Agenda item

Performance Update - Adult Social Care, Public Health and Active Lifestyles

To receive a joint report from the Directors of Adults and Health, Public Health and City Development which provides an overview of outcomes and service performance related to the council and city priorities within the Scrutiny Board’s remit.



The joint report from the Directors of Adults and Health, Public Health and City Development provided an overview of outcomes and service performance related to the council and city priorities within the Scrutiny Board’s remit.


The following were in attendance for this item:


·  Cllr Fiona Venner, Executive Member for Adult and Children’s Social Care and Health Partnerships

·  Cllr Salma Arif, Executive Member for Public Health and Active Lifestyles

·  Cath Roff, Director of Adults and Health

·  Victoria Eaton, Director of Public Health

·  Shona McFarlane, Deputy Director Social Work and Social Care Service

·  Tim Fielding, Deputy Director of Public Health 

·  Phil Evans, Chief Officer, Operations and Active Leeds

·  Steve Baker, Head of Active Leeds

·  Mike Eakins, Acting Head of Intelligence and Policy

·  Rob Wood, Intelligence & Policy Manager, Adults and Health


The Chair explained that there are three distinct sections within the report which include Public Health; Adult Social Care; and Active Lifestyles.  It was therefore proposed that the Board considers these in turn to help structure the discussion.


The Executive Member for Public Health and Active Lifestyles was then invited to provide any introductory comments linked to those service areas that relate to Active Lifestyles.  In doing so it was highlighted that activity levels are starting to recover following large drops caused by the pandemic and Leeds now has the lowest inactivity rate within the Yorkshire & Humber region (it was noted that the wording within the agenda report had incorrectly referenced North Yorkshire).  It was also highlighted that Leeds is second compared to all Core Cities, only behind Bristol which records an inactivity rating of 20.7% and is substantially lower than the National (27.2%), regional (28.4%) and core cities (26.6%).  It was noted that the Physical Activity Ambition aims to reduce barriers to activity particularly in less affluent communities.


The Executive Member for Public Health and Active Lifestyles then provided the Board with an overview of performance relating to Public Health. Particular attention was drawn to the emerging evidence on the effects of the pandemic which has led to a small decrease in life expectancy across all groups in the city which does reflect trends nationally over the same period and so this will be monitored closely.  A number of key positive areas were also highlighted, including a sustained high performance of NHS health checks; the completion of drug and alcohol treatment; an increase in breastfeeding rates at 6-8 weeks; and improved physical activity rates as noted as part of Active Lifestyles remit too.  With regard to addressing health inequalities, it was noted that public health measures would also be closely linked to the Marmot City work.


The Executive Member for Adult and Children’s Social Care and Health Partnerships provided the Board with an overview of performance for Adult Social Care.  It was highlighted that Adult Social Care continues to experience increased demand across all elements of the service which alongside capacity pressures, including staffing challenges, is impacting on measures relating to service delivery and timeliness.  In recognition of the significant challenges facing the sector nationally, it was noted that the Leeds position is reflective of the national picture.  However, the Executive Member was very pleased to report that Leeds continues to perform well in terms of service users feeling safe when utilising local social care services.


The following points were also raised during the Board’s consideration of the report:

o  Public Health

·  The Board acknowledged the work being undertaken as part of the Leeds Food Strategy 2022-2030 and particularly emphasised the importance of addressing food deserts and making nutritious foods more financially accessible for everyone in helping to promote healthy eating options.

o  Active Lifestyles

·  The Board emphasised the important role that Councillors can play in helping to promote existing initiatives aimed at improving physical activity levels and linked to this, it was highlighted that briefings will soon be made available to ward members regarding low cost, community activities for the most vulnerable and economically disadvantaged people.

·  Members were advised that the recent increases in prices for council owned leisure centres and gyms had been minimised as much as possible given the existing challenges associated with the cost of living crisis.

·  The Board discussed the prevalence of obesity and particularly noted that while obesity levels in reception aged children have seen significant improvement, the obesity rates for Year 6 children are statistically significantly higher than before the pandemic. Members were assured that there is a continued focus around reducing the prevalence of obesity closely linked to the Healthy Weight Declaration work which is targeted at both adults and children.

·  The Board discussed the value of parks and green spaces in terms of providing free and accessible spaces that will help promote physical activity.  Linked to this, a Member of the Board made reference to the proposed introduction of car parking charges at relevant parks and attractions and the potential impact this could have around accessibility.  The Executive Member for Public Health and Active Lifestyles highlighted that this particular proposal is subject to consultation and that the feedback from this will therefore be taken into account. Members were also informed that one of the key streams of activity being led by Active Leeds is around the promotion of active travel in terms of encouraging more individuals to also walk and cycle to local parks and green spaces.

·  Some concern was outlined regarding the costs associated with taking part in the Leeds Marathon that is planned for May 2023. While Members were advised that the council has more of a facilitating role, the Chief Officer Operations and Active Leeds committed to relay such concerns around the barrier of costs to the organiser and to provide a written response via the Chair of the Scrutiny Board.

RESOLVED – That the contents of the report, along with members comments be noted.


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