Agenda item


To consider the following reports admitted to the agenda by the Chief Executive under Council Procedure Rule 2.2(f).


a)  That the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) on appointments be approved.




b)  That the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) submitted in accordance with Executive Procedure Rule 1.4(b) and relating to amendments made to the executive scheme of delegation by the Leader on 1st February 2009 be noted.




c)  That the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) on the proposed appointment of Mr Gordon Tollefson, as Chair of the Standards Committee for a term of one year beginning at the Annual Council Meeting 2010, be approved.




a)  Appointments


It was moved by Councillor Bentley, seconded by Councillor Gruen and




a)  That Council notes that the West Yorkshire Integrated Transport and Fire and Rescue Authorities will each be given notice of the termination of the appointment of one Morley Borough Independent Member on each authority and will be notified of the appointment of one Labour member on each.


b)  That Councillor Rafique be appointed to the Fire and Rescue Authority and Councillor G Hyde to the Integrated Transport Authority.


b)  Amendments to the Executive Scheme of Delegation


It was moved by Councillor Bentley, seconded by Councillor J Procter and


RESOLVED – That the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) submitted in accordance with Executive Procedure Rule 1.4(b) and relating to amendments made to the executive scheme of delegation by the Leader on 1st  February 2010 be noted.


c)  Appointment of Chair of Standards Committee


It was moved by Councillor J L Carter, seconded by Councillor Campbell and


RESOLVED – That the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate Governance) on the proposed appointment of Mr Gordon Tollefson, as Chair of  the Standards Committee for a term of one year beginning at the Annual Council Meeting 2010, be approved


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