Agenda item

20/05669/RM – Application for reserved matters approval (appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale) for 150 dwellings pursuant to planning permission 15/05484/OT at Land off Church Lane, Micklefield, Leeds.

The report of the Chief Planning Officer sets out an application for reserved matters approval (appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale) for 150 dwellings pursuant to planning permission 15/05484/OT at Land off Church Lane, Micklefield, Leeds.


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for reserved matters approval (appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale) for 150 dwellings pursuant to planning permission 15/05484/OT at Land off Church Lane, Micklefield, Leeds.


This application had been presented to the Plans Panel on 18th March 2021, but was deferred due to concerns in relation to the density on the site.


Members were advised of the following points:

  • The applicant had agreed to reduce the number of units from 163 units to 150 units;
  • Members were shown revised layout plans. Members heard that new site notices had been posted and consultation was ongoing with the local ward members and the community with the deadline for comments being 15th April. Acknowledgment of the revised plans had been received from Cllr Lewis with Cllr Harland included in the acknowledgement. It was noted that no comments had been made. The Parish Council had also acknowledged the revised plans and were positive about the changes that had been made but had flagged an issue which related to the link route through to Churchville Terrace, which had been moved slightly, and an objection had been received from the resident at 27 Churchville Terrace as the new link route utilised his driveway. This had been an omission and it was now proposed to widen the defer and delegate recommendation to allow for this issue to be revisited. Essentially the route would be  moved westwards so that there was no direct impact on neighbours driveway;
  •  Chimneys had been added to all the houses along Church Lane frontage;
  • Affordable houses had been reduced by 2 units but was still within policy;
  • The same amount of green space would be available. There had been an over provision before the revision to reduce the density;
  • Community Infrastructure Levy had been reduced to £835,339.34.


There were no speakers for this item on this occasion.


Responding to questions from Members, officers provided the following information:

·  The consultation period for the site notices was due to close on the evening of the 15th April. It was noted that should any significant new issues which had not been heard before be raised, these would be reported back to the Plans Panel;

·  The housing mix had been discussed at the meeting held in March, and it had been noted that the applicant had been in discussion with a registered provider in the area. The mix of Affordable housing was based on the need within the area;

o  6 x 3 Bed units;

o  13 x 2 Bed units;

o  4 x 1 bed apartments;

·  Conditions 3 and 4 in relation to permitted rights development related to the properties along the southern boundary. Should owners wish to extend these properties in the future they would have to seek permission through a planning application. It was noted that none of these properties were affordable units;

·  It was noted that the recommendation would be slightly modified to allow for the inclusion a revised plan to address with the link route through to Chuchville Terrace.


Members’ discussions included:

  • Members appreciated that the developers had agreed to reduce the number of dwellings on the site;
  • The plan was much improved for the residents in the area;


The Chair was of the view that it was right for the Members to raise concerns about the density and the contribution that they had made to this development.


RESOLVED – To defer and delegate reserved matters approval to the Chief Planning Officer, subject to expiry of the revised publicity period and no significant new issues being raised and an acceptable revised plan being provided in respect to Churchville Terrace link and subject to the conditions specified in the submitted report.



Supporting documents: