Agenda item

Matters Arising from the Minutes

To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 25 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded).


(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 25, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Chief Democratic Services Officer at least 24 hours before the meeting.)


a)  West Park Centre (Minute No. 21(a) refers)


Chris Dickinson, Area Management Officer, reported that, following the last meeting, the Leader of the Council had been made aware of the Area Committee’s continuing concerns, but dates had not yet been set for the consultation exercise regarding this site.


Concerns were expressed regarding the possibility of this site turning into another Royal Park School scenario, unless the Council was careful.


It was reported that the West Park Residents’ Association was already active in terms of preparing a business plan for the possible future use of this asset.


b)  Royal Park School (Minute No.19 (f)refers)


It was reported that Headingley Ward Members had not received a response to two requests for a meeting with Councillor R Lewis, Executive Member (Development and Regeneration). The Chair offered to pursue this separately on their behalf, if so requested.


It was noted that John Ramsden, Asset Management, was planning to hold a briefing for Hyde Park and Woodhouse Ward Members shortly, after which a position statement would be submitted to the December Area Committee meeting.


A general discussion ensued regarding the desirability of all North West Inner Area Committee Members sharing information and being kept informed and up to date on current issues, such as this item and other matters of general interest or concern which affected more than one Ward, e.g., HMO matters.


c)  Airport Noise – Weetwood Residents (Minute No.19(h) refers)


Further to Minute No. 19(h), 23rd September 2010, it was reported that previously expressed concerns regarding the nature of the public consultation exercise on the Airport’s Noise Action Plan had been shared with the Airport’s management.  They had responded by outlining the scope of the consultation and the number of respondents – 97.  Airport management had indicated that the consultation had been conducted within the necessary regulations, the results and the Noise Action Plan had now been forwarded to DEFRA for approval, and they had no plans to re-open the consultation.


Councillor Illingworth expressed his dissatisfaction at this response.  In his opinion, the Area Committee should write to DEFRA, requesting that the consultation exercise be re-run.


The Chair stated that he accepted that the Plans Panel West, which received regular update reports on the operation of the Airport, needed to keep a watching brief on this issue.


It was reported that the Council could impose fines on the Airport of the noise restrictions were breached, but it was understood that no fines had been imposed to date.


d)  Health and Wellbeing Partnership (Minute No. 26 refers)


Councillor Yeadon reported on a recent partnership meeting she had attended in her role as Area Committee Health and Wellbeing ‘Champion’.  It was clear that the implications of the Government’s White Paper on NHS reform was a greater hands-on role for local authorities, and she suggested that the Area Committee consider establishing a Health Sub-Group, alongside the other existing theme based Sub-Groups.


The Chair agreed that this was worthy of further consideration, perhaps when the implications of the White Paper became clearer.


e)  Children’s Services (Minute No. 25 refers)


At the suggestion of a Member, it was agreed that the Acting Area Manager, in consultation with the Chair, should investigate how young people, perhaps via the Leeds Youth Council, could be encouraged to participate in the activities of the Area Committee.


f)  Wellbeing Fund 2010/11 (Minute No. 22 refers)


Further to Minute No. 22, 23rd September 2010, reference was made to the Small Grant of £499.85 to the Leeds University Union to assist with a waste and recycling education scheme.  A Member stated that the distribution of literature/bin stickers, possibly using students under the instruction of Streetscene Services, allied to the change in collection days, had led to bins being incorrectly stickered and absolute chaos in parts of some Wards.


The Acting Area Manager was requested to undertake some investigation and to report back on his findings.