ‘‘…the current usage patterns of street lighting be reviewed…’


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·  Replace ‘Fleet Management’ section (as above) and ‘Recommendation 6’ as redrafted and presented to the meeting as follows:


Recommendation 6:  That the Board, or its successor body, be kept up-to-date regarding:


(i)  The on-going investigations around the use of alternative fuelled

  Vehicles in the Council’s fleet.

(ii)  The outcome of the current review of CO² emissions from vehicle

   deployment and the arising targeted reduction programme. 


Supporting documents: