To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a pre-application for the construction of a replacement Wellbeing Centre building and wider site improvements at Fearnville Leisure Centre and park, Oakwood Lane, LS8 3LF.
The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented a pre-application presentation to inform Members of the proposals for the construction of a replacement Wellbeing Centre building and wider site improvements at Fearnville Leisure Centre and park, Oakwood Lane, LS8 3LF.
Members were shown slides and photographs throughout the officer presentation.
Officers in attendance presented the application, providing the following information to the Panel:
· Highways have raised no objections, further information is required on the transport assessment, travel plan and cycling provision.
· An overview of the site history.
· The site as existing include facilities that have been run down over time and current proposals include play areas, skate park, BMX track, tennis courts and wider playing fields with biodiversity improvements across the site.
· The Wellbeing Centre is placed in the middle of the site.
· There are a number of activity stations proposed through the site.
· Improved surveillance.
· The car park will be extended to account for the increase in capacity and the existing footpath through the site will be retained and enhanced. A separate cycle route will run alongside the footpath to the North.
· Creating more prominence from the site area and considerations around signage and making people aware of the facilities onsite.
· An overview of the public consultations held, and comments received.
· Members were shown a number of photographs of the proposals, including some examples of the play areas, building layout, internal sketches and facilities.
Councillor S Arif attended the meeting and highlighted the positive benefits of the Wellbeing Centre and explained that this will be a much-welcomed proposal for the community that will benefit the whole of East Leeds. Whilst it was welcomed, Councillor Arif urged that transport links and access to the site must be right from different parts of Leeds. Finally, it was acknowledged that some of the highest health inequalities are residents from East Leeds, particularly Inner East areas, and it was noted that this proposal will improve inequalities.
Members comments included:
· Fearnville Leisure Centre is one of the oldest sports centres in Leeds and the development will promote a positive outcome for residents in the area.
· To include effective functional gym equipment.
· Discussion of how anti-social behaviour could be designed out of the site.
· Accessibility and transport to the site needs to be thought through.
· Important to address existing health inequalities.
· Members were generally supportive of the proposals and were keen to see the development go ahead.
The following points were summarised in relation to officers’ questions in the report:
Question 1. Do Members consider the proposed siting of the new Wellbeing Centre to be acceptable? Yes.
Question 2. Are Members supportive of the emerging design for the building? Yes.
Question 3. Do Members have any comments on the accessibility arrangements for the site? Members broadly provided general support for the scheme and considered the proposal a good facility for residents and the surrounding communities.
Members unanimously agreed that future considerations relating to this proposal, will be agreed by officers in the future rather than coming back to Plans Panel in the future.
a) To note the contents of the report on the proposal and provide general support across the Panel to progress the application.
b) To agree that future considerations of the proposal will be considered by officers and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for consideration.
Supporting documents: