Agenda item

Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, the Chair allowed a period of up to 10 minutes for members of the public to make representations or ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee:-


a)  Houses in Multiple Occupation- Update

Referring to Minute 31 (a) of the meeting held on 28th October 2010, Dr Richard Tyler updated the Area Committee on developments in respect of proposed changes to HMO legislation.


He referred to the recent success of the Council’s White Paper on this issue and updated the meeting on the progress to date in relation to the Article 4 Direction.


In concluding, he requested the Area Committee to move a recommendation for fees to be charged for planning applications under Article 4 Directions.


The Chair responded and it was agreed to revisit this issue under the item ‘matters arising from the minutes’ and to request the Community Planner to give a verbal update.


b)  Leeds Girls High School – Various Issues

Bill McKinnon, Friends of Woodhouse Moor referred to the recent consideration of the Leeds Girls High School planning application at Plans Panel (West) on 14th December 2010. He raised a series of concerns about the quality of decision making at the meeting.


At the request of the Chair, Councillor J Matthews responded and confirmed that Elected Members trusted the advice given by officers of the Council when considering planning applications/planning reports.


Mercia Southon, North Hyde Park Neighbourhood Association thanked Bill McKinnon for his work regarding the Leeds Girls High School planning application. She urged Elected Members to consider the matter carefully.


Councillor J Illingworth informed the meeting that he was also present at the Plans Panel (West) meeting on 14th December 2010 and raised his concerns that Rose Court was not included within the planning application. He also raised his concerns that a number of relevant papers were missing from the Council’s website which needed investigating by the Area Committee.


Councillor M Hamilton informed the meeting that this was a highly complex issue and suggested that it maybe appropriate to undertake an investigation into the background issues relating to Rose Court.




c)  West Park Centre

Doug Kemp, West Park Residents Association referred to the West Park Centre and raised his concerns that there had been no progress made since 2008 with regards to the future of the building.


At the request of the Chair, the Acting West North West Area Manager responded and informed the meeting that approval to proceed with the consultation to inform the feasibility study was still awaited by Councillor K Wakefield, Leader of Council.


Councillor J Illingworth raised his concerns of the fact that Education Leeds were withdrawing lettings at the centre signalling that the centre was now being considered for disposal by the Council. He asked that Members be informed why the planned consultation had been delayed.


The Acting West North West Area Manager responded and agreed to investigate this issue further with the Acting Director of City Development with the aim of providing Weetwood ward Members with a briefing on this issue.


The Chair informed the meeting that a report on the Void Property Process would be submitted to the Scrutiny Board (Central and Corporate Functions) meeting on 10th January 2011. He requested the Acting West North West Area Manager to circulate a copy of the report to Members of the Committee and to place this item on the agenda of the next Area Committee meeting in February 2011.


  d)  HEART Scheme

Richard Norton, Headingly Development Trust referred to the HEART scheme and informed the meeting that an official opening would take place 25th January 2011 with an invitation being extended to the Area Committee.


e)  Leeds Futsal

Paul Hudson, Leeds Futsal referred to the above issue and outlined the consultation process to date. The Area Committee noted that a leaflet was now available and in concluding, Mr Hudson agreed to report back the outcome of the consultation process at the next Area Committee meeting in February 2011.