The report of the Chief Planning Officer outlines the approach to accessible housing standards in Leeds, the Government’s consultation proposals and the Council’s proposed response to the consultation. The report seeks Members’ views on the proposed response.
(Report attached)
The report of the Chief Planning Officer outlined the approach to accessible housing in Leeds, the Government’s consultation proposals and the Council’s response to the consultation.
The consultation paper seeks views on how to raise the accessibility of new homes, in order to meet Government’s objective to ensure that there is enough suitable housing where it is needed. 5 broad policy options have been developed, and range from waiting to see the full impact of recent planning policy changes, to mandating higher standards at a national level.
Appended to the submitted report included the Draft Council Response.
The 5 policy options are outlined as follows:
· Option 1 – Consider how recently revised planning policy on the use of optional technical standards impacts on delivery of accessible housing.
· Option 2 – To mandate the current M4(2) requirement on Building Regulations as a minimum standard for all new homes, with M4(1) applying by exception only where M4(2) is impractical and unachievable. M4(3) would apply where there is a local planning policy in place in which a need has been identified and evidenced.
· Option 3 – Remove M4(1) altogether, so that all new homes will have to at least have the accessible and adaptable features of an M4(2) home, M4(3) would apply where there is a local planning policy in place in which a need has been identified and evidenced. This would mean no new homes could be built as M4(1).
· Option 4 – To mandate the current M4(2) requirement in Building Regulations as a minimum standard for all new homes with M4(1) applying be exception only, a set percentage for M4(3) homes would also need to be applied in all areas. So rather than local authorities setting a local planning policy for the provision of M4(3), a defined and constant percentage would apply to all new housing.
· Option 5 – Change the content of the mandatory technical standard. This could be done by upgrading the statutory guidance to create a revised M4(1) minimum standard. This revised standard could be pitched between existing requirements of M4(1) and M4(2), adding more accessible features into the minimum standard.
The Senior Planner (City Development) introduced the report, informing Members that the Government’s consultation deadline was 1st December and therefore a response has already been submitted. It was confirmed that following comments from the Panel, a final response will be sent to MHCLG.
Discussion focused on the 5 Policy Options (as outlined above), and the key considerations. It was noted that the Council’s proposed response to the consultation document concludes that Policy Option 4 is the most preferable as it will significantly boost the delivery of accessible housing at a national scale.
The Panel discussed the following matters:
· Concerns in relation to achieving viability and potential loss of greenspace and affordable housing contributions. It was noted that general viability concerns had been addressed through the Planning White Paper;
· Clarity on how the set percentage will be achieved – it was confirmed that this would be nationally set from Government and whilst the current requirement for Leeds was 2%, there was potential for this to increase subject to viability and the outcome of the Government;
· Concerns in relation to M4(1) and developers using this as a minimum standard – it was confirmed that M4(1) would be used as a fall back subject to M4(2) not being viable, and provided a basic level of accessibility. In addition to this, the Head of Strategic Planning explained the response to Government will be amended to include concerns expressed by Members, and whether the Government can suggest any remedies, that may involve Local Authorities being clear on exceptional circumstances when M4(1) is accepted.
a) To note the contents of the report and related discussions during the meeting;
b) To note Leeds City Council’s consultation response, with the inclusion of Members concerns in relation to M4(1) and the preferred Policy Option being Option 4.
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