Agenda item

Social media and email campaigns - Andrew Holroyd

How we engage with residents


AH explained his role within the Information Team. AH told the panel about how social media such as Facebook and Twitter is used by the team to share news and important information quickly and effectively to a broad range of tenants. Using a variety of platforms ensures the widest reach and allows for maximum engagement with tenants who able to comment and give their own opinions on a post.


It has been identified that frequent social media posts increase the feelings of engagement between tenants and council services, and staff are being encouraged to post and promote more positive work in the community. Examples of posts include signposting to services and useful links, as well as corporate messages. JG asked what is meant by corporate messages, AH responded it includes messages from the government and the NHS about coronavirus and other important citywide issues. Further messages have included warnings about tenants being targeted by disrepair campaigns which are often detrimental to tenants.


As well as social media, regular monthly emails are used to share information to around 30,000 tenants with an email address.  It can be identified how many emails are opened as well as which links are clicked, which is useful to identify topics of interest and how best to format emails, what time of day to send etc. Emails are also used to share specific messages in particular areas of Leeds if needed.


Letters and leaflets are used to target specific areas or blocks as was done with the high rise engagement project which contained information specific to that block. Posters are also used and can be placed on noticeboards to attract attention in a more visual manner which can be an effective way to convey information across a language barrier. This method has been used to communicate the safer use of lifts during COVID-19.  Information has also been sent with quarterly rent statements for example, letting people know about ways to resolve and manage condensation. The annual report is published annually, in digital formats, and has been adapted to be more concise and visually appealing to increase engagement.


JG asked if all tenants receive digital communications, AH replied that digital communications cannot be sent if an email address or mobile phone number has not been supplied, however options are considered to ensure communications reach as far as possible. AH noted that emails have a high level of engagement according to the statistics of the number that are opened.


JG asked if there is ever any sensitive information that is posted online and if there are any mechanisms to prevent it. RD replied there is a disclaimer advising people not to post any sensitive data, but it is rare that anyone does this as most social media users are aware of the risks of doing so and the team will then encourage direct communication to be able to take a query forward.


SB asked how social media feedback is collated, AH replied that feedback is gathered and shared with services where appropriate, and that all feedback is used to improve services in the same way as feedback by any other means.


JG thanked AH for his presentation.