Agenda item

Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan

To receive and consider the report of the Director of City Development relating to the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan in accordance with Leeds City Councils Budget and Policy Framework.



The Director of City Development submitted a report which outlines the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan for Scrutiny Board consideration in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework of the Council. 


The following information was appended to the report:


·  Appendix 1 - Development Plan Panel Report and Appendices

·  Schedule 1: Comments and Modifications relating to Sites

·  Schedule 2: Comments and Modifications relating to Policies, wording and general sites

·  Schedule 3: Comments and Modifications relating to newly proposed sites

·  Schedule 4: Council proposed Modifications

·  Aire Valley Leeds AAP Submission Working Draft Plan

·  Appendix B-AVL Map 4 Transport Network Improvements Map A3

·  Appendix B-AVL Map 7 South Bank Area Map A3

·  Appendix B-AVL Map 8 East Bank, Richmond Hill & Cross Green Area Map

·  Appendix B-AVL Map 9 Hunslet Area Map A3

·  Appendix B-AVL Map 11 Central Aire Valley Area Map A3

·  Appendix B-AVL Map 12 Skelton Gate Area Map A3

·  Appendix B-AVL Map 13 Proposal Map April 2016 A3

·  Appendix B-AVL Map 14 Proposal Map April 2016 A3

·  Appendix C-AVL AAP SA Appendix 7 - sites proposed for allocation

·  Appendix C-AVL AAP SA Appendix 8 - sites not proposed for allocation


The following representatives were in attendance to respond to Members queries and comments.


  David Feeney – Head of Strategic Planning

  Martin Elliot – Group Manager (Policy and Plans)

  Paul Bingham – Principal Planner

  Cllr Richard Lewis – Executive Board Member, Regeneration, Transport and Planning


The key areas for discussion were:


·  Skelton Grange proposals and the allocation of land for waste

·  Consideration of mine workings in the Aire Valley area

·  That NGT is reflected in the draft Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan in terms of better public transport and investment in green infrastructure. The board were advised that despite the NGT announcement, opportunities to provide better public transport and green infrastructure would be available and that that the plan is still sound.

·  That the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan would not prohibit rail station development opportunities.

·  Sites proposed for new schools, and the opportunity for education providers to be better informed about housing development which will create a demand for education provision.

·  The site occupied by Yorkshire Ambulance Services identified for housing development in the SHLAA

·  With reference to Hunslet, The Yarn Street development, St Mary’s Clock Tower and the linkages to the Tulip Retail Park

·  The link between investment opportunity and job creation and how the Strategic Economic Plan and the Core Strategy (SP8) supports this.

·  Affordable housing delivery, the balance of development viability. The leverage that council owned land could provide.

·  Flooding risk assessments, the avoidance of development is high risk zones and flood mitigation measures.

·  The time limitation for Scrutiny consideration of the plan.



a)  That the Scrutiny Board will report deliberations and conclusions to the Executive Board for consideration.



Supporting documents: