Agenda item

Inquiry into Older People's Housing

To consider a report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development presenting evidence in line with Session 1 of the Board’s Inquiry into Older People’s Housing.


A summary report of the working group’s discussions to be held on 1st December 2008 (Appendix 2 refers) will follow as a late Item of business.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report presenting evidence in line with Session 1 of the Board’s Inquiry into Older People’s Housing.


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:-


(a)  Scrutiny Board (Environment and Neighbourhoods) – Inquiry into Older People’s Housing – Terms of Reference (Appendix 1 refers)

(b)  Scrutiny Board (Environment and Neighbourhoods) – Inquiry into Older People’s Housing – Summary Report of the working group meeting held on 1st December 2008 (Appendix 2 refers)


The purpose of today’s Board meeting was to focus on the following specific areas:-


·  links between the national ‘personalisation agenda’ and the future development of flexible and bespoke housing related services for older people

·  implications of the increasing older people population on housing related services and the identification of future planning needs

·  the current review of the Leeds Housing Strategy and its need to respond to the relevant strategic outcomes and priorities within the Leeds Strategic Plan and Leeds Local Agreement

·  the Leeds Older People’s Housing Strategy and accompanying action plan

·  the condition of sheltered housing stock in Leeds and proposals for improvement, with particular reference to the Supporting People Programme and PFI bid proposals for modernising housing provision for older people


The following officers were in attendance and responded to Members’ queries and comments:-


Bridget Emery, Head of Housing Strategy and Commissioning

Dennis Holmes, Chief Officer, Commissioning, Adult Social Care

Mick Ward, Head of Strategic Partnerships and Development (Older People and Disabled People)

Iain Kyles, PFI Project Adviser, Housing Private Finance Initiative and Public Private Partnerships


The Chair invited Board Members to comment on the late summary report of the working group meeting held on 1st December 2008.


The Board supported the comments of the working group.


Specific reference was made to the scale of the problem and the need to increase the number of properties up to a 21st century standard, subject to costs involved.


The Head of Housing Strategy and Commissioning responded by explaining that some aspects of the work was picked up through the decency programme, but not all.  She agreed to supply the Board with more information on the current estimates around the work that needed to be done.


The Chair then invited each officer present to briefly highlight the issues and concerns in respect of Older People’s Housing to assist the Board with their Inquiry.


PFI Issues


Iain Kyles, PFI Project Manager, Housing Private Finance Initiative and Public Private Partnerships made specific reference to the following key issues:-


·  the scale of the provision  that the Council should be seeking to provide across the city and how PFI can help with this

·  the need to identify priority locations

·  the extent of need for extra care housing across the city


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues as clarification to questions raised:-


·  the scale of PFI bid was gauged by reference to the total number of dwellings in out of date sheltered housing complex schemes with bed-sit type accommodation

·  new provision of housing for older people was also being undertaken as part of the Affordable Housing Programme. PFI would complement this work and seek to increase the pace of new provision

·  priority had been given to tackling  the need for works to bed-sit complexes, as they offered the lowest quality of current sheltered accommodation

·  the range of facilities provided in relation to the Extra Care Housing Schemes would vary by location according to the needs of each neighbourhood and the current range of facilities already available

·  no provision had been made in the PFI for support to given to older people and their families who elect to stay at home, for example the provision of extensions and alternate funding sources would need to be secured for such investment options


Strategic Partnerships and Development (Older People and Disabled People) Issues


Mick Ward, Head of Strategic Partnerships and Development (Older People and Disabled People) made specific reference to the following key issues:-


·  how housing can support the move to ‘care closer to home’

·  Health and Well-being agenda i.e. promoting better eating/exercise and avoiding social isolation

·  cross cutting initiatives  i.e. falls prevention programme

·  how older people were supported in managing their own health conditions i.e. through telecare/telehealth services

·  further development of older people’s mental health issues i.e. dementia


Commissioning, Adult Social Care Issues


Dennis Holmes, Chief Officer – Commissioning, Adult Social Care made specific reference to the following key issues:-


·  having properties available that older people can downsize into and which are also adapted to meet their needs

·  older people with dementia and the need to provide support to enable them to remain within their own homes

·  the need to consider the demography of the population to help predict the future needs of older people and the services that would be required 20-25 years from now


Housing Strategy and Commissioning Issues


Bridget Emery, Head of Housing Strategy and Commissioning made specific reference to the development of the Leeds Older People’s Housing Strategy and the need to modernise services without putting people at risk or becoming socially isolated

(The Board noted that the draft Leeds Older People’s Housing Strategy would be submitted to the February 2009 meeting for consideration)


During discussions, clarification was sought of the safeguards in place when individuals choose to commission their own services using direct payments or individualised budgets. It was noted that the Council offered to carry out CRB checks for service users.



(a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

(b)  That the evidence provided in line with session one of its Inquiry into Older People’s Housing be received and noted.


Supporting documents: