Agenda item

Application 19/03125/FU - Demolition of existing dwelling and ancillary/domestic outbuildings and replacement with four dwellings, with layout, access and servicing at Farfield House, Wetherby Road, Bramham, LS23 6LH

The report of the Chief Planning Officer requested Members consideration on an application for the demolition of existing dwelling and ancillary/domestic outbuildings and replacement with four dwellings, with layout, access and servicing at Farfield House, Wetherby Road, Bramham, LS23 6LH


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer set out an application for the demolition of existing dwelling and ancillary/domestic outbuildings and replacement with four dwellings, with layout, access and servicing at Farfield House, Wetherby Road, Bramham, LS23 6LH.


Members had attended a site visit earlier in the day. Photos and plans were shown throughout the presentation.


Members’ were informed of the following points:

·  Access to the site is not within the Green Belt whereas the rest if the site is;

·  The farm was a family dwelling which is now vacant and has fallen into disrepair with windows smashed. The farm has had a number of extensions over the years;

·  The plot is close to the village of Bramham and a Public Rights of Way;

·  The proposal is for 4 dwellings 2x 2 bed dwellings and 2x 3 bed dwellings of one and a half storeys. The dwellings would be constructed of traditional materials for the area of Bramham;

·  The proposed access drive would have two passing bays;

·  Each dwelling would have a driveway with parking;

·  Sheds to be provided to each rear garden;

·  Improved landscaping to the west side of the motorway and north side of fields.


Members’ attention was drawn to paragraph 54 of the submitted report which provided a number of positive aspects attached to the development.


There were no objections in relation to this application. However, at the invitation of the Chair the agent and Cllr. Lamb attended the meeting to answer any questions posed by the Panel.


The Panel were provided with the following information in response to their questions and comments:

·  This is a low key environment private drive and a third passing place would be rejected. However, consideration could be given to move one of the proposed passing places closer to the bend to assist with visibility;

·  Mitigation of noise from nearby major roads will be part of considerations at reserved matters;

·  Nature Officer to be consulted on any changes proposed to landscaping; including appropriate development of the area and species to be used. It was noted that the Council has had a trained ecologist officer for a number of years and also tree and landscape architects who are consulted with in relation to proposed developments;

·  A previous scheme on this site had been dismissed. It was noted that there was a marked difference between that scheme and this scheme as presented;


The agent for the development said that Policy EN1 and EN2 would be considered although they are not a requirement as yet. The agent also told the Panel that engagement had taken place with the Parish Council and the Community.


Cllr. Lamb gave his thanks to the agent and the developers for their consultation with the community.


It was noted that the passing places on the access drive would be in place prior to commencement for the use of construction vehicles.


The Planning Officer in his summary informed Members that the Nature Officer would be consulted on any bio-diversity plan submitted and that this would be included as a separate condition. The agent had said that consideration of EN1 and EN2 would be given for a sustainability plan and this would need to be approved.


Members were advised that condition 9 in relation to provision and maintenance of a scheme of sustainable drainage as set out in the submitted report may not be required as the site may drain naturally.


RESOLVED – To grant permission as set out in the submitted report subject to the following amendments:

·  Amend condition 9 in respect of the provision of Sustainable Drainage (SD) Management and Maintenance Plan to only require those plans in the event that they are necessary.

·  Impose conditions requiring the submission of details in respect of bio-diversity enhancement.


Supporting documents: