Agenda item



The report of the Chief Planning Officer is for proposed student residential accommodation development Santander UK PLC Merrion Court 44 Merrion Street Leeds


(Report attached)


The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which set out details of a

pre-allocation proposal for multi-level student residential accommodation development with ground floor commercial space on the site of 44 Merrion Street, Leeds LS2 8LW.


Members visited the site prior to the meeting. Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  Site / location / context

·  Situated within an emerging cluster of tall buildings in the Arena area

·  The existing building is a redundant office block

·  The proposal is to demolish the existing building and construct a multi-storey student residential accommodation 33 storey’s in height stepping down to 10 and 5 storey’s

·  A mix of cluster and studio apartments (545 bed spaces)

·  Materials – the building podium to utilise an expressed masonry frame, the tower element to be extensively glazed in clear fritted glass

·  Double height ground floor frontage with retail space

·  Servicing area to be located to the rear of the building, accessed from Merrion Place. Two disabled parking spaces located in same area

·  Public realm and connecting corridors, high quality landscaping scheme including green walls and planters.

·  Aspiration to reduce dominance of the highway along Merrion Street, potentially narrowing the carriageway; reducing or relocating the taxi rank and decluttering street furniture


Members raised the following questions:


·  Members welcomed the tower element of the building but one Member queried the design of the podium section suggesting the masonry frame was not quite right

·  In terms of vehicular movements, Merrion Street is very busy, how do you intend to make it safer for pedestrians

·  What are the proposals for energy and carbon reduction measures

·  What is the rationale for the height of the building

·  Had St John’s Church been consulted about the proposed development

·  Was there any cycle storage included within the scheme

·  Regarding the aspiration to improve Merrion Street would this include space for bus and taxi provision

·  Where would taxis pick up and drop off, as there was still a need for taxi provision irrespective of any start and end of term ‘drop off’ provision

·  Students need to mix and socialise, what communal facilities are proposed

·  When would guidance for student space standards be provided

·  How many lifts will be provided within the development and will these stop on each floor

·  How will occupants be protected from road noise and pollution, given the proximity to the public highway

·  What are the proposals for Merrion Place

·  What is proposed for Fairfax House

·  How will resident safety be ensured


In responding to the issues raised, the applicant’s representatives said:


·  The architect suggested there needed to be contrast between the different elements of the building through a series of textures and the use of different materials was aimed to achieve this, but unfortunately the textured detailing was not showing-up prominently on the displayed CGIs.

·  Hopefully, in the not too distant future, the volume of traffic on Merrion Street may change in light of alterations to traffic flows and routes in other areas of the City Centre. If this is achieved, the carriageway could be narrowed and the taxi rank and pedestrian crossing may be re-located.  The applicant is in ongoing discussions with officers on such matters

·  The development as a whole is to be “lean, clean and green”, with a fabric-first approach being adopted for energy and carbon reduction

·  Mechanical and natural ventilation methods will be used, but the architect said there was an intention to connect to Phase 2 of the Leeds Heat Network and photovoltaic cells would be located on the roof 

·  The height of the building (33 storey’s) gives a ratio of 1:4 for height versus footprint, which is the same ratio as St John’s Church and therefore seeks to actively reflect its heritage setting by providing a visual counterpoint to the church. Although there was a context of tall buildings immediately to the north the height and location of the tower was also determined by the requirement to  not over-dominate the nearby Symons House

·  There is the aim to ensure that the development works commercially, but while keeping the footprint tight and not undermining the amenity of use for those at nearby Symons House

·  It was reported that St John’s Church had been consulted, there were no concerns about the scale and massing but drainage and the potential increase in groundwater had been identified as a potential concern. The Church Trust sees the potential increase in footfall through Merrion Gardens as a positive aspect to counteract anti-social behaviour within the Gardens.

·  The applicant expressed its ongoing intention to work actively with St John’s Church, understanding the importance of the building, its significant and how it interacts with its surroundings.  Meetings were to be held in subsequent weeks with Historic England and Leeds Civic Trust to further this work and understanding. 

·  It was confirmed that LCC officers had been consulted and involved in relation to the conservation and heritage-impact elements of the scheme throughout the process to date

·  It was confirmed that storage space for 145 cycles would be provided

·  The applicant confirmed that dialogue was currently ongoing about provision of the current taxi and bus facilities on Merrion Street, with there being no intention to remove the ranks on Merrion Street entirely but different options also being considered.

·   Merrion Place would be the access point to the NE corner of the site which would provide the taxi pick-up and drop-off facility for the development

·  Merrion Place is outside the application boundary, but ongoing discussions were underway regarding possibilities to pedestrianise the area and create a useable public space

·  There will be 3 no. lifts in the main tower and 2 no. lifts in the podium building, which will go to all floors and be of a good size

·  There is a commitment from the applicant to declutter the environment surrounding the building, creating clear pedestrian routes with better lighting and areas of natural surveillance, so as to ensure the space is useable, safe and welcoming

·  Air quality and noise reduction for residents to ensure a good standard of amenity is currently being assessed and considered

·  The architect said there would be a large number of communal areas including roof gardens, cafés at ground floor level and communal spaces within the upper floors of the buildings.

·  It was confirmed that the Council intends to provide supplementary planning guidance on student space standards

·  An application has recently been received to convert Fairfax House into residential use pursuant to national permitted development rights.


In offering comments Members raised the following issues:


·  The majority of Members welcome the scheme suggesting it was a really strong proposal

·  Members were of the view that the height, scale and massing were acceptable

·  One Member suggested more work was required on the design of the podium

·  Further consideration of the greenspace/ landscaping was required


In offering comments on the officers’ questions in the report:


·  Members were of the view that the loss of office accommodation and proposed use of the site for student accommodation was acceptable in principle

·  Subject to the receipt of detailed proposals, Members were supportive in principle to the approach towards living conditions for student accommodation

·  Members were of the view that the proposed mass and form of the development and its relationship with the surrounding context was acceptable


The Chair thanked the developers for their attendance and presentation suggesting that Members appeared to be generally supportive of the development.




(i)  To note the details contained in the pre-application presentation


(ii)  That the developers be thanked for their attendance and presentation.


Supporting documents: