Agenda item

Application 18/06186/OT - 9 Manor Park, Scarcroft, Leeds, LS14 3BW

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for a detached dwelling to garden area.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer requested Members consideration on an outline application for detached dwelling to side garden at 9 Manor Park, Scarcroft, Leeds.


The application had been referred to the Panel at the request of ward member Cllr. Stephenson.


The Panel was informed of a change to the recommendation to defer and delegate in order for the red line to be changed to include the private road and Certificate B to be signed and notice served on all owners of the private road. This was to enable the Council to impose the planning condition requiring a condition survey of the road.


It was also noted that an additional representation had been received from a neighbour raising concerns over drainage.


Members had attended a site visit earlier in the day. Photographs and plans were shown throughout the presentation and during discussions.


Members were advised of the following points:

·  This site is not within a conservation area although to the rear there is woodland and it is green belt;

·  The area is residential;

·  The application seeks 1 detached dwelling but is submitted in outline only with all matters reserved. However, indicative plans suggest the dwelling would be two storeys with 4 to 5 bedrooms, with a pitched roof which is compatible with the local area;

·  Officers were sceptical that the site could accommodate 4 to 5 bedroom dwelling, however, this could be controlled through reserved matters;

·  The proposal was for the removal of the conservatory to the side of the current dwelling to allow more space for the development;

·  Trees on the site would need to be removed for the development, but there is woodland to the rear of the site, beyond the red line boundary;

·  Manor Park has seen previous applications for dwellings which have been approved;

·  Page 41 was highlighted which provided information on an application in the area which had recently been refused;

·  The area has houses of different designs and size which make up the character of the area;

·  Manor Park is an un-adopted road, Members were reminded of the policy which covers un-adopted roads but in this instance an additional dwelling was not considered to create a danger to highway safety.


The resident of number 11 Manor Park attended the meeting and provided the Panel with the following information:

·  They had resided at 11 Manor Park for 15 years;

·  The development would detract from the character of the area;

·  Impact on neighbouring properties;

·  Bats nest at 9 Manor Park;

·  Deer within the greenbelt to the rear of the properties;

·  Street scene would look cramped;

·  Contrary to Neighbourhood Plan;

·  A similar application had been turned down at Mellendean a property close by;

·  Highway safety, there are no street lights, visitors cars park near bend;

·  Visitors to the racing stud nearby use Manor Park for parking;

·  Drains are old and prone to flood risk;

·  Tree preservation order.


In response to Members comments and questions the following was discussed:

·  Design Guide for un-adopted roads;

·  Character of the area;

·  Distance between dwellings;

·  Highway safety;

·  Loss of trees;

·  Gardens and amenity space.


It was noted that the applicant’s agent had been unable to attend as he was on holiday.


At the conclusion of discussions Cllr. G Latty moved a motion to reject the recommendations as detailed within the submitted report, so that the application be refused. The motion was seconded by Cllr. Collins. On being put to the vote, Cllr. Latty’s motion was passed.


RESOLVED – To refuse the application as set out in the submitted report for the following reasons:

·  Excessive / cramped form of development that harmed the spatial character / appearance of the area;

·  Loss of amenity for potential future occupiers and those of the host house due to lack of garden space and its northerly orientation;

·  Highway safety compromised as an additional dwelling would be served off an un-adopted road.


A report setting out the reasons for refusal to be brought back to the Panel for consideration. 



Cllr. Collins left the meeting at 3:25pm at the end of this item.

Supporting documents: