Agenda item

Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


In accordance with paragraph 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure rules, the Chair allowed a period of up to 10 minutes for Members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee:


(i)  Co-operative Store – Cardigan Road – Joan Brown, Cardigan Triangle Community Association spoke about the anti-social issues that had arisen in the area following the granting of a 24 hour alcohol licence. Sergeant Dan Brown confirmed that there was increased activity in the area when young people leaving nightclubs in the early hours would frequent the store.


It was the general opinion of Members that the granting of 24 hour alcohol licences in residential areas was not welcome.


RESOLVED – That the Chair of the Area Committee be requested to write to the Licensing Authority highlighting the adverse affects on residential amenity as a consequence of granting 24 hour alcohol licences in residential areas.


(ii)  Houses in Multiple Occupation – Planning Workshop (Item No. 13 refers) – Dr  Richard Tyler , Leeds HMO Lobby – In passing comment on this item. Dr Tyler said that such a policy was long overdue. In the past many people had suffered a lot of grief through a lack of control and it was hoped the proposed policy would address this.


(iii)  Litter on streets - Ms N. Ford, Broomfield Road resident – Spoke about the large amount of litter in the Broomfield, Newport and Brudenell areas which was a potential health hazard. Many of the properties in the area were family dwellings but this did not appear to be understood by the large student population. Could students be made more aware that families were also living in this area and could the City Council ensure that adequate resources were assigned to the area to address the litter problem. It was reported that visitors to the area often commented upon the poor tidiness of the streets.


Sue Buckle, Ash Grove resident and Councillor Illingworth echoed Ms Ford’s comments. Another resident suggested that refuse from hot food takeaways also played a substantial part in the untidiness of the area.


In responding Jason Singh, Environmental Locality Manager for North West Inner Area said that litter and street cleansing was a major problem in the area. There were a lot more resources allocated to this part of the city because of the large amount of student housing, but, it was not just a case of keeping the streets clean but changing peoples behaviour.


Councillors Hamilton and Matthews suggested more frequent bin collections, given the concerns raised, there was clearly something not working.


Officers pointed out that litter bin collection was a central service and not a delegated function


Councillor Atha suggested prosecuting landlords for public nuisance offences, this may result in the landlords taking greater responsibilities for their tenants.


It was suggested that the Chair write to the Director of  Environment and Neighbourhoods requesting that more frequent refuse collections take place in the North West (Inner) Area to address the concerns raised by local residents and local Ward Members.




  (i)  That the Chair write to the Director of  Environment   and Neighbourhoods requesting that more   frequent refuse collections take place in the North     West (Inner)   Area to address the concerns raised   by local residents and local Ward Members


  (ii)  That the issue of prosecuting landlords for public   nuisance offences be investigated further by   officers