Agenda item

Application 20/02494/OT Outline planning application for a residential development (C3) with all matters reserved with the exception of access. Land Off The Rowans, Wetherby.

The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an Outline planning application for a residential development (C3) with all matters reserved with the exception of access, at land off The Rowans, Wetherby.


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an outline planning application for a residential development (C3) with all matters reserved except for access at Land off The Rowans, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 5EB.


Slides and photographs were shown throughout the presentation.


Members were provided with the following information:

·  Another objection had been received from 22 The Rowans;

·  The Highways Team had requested a £10K contribution to highway improvements – most specifically towards parking restrictions along York Road;

·  The application was for a residential development with all matters reserved except the access;

·  The application site is a parcel of land off The Rowans in Wetherby;

·  The site is open countryside safeguarded by Rural Land policy RL1 within the Unitary Development Plan (UDP);

·  The application was brought to Panel by local ward members who raised concerns in relation to highway safety and flood risk;

·  The site is currently vacant and separate to a main development near the Wetherby flyover. The site is located in flood zone 2 and slightly in flood zone 3;

·  The Highways Team had requested a £10K contribution to highway improvements – most specifically towards parking restrictions along York Road;

·  Access would be improved with a road surface suitable for adoption from York Road, with a 20mph speed limit, with the addition of bus stops on York Road. It was noted that Highways had no objections to the proposals;

·  The Highways Team had requested a £10K contribution to highway improvements – most specifically towards parking restrictions along York Road;

·  Wetherby already has two major development sites which will see 1,100 homes to be built at Race Course Approach and those already built at Spofforth Hill when all finished would increase the population of Wetherby by a third;

·  The site is close to the Wetherby Young Offenders facility which has many staff and visitors, who park on the small lane and road close by;

·  There are clear highway safety issues, with concerns regarding traffic exceeding the speed limit already on surrounding roads and a poor access road;

·  There are no linkages from the proposed sites to the other sites, the only access would be along the main road where there is only footfall to one side. There had been a conflict in the Officer Report regarding access and connectivity;

·  It was noted that Taylor-Wimpey had an interest in land adjacent to the site which had previously been the site of a car wash. This land could be developed for 60 houses and was not on a flood zone;

·  Members were advised that Wetherby does need more affordable housing, particularly houses for the elderly and first-time buyers, but a pragmatic approach was required and this proposal is not believed to comprise sustainable development.


Members’ were advised of the following by Planning Officers to clarify on points raised by the speakers:

·  This application was for 9 houses which falls under the number required for the applicant to provide affordable housing. Conditions could be added should the developer increase the number of dwellings on the site, such that policy requirements would be imposed / secured if required if the 9-dwelling threshold is exceeded;

·  Differences between Flood zones and flood plains was explained;

·  The car wash had been in separate ownership;

·  Taylor-Wimpey had outline planning permission subject to legal agreement. The pre-application submission was with local groups for consultation but had been endorsed by Coty Plans Panel.


Members’ discussions included:

·  The Neighbourhood Plan;

·  Connectivity from the site to Wetherby;

·  The nearest school to the site and when the proposed new school would be operational;

·  Accidents on the main roads near to the proposed sites. It was noted that the Police are looking at the speed of the road after a fatal accident.


The applicant’s agent Lucy Stephenson was in attendance at the meeting along with Stuart Baker who was attending to answer any technical questions.


Members were provided with the following information:

·  The application proposes a circa of 9 residential low carbon eco homes;

·  The site is not in Green Belt and is poor against rural land and is more of a windfall site, but windfall sites do contribute to assisting housing delivery (in the outer areas particularly);

·  The site was discounted from the SAP as an allocated site as it was the Council’s approach in the initial consideration of sites to discount those which fell in a flood risk zone and this was a consistent approach in analysing sites throughout the city region. This does not mean such a site is not suitable for development, but that it was left to any prospective applicant to undertake flood risk assessment work and establish a site as being suitable for development;

·  Work to assess flood risks has been undertaken;

·  The majority of the site is in flood zone 2, but this does not preclude development taking place on this type of site;

·  Access would be improved to adoptable road standard;

·  This site enhances the links between other sites in the area.


Responding to questions from Members the Panel were informed of the following points:

·  Noted that Taylor-Wimpey would not consider a site of this size, it is too small;

·  The application proposes a circa of 9 residential low carbon eco homes and this number proposed had arisen after much discussion with officers, alongside taking into account site constraints and flood risk matters.  It was not envisaged there would be much change to the density proposed when the reserved matters application comes forward, but the applicant would be content to accept a condition bringing in relevant policy obligations / requirements if the 9-unit threshold is surpassed;

·  An access point further along the main road was used by the Young Offenders facility, so not suitable for use as an access point to the site;

·  Highways have not objected on grounds of highway safety to the development proposal, with the existing proposed access point giving the safest and most remote point away from the flyover to access the site that can be achieved;

·  The low carbon eco homes would provisionally feature; reduced energy demand; specialist build fabric; electric vehicle charging points; design to maximise daylight and energy efficiency; cycle parking etc;

·  Negotiations in relation to bio diversity would see tree planting and general green area, and an off-site contribution. It was noted that there is a proposal for a wild flower meadow and for green roofs to the garages;

·  There has been no flood risk modelling beyond identification of the relevant flood risk zones, as this was not required. The Sandbeck now runs from the Racecourse, along York Road, past the Youth Offenders facility then through the Tayor-Wimpey site. Most of the houses on this proposed site would be within flood zone 2, with a 1 in 1000 year chance of flooding. It was noted that the site has constraints of how many dwellings can be developed on this site due to the flood zones;

·  The Neighbourhood Plan is a material consideration and has been given significant weight in consideration of this site;

·  The context of the wider area is changing considerably, particularly with other neighbouring developments coming forward.  This site has to be looked considered taking that into account, as there is resultantly going to be a strong residential feel to the area and it will become ever-more domestic (rather than rural) in nature;

·  Local schools within walking distance of the proposed site with a 12 minute walk to the primary school and a 12-15 minute walk to the high school;

·  A full explanation of biodiversity requirements and considerations was provided by Richard Marsh, Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Officer, relating to biodiversity matters which will require further consideration by Members at the point of the reserved matters application;

·  Insurers of future occupiers would have regard to the processes that planners had taken to mitigate against flooding;

·  Discussions were required to take place with the Youth Offenders facility to advise them of the proposed development.


RESOLVED – To defer and delegate approval of the planning application to officers in accordance with the recommendation and subject to the following amendments:


·  The Sec.106 Agreement to include a clause requiring a financial contribution to deliver parking restrictions on York Road.

·  A condition to be added to the permission to restrict the planning permission to no more than 9 dwellings.


In addition, the issue of parking on York Road associated with The Young Offenders Institute to be raised with the Travel Plan team and colleagues in traffic engineering to be contacted as to whether they are considering development of a more comprehensive approach in the area.

Supporting documents: