Agenda item

Housing Delivery Plan

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer, introducing the draft Housing Delivery Plan (HDP) for Leeds. The HDP presents the Council’s strategic approach to policy implementation of the Local Plan as it relates to Best Council Plan priorities for housing growth, alongside inclusive growth, health and well-being and the climate emergency.


(Report attached)



The Principle Planner, City Development, introduced the report of the Chief Planning Officer which set out the purpose of the Housing Delivery Plan (HDP) and how this presents the Council’s strategic approach to policy implementation of the Local Plan; it highlighted the Best Council Plan priorities for housing growth alongside inclusive growth, health and well-being and the climate emergency.


Appendix 1 to the report included a copy of the draft HDP – setting out a range of projects, programmes and strategies that are in place to boost the delivery of new housing across the City; further ensuring how the homes delivered will meet the needs of the City’s existing and future residents.


General discussions covered the following topics:


Viability– a Member referred to a scheme which had been marginally viability funded, and raised concern that this would set a precedent for future applications. In response to this, the Head of Strategic Planning explained this specific example, was a result of not having a 5 year land supply and going forward, now with a 5 year land supply the Council can seek a full range of policy requirements. In addition, the Panel were informed that officers play a key part at the outline planning application stage, in ensuring there are no key viability issues of concern.


Further to this, the Chair and Panel requested and agreed that an item at a future DPP meeting be added to the work schedule to review the position on viability.


Leeds Joint Health & Well Being Strategy(2014 - 2015) – a Member suggested that this be incorporated into the HDP to add additional weight to the document.


Climate Emergency ­– as well as discussing planning applications which had previously been allowed at plans panels which were below the minimum standards, Members’ agreed that climate policies were now a very important consideration in considering planning applications. In light of this, a Member specifically referred to the Citu housing developments across Leeds, and them being in line with the climate emergency ambitions, and identified these developments as being an example of what requirements the HDP should endorse.


Additionally, on page 7 of the HDP draft document, a Member requested that the inclusion of a word be added, for the sentence to read ‘…the protection and enhancement of green and blue infrastructure and the management of waste flows…’


Policy H5, Affordable Housing – further clarity was provided, and the Panel were informed 60% of affordable dwellings are needed for affordable or social rent, and 40% are needed for intermediate tenures (as defined in the NPPF). It was noted that this provides affordable homes to those on very low earnings. Intermediate affordable housing sits between the price of market housing and the price of social rented affordable housing.


Further to this, it was requested that the terminology of affordable housing be provided in the HDP draft document.


Land Banking - In responding to a query on whether the HDP draft document reflected the Independent Review of Build out Rates Report – Letwin Review, the Panel were informed that policy changes would be carried out through National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and National Planning Practice Guidance changes (NPPG).


Delivery of Greenfield & Brownfield permissions – in responding to a query in regard to the permissions granted on greenfield land in 2016, and these being almost equal to those on brownfield land, officers confirmed this was due to the number of appeal losses on safeguarded greenfield sites, and not having a 5 year housing land supply or up to date plan. The Council is now in a stronger position to resist such speculative greenfield developments.



a)  To note the contents of the report and discussions held at the meeting;

b)  To note the contents of the HDP document (attached at Appendix 1 of the submitted report);

c)  To note the work planned to review viability issues, as an addition to the work schedule and that this be brought to a future DPP meeting;

d)  To request that the information outlined in the minutes, be actioned.


Supporting documents: