To consider the report of the Director of Development providing an update on the current position regarding discussions with the owners of Bridgewater Place and advising on the results from the latest round of wind tunnel testing on the preferred building modification measures and their implications for the development of a mitigation scheme. In addition, the report informs of the interim measures which are being taken and potential future mitigation proposals within the highway to improve wind issues, whilst also seeking support for the current proposals and the potential financial implications for pursuing this option. Finally, the report provides an update on the ongoing Inquest into the death of Dr Slaney.
Appendix 4 to this report is designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4 (5)
The Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the current position regarding discussions with the owners of Bridgewater Place and advising on the results from the latest round of wind tunnel testing on the preferred building modification measures and their implications for the development of a mitigation scheme. In addition, the report informed of the interim measures which were being taken and potential future mitigation proposals within the highway to improve wind issues, whilst also seeking support for the current proposals and the potential financial implications for pursuing this option. Finally, the report provided an update on the ongoing Inquest into the death of Dr Slaney.
Following consideration of Appendix 4 to the submitted report, designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(5), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was
(a) That the contents of the submitted report in terms of the background information, interim mitigation solutions on the ground and work in progress towards a comprehensive solution, be noted.
(b) That the continued development of work towards an agreed and deliverable solution to the wind issue be endorsed.
(c) That in principle support be given to the proposed baffles above the highway on Water Lane, with Authority to Spend being given for the sum of £245,000 for continued wind testing, legal support, highway officer time and engineering design work in order to enable a detailed design to be provided for a baffle solution.
(d) That a further report be brought back to Executive Board to cover the details of the design of the baffles and the cost of implementing them.
Supporting documents: